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Results matching “freemasonry”


David Richards - Shakespeare was a Freemason

(Picture - The Shakespeare Monument erected in 1740. The crossed legs have a Rosicrucian significance. Shakespeare is pointing to the word Temples. A Masonic Temple is a room where a Masonic Lodge meets.)The West has been saturated in Satanism without even knowing it. Shakespeare was the founder (or pen name)

Israel Shamir - Globalism is Jewish Supremacism

(left, Israeli journalist and Christian convert, Israel Shamir) Judaism Seeks to Replace God This is what the Scamdemic, "Vaccines," Agenda 2030 and the New World Order are all About "It is possible there are no (or almost no) Jews who fully understand what the Jews want." Shamir writes. In the Jewish globalist

Dec 13 - Netanyahu Assumes Hitler's Title as Genocidal Maniac

(left, Adolf Netanyahu) Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comISRAEL DROVE SUITCASES STUFFED WITH CASH INTO GAZA TO KEEP HAMAS IN POWER: NYT Significant this appears in the NYT: The Jew York Times is part of the Communist wing of Organized Jewry. They "hate" the Zionist branch, i.e. Trump etc.

Dec. 8 - How to Eradicate Antisemitism

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comHere's an idea. Instead of criminalizing antisemitism, we could eliminate it by addressing the causes. (list below)"Antisemitism" is a occult curse. Jews have trained the goyim to behave like Pavlov dogs, to cringe and run away. Judaism is a satanic cult masquerading as a religion.

Dec 6 - Netanyahu Serves Doomsday Cult

Please send links and comments to Please forgive the repetition but we must be conscious of the big picture.In 1990, the late Lubavitcher Rebbe told a young Netanyahu that "he, Benjamin Netanyahu, will be Israel's prime minister, who will pass the sceptre to the Messiah." Lubavitcher Chabad believe that the

Is the Illuminati Planning another Jewish Holocaust?

(Passengers on SS St. Louis. Jews are also pawns in the illuminati game.) Jews were trauma brainwashed and tricked into establishing Israel --  In 1938-39, just before Europe became an inferno for Jews, all the exits were sealed shut.  The Nazis allowed Jews to leave, but no country allowed them to

Freemasons Control the World Unmentioned

In western society, personal success depends on your complicity in a diabolical Judeo-Masonic conspiracy and your willingness to betray your fellow citizens. We hear a lot about Jews but rarely hear Freemasons mentioned. Why is that? They are the covert instrument of Rothschild power.Here I review, James Wardner's Unholy Alliances (1996) the only book to expose

Nov 28 - Toronto Cops Raid Protesters' Homes at 5 a.m.

  Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comToronto police raided homes of people who postered Indigo Books, owned by Heather Reisman who raised funds for foreigners to join the Israeli Defence Force. Apparently, Toronto cops already belong.Like most Canadian cities, Toronto is a Masonic shit hole "Between 4:30 and 6 am Wednesday Toronto police

Freemasonry Ensures Goyim Serve Jewish Supremacy

Fat smug stupid goyim betray society for personal gain. Most of our political leaders areFreemasons and serve the satanic (Communist) globalist agenda.From this satanic focus extends a ubiquitous web of deceptive control over life on earth. Theodore Herzl, the founder of Zionism, in 1897 in Switzerland, said: "Masonic lodges established all over

Why the Jewish Cabala is Satanic

  (The Jew Woody Allen was accused of molesting  Mia Farrow's adopted daughter, Dylan. Sexual depravity is the hallmark of satanic possession.)   "Never in the Jewish tradition was sexual asceticism a religious value."    How did society become sex crazed? How did sex get separated from love and

British Jews Tried to Stop Balfour Declaration

(left, Edwin Montagu, a hero for assimilated Jews) One hundred years ago, Jewish MP Edwin Montagu accused the British government of anti-Semitism for colluding with the Zionists.An assimilated Jew, Montagu regarded Judaism as a religionand Zionism as a "mischievous political creed, untenable by any patriotic citizen of the United Kingdom."From March 11, 2006 By Henry

Nov 22 - Will You Accept Satanist-Jewish Tyranny? Communist-Zionist Monolith is requiring people to accept the Zionist genocide of Palestinians on pain of expulsion from their New World Order. Please send links and comments to The Conspiracy against man and God dates back to the Crucifixion and earlier. Jewish Pharisees killed Christ because his Gospel of Universal

"British Israelism" - The British Empire was the Jewish Conspiracy

Far from subverting Britain, the Zionistsenlisted the British to the cause of Jewish world supremacy by convincingthem they were Jews themselvesdescendants of the ten tribes. Henceforth the "Jewish conspiracy"was clothed as the British Empire.The US has now assumed this mantle. "British Israel" is a term used by Helen Peters in her 1970

Nov 20 - Even the Anti-Globalists are Globalists

(Left, How can an anti-globalists belong to the WEF?)The world is controlled by a satanic cult (Cabalism, Freemasonry) which staffs both Left and Right.Alex Jones proclaims, "Anti-Globalist Javier Milei Wins Argentinian Presidential Race"Make ARGENTINA Great Again! South American nation's firebrand new president Javier Milei vows to begin draining his

Anti-Semite Elon Musk Has God on His Side

Jewish media blasts Elon Musk for saying Organized Jewry is replacing White People.  Called "antisemitic," Musk has God on his side. The first anti-Semite was God Himself. When Moses told Him the Jews were worshiping a golden calf, "The LORD said to Moses, "I have seen this people, and behold, they

Nov 13 - Netanyahu's Son is a Draft Dodger

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comIsrael's First Son, Yair Netanyahu, 32, is sitting out his father's war in Miami.What does this say about this war? Failure to enlist"Yair Netanyahu's absence during Israel's war has drawn significant attention, especially considering the mobilization of hundreds of thousands of reservists and the national

Nazi Jews (Zionists) Did the Holocaust

(Rabbi Gunther Plaut, 1912-2012) "We're an ancient people. In our nearly 4,000 years of history, many have tried repeatedly to destroy the Jewish people," Netanyahu told Congress in 2021 harkening back to the Holocaust.What he didn't say: It was Illuminati (Sabbatean) Jews like him who repeatedly tried to destroy their fellow

Nov 5 - Massive Worldwide Demonstrations Against Israel

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comIsrael's slaughter of Gaza civilians is causing a deep schism worldwide as antisemitism ignites. Antisemitism is the Zionist's bread and butter. They have always sponsored it or faked it. While Jews are being targeted, one term we never hear is Freemasonry, although the

Nov 4 - Israel is Model for Barbarism & Ethnic Cleansing

(The Economist is owned by the Rothschilds and drops their hints)We can all expect to receive this treatment. We already are! COVID lockdowns. Sacrifice of Ukraine. Migration. Gender Dysphoria. Cabalists (Organized Jewry & Freemasonry) are waging war on humanity. Non-Satanists are being ethnically cleansed. But until this reaches their

Mike Stone - War (We've Seen this Movie Before)

(Many Jews suffer from a collective Asbergers Syndrome.)Organized Jewry/Freemasonry is using the same strategy they used to suck America into World War TwoGulf of Tonkin, 911, etc... we've seen it all Mike Stone( you concerned with the events taking place in the Middle East? If not, you should be, because

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