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Oct 2 - Helene, Port Strike Help Demonrats Destroy America

October 2, 2024

(Left, official logo of the 2020 DNC convention which nominated Biden. "Death- satanic star of Baphomet - to America") 

Flooding CATASTROPHE across rural America as Biden and Harris IGNORE mass suffering and devastation

How many people in the Inland States actually have flood insurance or hurricane insurance?? Also, property damage insurance makes a distinction between rising water and falling water (rain damage). I'm afraid a lot of people are going to find out there home insurance doesn't cover what they expected to. More bad news for these devastated people.

Lena Petrova - Biden-Harris let port strike happen. Another way to destroy the US. 

MASSIVE IMPACT: Historic Port Strikes BEGIN, 50% of Imports Halt as Shipping Routes are Paralyzed

Helena Glass-- OCTOBER SURPRISE! War and Death To US Economy

"The Rothschild Economist has declared the Ukraine war a failure.  Instead of calling for a rational peace agreement, they are calling for a restructuring of the war and NATO membership.  Hurricane Helene is being whispered to be a geoengineered catastrophe. Netanyahu has declared war on the Middle East and a dockworkers strike has gone forward.  The October surprise is the death of America's Economy."

ILA president Harold Daggett.png
It Begins: US Port Strikes Erupt, First Shutdown In 50 Years Sparks Fears Of Supply Chain Crisis
The Teamsters told Biden: "Stay the f**k out of this fight."

Here's a closer look at Harold J. Daggett, who leads the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA). According to Politico, Daggett, the ILA's president, earned $728,000 from the union last year and another $173,000 as president emeritus of a local union branch. The New York Times said the union boss previously owned a 76-foot yacht, the Obsession, and runs around town in a Bentley. Watch the video below, in which Daggett said: "I will cripple you, and you have no idea what that means. Nobody does."

Hollywood's big boom has gone bust

I notice trailers for scores of new movies which belies this article. Political correctness is what is killing Hollywood.


Head of Iranian unit countering Mossad was Israeli agent, says ex-president Ahmadinejad

Iran's former leader claims secret service division tasked with rooting out Israeli spies had within its ranks 20 who were working as moles and provided nuclear information

Speaking to CNN Turk, Ahmadinejad claimed Monday that a further 20 agents in the Iranian intelligence team tasked with monitoring Israeli spying activities also turned against Tehran.

The alleged double agents provided Israel with sensitive information on the Iranian nuclear program, according to his comments in the interview, which were widely picked up by international media.


'The Chinese Are Watching Western Weakness,' Says Incoming EU Defense Commissioner

The incoming defense commissioner of the European Union says that China sees the U.S. and EU responses to Russian aggression in Ukraine as weak. He's right. Our show of weakness only invites further aggression by other rogue members of the "axis of evil," including China, Iran, and North Korea.


The Simpsons Airs it's 'Series Finale' - Predicts the Coming RESET

Refusing to blow the candles on his 11th birthday cake because then things won't go back to the way they were. He wants to stay in the comfortable world he knows.

What kind of world is that? "No one is happy in Springfield!"


The Australian Government should immediately suspend the use of Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines due to accumulating evidence of high levels of synthetic DNA contamination in the shots, which present a "substantial risk" of genomic integration and long-term health impacts, including cancers, say leading scientists and academics.

Reddit comment-- Trump is the fake resistance to the tyrannical regime. He is one of them and this has been one massive psyop.

"I believe Trump has been intentionally propped up as a anti establishment figure when he's really controlled

They propped him up as an anti establishment figure while they accelerate their plans to destabilize America. While all the conservatives wait for Trump to save the day this is just a scheme to keep the people at bay. The 2 party system is a scam. Look at all the damage they've caused with immigration, hyperinflation, cultural problems like woke propaganda, endless race baiting, castrating children, high crime rates, proxy wars. Yet when Trump was in, who went to jail? What kind of plan has he outlined to "end the deepstate"? If he was really going after this he would be going after things like the federal reserve, the Zionist, freemasonry.

So he's been twice impeached, several indictments, and 3 assassination attempts. Even though they own the courts, somehow he gets away everytime. Let me tell you something, if the CIA or the deepstate wanted you dead, you'd be deader than dead. They would never botch it."


63 central banks are implementing Basel III which includes the widespread practice of "bail-ins" to rescue failing banks

"Basel III introduces the "bail-in" of banks, representing a significant shift in banking regulation. As Investopedia noted, bail-ins and bailouts are designed to prevent the complete collapse of a failing bank. The difference between the two lies primarily in who bears the financial burden of rescuing the bank.

In a bailout, the government injects capital into banks, enabling them to continue their operations.  We saw this happen after the 2007-2008 financial crisis.
Bail-ins provide immediate relief when banks use money from their unsecured creditors, including depositors and bondholders, to restructure their capital.  In other words, banks use the money from depositors and unsecured creditors to help them avoid failure.  Depositors, the bank's customers, include you, me and anyone who has money in a bank account."

Walz-Vance exchange Masonic handshake- It's all a charade.

CBS, CNN Polls Say JD Vance Beat Tim Walz in Debate


Israel's 'elite force' takes heavy losses in zero distance clashes with Hezbollah
At least two Israeli soldiers were killed and 20 injured during an attempt to infiltrate Lebanese territory via the town of Odaisseh

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Oct 2 - Helene, Port Strike Help Demonrats Destroy America "

GB said (October 2, 2024):

I dont think Israel will be saved without first going through the fire.

Zechariah 13:8-9 And it shall come to pass, that in all the land, saith the LORD, two parts therein shall be cut off and die; but the third shall be left therein. And I will bring the third part through the fire, and will refine them as silver is refined, and will try them as gold is tried: they shall call on my name, and I will hear them: I will say, It is my people: and they shall say, The LORD is my God.

This may also coincide with the USA taking a devastating hit. Get your house in order people!

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at