White cops and civilians wash black protesters feet, seek forgivenessOrganized Jewry has used the holocaust to put humanity in their perpetual debt. Guilt is a potent strategy to make people willingly forfeit their power and position to "victims and underdogs."They are now usingthis strategy put their black shillsin control. Don't fall
Results matching “freemasonry”
La Rete (The Network)Nationalists everywhere might do well to copy the "8-point program" and methods of La Rete (the network.)by Francesco Dotro(henrymakow.com)In May 2019, a major split occurred in Forza Nuova a Nationalist Party in Italy which was founded and led by Roberto Fiore. ... A new Party will be
Abortion clinic and strip parlors stay open while churches are shuttered. The Covid Hoax must be seen in the context of an ongoing Cabalist (Satanist) war against Christianity.Interestingly, I am not the only assimilated Jew who takes the side of Christianity. David Horowitz sounded the alarm in 2019 in
( Henry Ford's statement about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion 100 years ago is more relevant than ever.)Satanists (Organized Jewry and Freemasonry) intend to destroy the authentic American: White, Heterosexual, Christian. The fifth plank of the Communist Manifesto calls for a private (i.e. Rothschild) central bank. Society is under constant
Back in 2016, I was sitting in a Toronto coffee shop frequented by Jews and overheard a woman lecturing a toddler on the subject of Clinton- Good; Trump- bad." I don't know of another people sobrainwashed as my own. Cabalist Judaism is a satanic cult like its spawn Freemasonry. Only the initiated
(credit. David Dees)We are caught between two competing scenarios: 1) return to something resembling "normal" and 2) a descent into a dystopiaof mandatory vaccines and digital tattoos.By Henry Makow PhD 1) The stock market is betting on a V-shaped recovery. The #scamdemic will end with the flu season, lockdowns will end and normality
Chabad is a Jewish supremacist doomsday cult. Its hateful satanist dogma (Cabalism) might explain the coronavirus psyop. Freemasonry's Cabalist cousin, its tentacles are everywhere. This 2008 speech by Russia Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar, indicates that Chabad is sponsored by the Rothschilds & likely counts Putin and Trump as members.Revelation 12:9 "....that old
The Coronahoax is a psyop just like 9-11. 9-11 was a "Pearl Harbor" designed to clear the way for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. The Coronahoax also is geared toward political change.by Henry Makow PhD1. We let George Bush, the CIA & Mossad get away with murdering 3000 Americans on Sept. 11, 2001
"This short essay will not attempt to go into Freemasonry, but instead will cover their tracks through history; as they have left their finger-prints on the dates & times of events they have controlled, even to the details of the flight numbers of 9-11."By Eric Rainbolt(henrymakow.com)Nine-eleven occurred almost two
The implosion of the Boy Scouts of America is a microcosm for what has happened to society: the use of homosexuality to destroy an organizationthat once promoted masculine role models, values, companionship and wilderness skills. However the 2009 article below this update suggests that the Masons had targeted the BSA 100
Author of some 15 books on the Masonic Jewish Conspiracy, Texe Marrs did more than anyone to alert Americans to their true state of servitude.Thousands of Supporters Mourn the Passing of Texe MarrsBy Mark Anderson(henrymakow.com) It's always a solemn event when someone from the patriot community passes on to what one might call
Otto Wagener briefly headed the Nazi SA and was Hitler's constant companion from 1930-1932. Wagener's memoirs reveal that Hitler clearly understood the Masonic Jewish banking conspiracy yet chose to serve it. He attacked its appendage (the USSR) instead of its heart, the City of London. This is more evidence that Hitler was an Illuminati agent and false opposition."In the years 1931 and 1932, I accompanied Hitler
"Why is a "national" party deliberately seeking to destroy its own country? I surmise there is some outside influence that has bought the SNP and props up the government while these damaging policies are implemented. If this is the case, is it new, or has Scotland always been in the
The Illuminati instigated World War One to crushresistance to Masonic Jewishworld government ("globalism".) The two world wars were organized by the central banking cartelto destroy and demoralize the white nations where resistance toenslavement is greatest. Are they planning a third world war for this purpose? "Is not war already a revolutionary function? War? Since [1870] every
("Fuck Trump" says Robert De Niro)Whether it's Robert De Niro wishing Donald Trump ill or Hugh Grant condemning Brexit, most actors are globalists. Why? It's not just because Illuminati bankers control Hollywood. Actors are active collaborators in creating the false reality the Illuminati want us to inhabit. Actors are not bystanders in this process of
The Illuminati are Kabbalists (i.e.Satanists)Reader asks Michael Hoffman:Is the word "Satan" actually used? Can't find any translation online. Send me the Hebrew word.Hoffman: Evangelical Christians "worship their would-be executioners. This is diabolic disorientation....the ancient Zohar insinuates a certain urgency to the sacrifice of goyim that Israel must make to Satan..."by Michael Hoffman(henrymakow.com) The
"Bill Gates says a deadly flu epidemic is one of the biggest threats to humanity. It could kill nearly 33 million people in 6 months."History has been continuously littered with their serial patterning. Their symbols, and the over-use of 7, 11,13, and the triples, 21, 33, 39 are repetitively
In an article, Are There Any "Good Jews?" I suggested that the silent majorityof American Jews are opposed to organized Jewry and put the US beforeIsrael. My ex-friend Mark Glenn replied that he could not post a link because Jewish resistance is negligible. Below is his reply as well as his Nov. 2006 article, Judaism:
The Evil Symbol that Rules the WorldThe Hexagram has gained mastery over the human world. Practitioners might appear to be upright Jews, Catholics or Masons, but they are impostors who infiltrate and subvert.By CK(henrymakow.com)Behind the evil in this world is a symbol. Understand this symbol and the cabal who