"The study of [true] philosophy consists in knowing not what men have thought, but WHAT IS really. " (S. Thomas Aquinas). Not believing in God = not believing you have a soul.The crisis facing mankind boils down to a disagreement over the nature of reality. The Cabalists have imprisoned us
Results matching “freemasonry”
Just as the skewed term "isolationist" was applied to Americans who opposed US participation in the Cabalist bankers' second white genocide (the Second World War,) a slew of new terms frogmarch humanity into the Cabalist Orwellian NWO. "White supremacist" and "white nationalist" are applied to people of European Christian descent who
(In this TED talk, Jamila Raquib demonstrates that non-violent resistance is both an art and a science. It is more effective than violent resistance.) Communism isa fait accompli in the West.The mask is dropping.How do we react?"This battle is also taking place on a spiritual plane. It is a battle over
(Anti Communist Jewess, Diana West)Why Conservatives Have Any Voice at AllConservative nationalist voices are still heard in order to create an illusion of political freedom, and sanitize opposition to Communism by erasing its connection to the central bank cartel, Organized Jewry, Judaism, Satanism and Freemasonry. by Henry Makow PhD.Diana West has written a new
This 1954 video is a measure of how the West has been totally subverted byCommunists. Joseph McCarthy was a genuine patriot who like Paul Revere sounded the alarm. But he is still vilified by the Freemason traitors who run the country on behalf of the central banking cartel. Communism is monopoly
(left, Hedy Lamarr, 1914-2000)Innocents, we have no idea how destructive the inflation of beautiful women and sex has been. Satanism is all about replacing God with false Gods like these. They sell illusions.Men have been brainwashed to literally worship women and sex. This can be seen in the #MeToo scandals. Very eligible males can't find
(left, short video documents Cabalist hate of Germans)I am either an alarmist crackpot or a visionary. My parents survived the holocaust by posing as non-Jews and my grandparents were murdered. I don't want this fate to befall anyone. I am raising the alarm because the world is controlled by a satanic
(left, Robbin' Hood) Bernie Sanders boasts that a million volunteers have signed up to support his 2020 Presidential campaign. It's the old Commie trick. Promise freebees for votes. Bernie Sanders is an atheistic Communist, essentially a Satanist tool of the bankers he chastises. His Jewish socialism and "spirituality" amount to promising other people's money to underachievers
"Gnosticism is the soul and marrow of Freemasonry » (Albert Pike, quoted by René Guénon, La Gnose Review, March 1910) Gnosis is the desire to find a science that flatters the appetite for divinitywhile indulging material appetites.« O my soul! You are capable of God: Woe to you if you are content with less
Since writing this in 2004, Ihave come to the conclusion thatHitler was an active Rothschild agent.It was common knowledge thatthe Rothschilds ran both Britain and USSRand there is no way England would allow Germanyto conquer Russia. His real mission was to lead Germanyto destruction. 21/3/2004by Henry Makow Ph.D. Hitler didn't want
A 2002 manifesto "The Secret Covenant" makes plain that most of our "leaders" are traitors and politics a charade. It details how Freemasons will be deceived and exploited, the population sickened, disillusioned and dumbed down, and tyranny imposed. Looking at this picture, it is hard to deny we are satanically possessed. It looksvery
(Beach scene in Tel Aviv) "We will destroy every collective force but our own," say the Protocols of Zion. 16.4 "Collective force" = Nation, Religion (God), Family (gender) & RaceThey deny other races altogether. This is why only Jews are allowed to have a racist ethnostate.I support the right of ethnic majorities, including Israel
Dear Jews: If you want us to stop being so anti-semitic, have you considered not being so anti-white?Below, I post the responses to this question on Voat.Although addressed to Jews, no Jews responded. RatherGentiles voiced their grievances in no uncertain terms. "The only solution is the final one." Why are Jews
(Igor Gouzenko with wife Svetlana in hiding in Canada. They had eight children.) When Igor Gouzenko defected in 1945, he exposed massive Soviet spyingon their allies taking place with the complicity of the traitorous Masonic elite. Luckily, the Illuminati were able to put Gouzenko's revelation to good use. MASONIC WORLD GOVERNMENT CONSPIRACY"Treason doth never prosper: what's the
Louis-Ferdinand Destouches, pen name Celine, (1894 -1961), a French physician, is "considered one of the most influential writers of the twentieth century." - Wikipedia Less well known, Celine was an outspoken "anti-Semite." In this excerpt from his 1937 book "Trifles for a Massacre," he maintains that Jewish power and influence is
I missed this powerful articlewhen it came out a year ago.It drives home the point that many of these people do not share our valuesand never will. As such, migrationconstitutes an insidious attack on Western culture.Racist Masonic Jewish central bankers and their proxies Organized Jewry and Freemasonry, are waging a genocidal hate-war against the founding
(Why should we trust Trump?)Trump keeps saying there is a national emergencyon the Mexico border. So why doesn't he just declare oneand end the government shutdown? Is he deliberately ratcheting up tensions to ignite a civil war? by Henry Makow PhD"When I understand the Democrats better than Trump, you know something is amiss," I
Left, ADL propaganda. A reader: "Just an idea. You should get some articles on the [B'nai Brith] Anti Defamation League and their involvement with the conspiracy."The B'nai B'rith masquerades as a "human rights" organization. In fact,they do not allow non-Jewish Freemasons to join. Why? They are a satanic secret society dedicated to white
9-11 Black Magic Ritual in Two Acts Did Leonard Cohen's song, First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin, presage the 9-11 attacks and the migrant invasion of Germany? Izabel Ea-kapu believes Cabalist Black Magickwas involved. I can't follow all of this and welcome your appraisals. Black and White FIRE Magic around 911A
Cucked Westerners deserve enslavement."Modern Australia began as an outdoor prison and that's what its people will have again," writes Aloysius Fozdyke,a longtime member of Sydney's satanistAlpha lodge. "Australians will be the first people to give away a very wealthy continent without a bullet being fired or a dollar changing