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Results matching “freemasonry”


The Crucifixion of David Irving

Attachments area million Gentiles died in World War 2. It was a veritable Gentile holocaust. Six million antisemites (Nazis) died. Zionists engineered the holocaust to force Jews to establish Israel. Zionists use it for political gain, which is why many people deny it even happened. They think the Nazis so

Oct 10 - Assimilated Jews Must Say "Include Me Out"

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comCabalist Jews (and Freemasons) are the enemies of the human race. Assimilated Jews do not understand that Judaism is defined by Cabalism which is Satanism. They don't understand that Judaism is a conspiracy against God and Man.  Gaza and Ukraine are both charades designed to start

Makow -- Organized Jewry's Business Model is Theft

    (Jewish predators. Yukos Board, 2003. Judaism is defined by Cabalism which is Satanic. Cabalism is Communism.)       I repost this again because we need constant reminders of the big picture. The business model of Organized Jewry is parasitism, feeding off and killing the host, the

Oct 9 - Organized Jewry Fears Humanity is Escaping Mind Prison

(Please send links and comments to Gaslighting the goyim is the essence of Jewish cabalism (Freemasonry.) Makow - The importance of objectivity was drilled into me when I was a newwspaper reporter back in the 1970's. I never thought I'd see the day when the press would betray its sacred

Oct 7 - You are Servants of the "Jews"

Chabad's Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson has replaced Jesus ChristWhen Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, it sold the American people into slavery. Congress gave the national credit card to Masonic Jewish bankers who use it to extend their credit monopoly into a satanic monopoly over literally everything: wealth,

Oct 6 - Edging Toward Apocalypse

Please send links and comments to Politics today is a charade carried out between two branches of Freemasonry (rent boys for Organized Jewry) - Woke Communism (Left) and nationalist Zionism (Right.) It is a disgrace that "democratic" nations cannot pursue their self-interest unless they also support Zionist genocide.  The goal

"Brotherhood of the Bell" Exposed Masonic Control

It's a conspiracy!Hitler, Roosevelt, Stalin and Churchillwere all Freemasons.  So are Trump, Obama,Harris and the Clintons. So are Starmer, Macron,Trudeau and Putin.A 1970 made-for-TV movie is the onlydrama to properly describe how the Illuminati Jewish banksters have used Freemasonry to turn humanity over to Satan. They control information and discourseso we don't even

Oct 2 - Helene, Port Strike Help Demonrats Destroy America

(Left, official logo of the 2020 DNC convention which nominated Biden. "Death- satanic star of Baphomet - to America") Flooding CATASTROPHE across rural America as Biden and Harris IGNORE mass suffering and devastation many people in the Inland States actually have flood insurance or hurricane insurance?? Also, property damage insurance

John Coleman - Our Tavistock "Truman Show"

(left, In The Truman Show, the hero discovered that he lived in a false reality constructed for him)Like Truman Burbank in The Truman Show, we live in a reality show consisting of actors and facades like a Western movie set. These facades -- democracy, wars, plandemics -- are designed to hide

Makow - How to Tell If You're an Antisemite

(If you find the murder of civilians, including children, reprehensible, you may be an antisemite.)Zionists attribute criticism of Jewish supremacism to "antisemitism." Here are more signs that you may have been infected by this irrational hatred:If you have ordinary human compassion, you may be antisemitic.If you hate to see

Rothschilds Murdered at least Seven US Presidents

The Rothschilds have a habit of murdering Presidents who don't follow their orders."The bane of our civil institutions is to be found in Masonry, already powerful and daily becoming more so. I owe to my country an exposure of its dangers." - Captain William Morgan, murdered Sept 11, 1826 (from June

Satanist Bankers Seek to Enslave Humanity

(l. Klaws Swab's WEF is a front for the Rothschild central banking cartel)The "State" is a front for the Masonic Jewish central bankers who own its "debt."  In 1938, Illuminati insider Chaim Rakovsky told his NKVD interrogator that the bankers created the Communist state as a "machine of total power" unprecedented in
Please send urls and comments to hmakow@gmail.comWorld wars are fought between the Zionist and Communist wings of Freemasonry to destroy Western civilization and kill goyim and assimilated Jews. The West is ignoring Russia's threat to use tactical nuclear weapons. This threat is an unnecessary escalation since Russia certainly could get

Trump Is Israel's Savior

 This news item today reminded me of the article below, "Hitler was a Godsend for Israel" . Trump: 'If I lose election, Jewish people will 'have a lot to do with' itGOP nominee fumes most Jews back Harris, intensifies warning of Israel's annihilation to 'within 2 years' if she wins,

Sept 18 - Uniforms Dehumanize Soldiers & Horror of War

(Please send links and comments to  "ISRAEL: The IDF announced that four soldiers were killed in a booby-trapped building in southern Gaza on Tuesday: Capt. Daniel Mimon Toaff, 23, Staff Sergeant Agam Naim, 20, Staff Sergeant Amit Bakri, 21, and Staff Sergeant Dotan Shimon, 21."Thousands of soldiers on both sides

Sept 17 - World Teeters on Brink of 3rd Judeo Masonic World War

Left- Masonic thumb-knuckle hand shake- Why am I the only one talking about Freemasonry?Satanist Western leaders wait for instructions from Rothschilds over whether to escalate Ukraine war. Like WW2, the WW3 charade pits the Fascists ( Nazis, Zionists) against Communists (Russia, China, Iran, Radical Islam) i.e. the two wings (Right-Left) of Jewish Freemasonry. We

Sept 11 - Makow- On Being a Skunk at the Jewish Garden Party

Why do I keep reminding people about the "Jewish Conspiracy?" It is boring and hateful! To remind people they are victims of a longterm occult campaign to enslave and kill them is considered 'hate," no matter how much evidence you provide. Especially if this campaign is identified with Organized Jewry, which

Universities are Freemason Brainwashing Machines

The mortarboard and black gown signify that, unwittingly, graduates have received a Masonic (satanic) indoctrination. A new school year has just started. As with politics and medicine, education has been unmasked. Humanity has been enslaved by Cabalism, a satanic cult.This colonization of the mind is now explicit, as seen in the limitationson free speech

Sept 9 - The Protocols of Zion are Genuine

Brother Nathaniel, born a Jew, confirms Protocols of Zion are genuineNathaniel says Protocol 8 contains the key:"God has granted to us, his Chosen People, the gift of dispersion which appears in all eyes to be our weakness but which has come forth all our strength, which has brought us

David Livingstone- MI-6 Created Hamas and Radical Islam

"The Globalists have had a hand in shaping and financing all the terrorist organizations of the twentieth century, including the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, the Hamas of Palestine, and the Afghan Mujahideen. But the history of their duplicity dates farther back still, to the eighteenth century, when British Freemasons created the

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