(Texas Governor, Rick Perry left) by Henry Makow and Richard EvansSecession has been a verboten issue in the United States since the end of the Civil War. Any group who've brought it up have been targeted by press and government as 'militant fringe groups" All of a sudden in
Results matching “freemasonry”
by Henry Makow Ph.D. (Originally posted on April 15, 2008)Barrack Obama's remarks caused an uproar because they remind Americans that they are being duped and American democracy is mind control.Americans want to be deceived but they demand a certain level of competence. They don't want the harsh truth thrown
by Henry Makow Ph.D. The arrest of financier Bernard Madoff Thursday for operating a "Ponzi scheme" costing investors $50 billion made the TV network news. Curiously, a lawsuit the same day against Clinton Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin for defrauding Citibank shareholders of more than $122 billion, also described as
by Henry Makow Ph.D. "Economic crises have been produced by us for the goyim by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation." -Protocols of Zion -20Recently, on his internet radio show, Alan Stang asked me if there is such a thing as a Jewish conspiracy. He
Bizarre and incredible as it sounds, humanity has been colonized by a satanic cult called the Illuminati. This cult represents Masonic and Jewish bankers who finagled a monopoly over government credit which allows them to create currency in the form of a debt to them, and charge interest. Naturally
"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through
by Henry Makow Ph.D.(From May 10, 2008)If a man cannot perform in bed, he is called "impotent." The woman feels unloved and unwanted.However, outside the bedroom, if a man doesn't demonstrate his power , he is considered "enlightened" and "progressive."But somewhere in their subconscious, women still feel let down.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.As you know, the elite attaches great importance to providing us with an external enemy: Huns, Nazis, Communists, Muslims etc. It also creates internal enemies by dividing us on race, sex and class.Thus, it diverts attention from itself, the real enemy, the elite organized in Freemasonry, an