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Sept 23 - Why Doesn't Russia Use Conventional Weapons Against the West?

September 23, 2024

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World wars are fought between the Zionist and Communist wings of Freemasonry to destroy Western civilization and kill goyim and assimilated Jews. The West is ignoring Russia's threat to use tactical nuclear weapons. This threat is an unnecessary escalation since Russia certainly could get the West's attention with a convention strike on military targets in Washington DC, London, Paris or Berlin. This anomaly is more evidence that wars follow a pre-ordained script.  Another example: Why don't Hezbollah and Syria have any any anti-aircraft missiles? 

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov, a close ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, warned on Friday that Moscow's nuclear weapons are in "full combat readiness."

Amid the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war, tensions between North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries and the Kremlin have continued as NATO leaders have increasingly warned that direct conflict with Moscow is a realistic danger.


Almost two years old but still true

The Covid "Killer Vaccine". People Are Dying All Over the World. It's A Criminal Undertaking

"This is Not Manslaughter. It's Murder. Yes, It's a killer vaccine. That message should be loud and clear.

This is happening all over the world: children and adolescents are dying. Crimes against humanity, crimes against our children.

Netanyahu in 2017 talking of Israel's capacity to hack all devices:

'With a click of a button you can bring nations to their knees very rapidly'

"If this isn't the language of bringing terror then what is. The man is a monster."  


Open Borders France: Citizens Denied Aid as Islamic 'Migrants' Exploit Welfare for Conquest and Profit (Video)

"Charity and support for the needy have been hijacked, transforming France into a welfare state for illegals and Islamic conquerors who weaken the nation from within and openly boast about exploiting the French.

In the latest example of how open borders have devastated French society, a shocking testimony from Villeurbanne reveals that French citizens are being denied aid simply because of their nationality. A homeless man recounts the humiliating experience of watching a migrant couple receive €180 in restaurant coupons, only to be refused the same assistance with the explanation, "It's not possible, sir, because you are a Frenchman."


Whitney Webb - She's EXPOSING the WEF false flag coming in 2024,

She says WEF and large financial institutions are preparing a cyber attack that will shut down the banking sysytem and will be blamed on Russia or Iran. This will be the justification for CBDC's so they can track "bad actors."


Whitney Webb- They plan a neo-feudal society with tiny upper class and massive underclass which they can manipulated and control

Image: Self assembled liposomes in Pfizer BioNTech Solution 2 weeks at room temperature

Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 Bioweapon: Self Assembled Liposomes After 2 Weeks At Room Temperature

"The self assembly of liposomal micellar structures is ongoing in the solution of Pfizer BioNTech COVID19 vials. Here I captured the three dimensional micellar construction sites that I have been showing in COVID19 vaccinated embalmed blood and in COVID19 unvaccinated blood affected by shedding. I showed how these contain nanorobots. Here is visual evidence of the correlation of the COVID19 vial contents and the self assembly nanotechnology in COVID19 unvaccinated blood proving again that shedding occurs and what is shedding is the nanotechnology."

Elon Musk says Woke Mind Virus is creating a zombie apocalapse, the end of civilization

Caterpillar Pulls Back on DEI, Joining John Deere, Ford, and Others

The machinery maker has refocused its employee programs on core business goals. 

Celeste Solum on the UN Vote to Take over the World

Pastor Andrew and Celeste Talk Existential Threats, Assassination, and Immininet UN Takeover


Horrific Vaccine Injury Leaves 23-Year-Old Woman Fighting for Her Life
Alexis Lorenze was mandated to take three vaccines against her will, and now she anticipates only having a few days to live. Her dying wish is for you to share her story.


18 CEOs and Music Industry Execs Stand Down Within 24 Hours of Diddy's Sex Trafficking Arrest



As much as $5000 a month?

This program takes 5,133 full time government employees to administer. 

paying to be invaded.png
Haitians in Springfield have been given credit cards with $30K balances

Zionist Israel Is Nothing But an Evil Terrorist State by Gary D. Barnett

"Both the republican and democratic parties support Israel's slaughter of Arabs, a massacre that is nothing less than a genocidal holocaust. Israel claims victimhood continuously, which is total hypocrisy, and this is a complete inversion of the truth.

This world is now a hell on earth. The things going on should be unimaginable, and never allowed to take place. But it continues, and gets worse, every single day, and the herds of commoners stand by with their hands in their pockets fumbling for their phone and games. It makes one ashamed to be a human."

Kamala Harris - Rallies are Hollywood Sets Staged By The CIA

Helena Glass- "EVERY video of Kamala at the event reveals a handful of people sitting 'behind her' and never pans to the audience.   Why?   Because her rallies are actually held in a CIA stage set courtesy of Hollywood.   Canned Sound!   Action!   Voice Over! GO!

Kamala's 'rallies' are meant to give rise to 'emotional fear'.   A fear of what Trump will do.  A Fear of Reprisal.  A fear of Laws, justice, criminality.  And a savior - As thou she speaks like a Buddhist monk  - a spiritual advisor.  Always focused on the emotional to undermine Trump.   Afterward, the paid Twitter pundits upload fake videos and photos to support the deviant propaganda to demoralize Trump/Maga voters into thinking a Trump presidency is a lost cause.  

EVERY video of Kamala at the event reveals a handful of people sitting 'behind her' and never pans to the audience.   Why?   Because her rallies are actually held in a CIA stage set courtesy of Hollywood.   Canned Sound!   Action!   Voice Over! GO!"


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Sept 23 - Why Doesn't Russia Use Conventional Weapons Against the West? "

G said (September 23, 2024):

About the young 23 year old Alexa Lorenze, it is likely that she would respond to HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY, which should be commenced at once. Unfortunately, most doctors have only tangental knowledge of this little known medical treatment and do not prescribe it. In fact many are
therefore reluctant to advise it to their patient. (It is now being used to treat cancer, among numerous conditions). I qualified in this over a decade ago, with the intent that after
I leave the fire service, I can still be of good use to society. :)

If you can, please contact and advise the young lady! Hurry!

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at