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Results matching “freemasonry”


Oct 27 - Feckless Goyim Enlist for Third Masonic World War

This cartoon is being shadowbanned. I found it on Yandex.Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comUS bombs Syria in an effort to provoke Iran into World War III"Things are escalating much faster than we anticipated. The U.S. has just bombed multiple targets in Syria, clearly in an effort to provoke

Edward Menez - Jews Have Controlled Iran for Over 1000 Years

(left, Crown Prince Mohammed Reza Pahlevi) Freemasons have been on both sides of every world war. The next one will be no different.They use wars to cull the human herd and make money. Hell on Earth is the Satanist's dream.Partisans on both sides are committing suicide.Disclaimer - I don't agree

Oct 26 - We are Gadarene Swine

(Humanity is satanically possessed)Please send links and comments to Humanity is impaled on the talons of two pincers of Cabalist Judaism: Zionism, and Communism, and is facing a brutal exorcism. The other Cabalist (Masonic) pincer, Islamism, is aligned with Communism, the reason Leftist leaders pretend to hate Israel. Satanism

Was Paul McCartney Murdered for Opposing the Deep State?

It's the weekend. As a change of pace, I present an article by a reader, Clare Kuehn, that casts Paul McCartney's murder and replacement in a new light."Mark Lane said Paul was convinced "Oswald couldn't have done it," and wanted to write his very first film score for Lane's upcoming

Oct 14 - International Backlash Against Israel is Growing and Snappets' Barbara -"Something has changed on a fundamental publishing level at the international cartoon level. Most international sites have bored me for a while because they were so in lockstep with the Communist agenda; many have come out heavily in favor of Palestine. There are usually plenty

Do Israeli Civilians Deserve to Die?

Of course not. We are witnessing a human tragedy.But Israeli Jews must accept the bitter truth. They have been duped.They occupy farms, homes, and businesses that were stolen from their rightful ownerswho were forced to flee to refugee camps. They are unwittingly culpable. Instead of sharing it for the benefit of
(left. 14 yr old girl shot four times. Proof Nazis and Zionists were cut from the same cloth, Freemasonry, i.e. Satanism.)Zionism = Satanism: An Israeli Seeks An "Intervention" What kind of people reduce a subject population tothe point of desperation where children with kitchen knives are attacking soldiers armed with machine guns?

Oct 5- Trump Next House Speaker?

Trump made this Masonic hand sign but Satanist media never mentioned itPlease send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comDonald Trump is being prepped as America's savior. Never mind that he never missed an opportunity to signal his support for Freemasonry and Lucifer. The Demonrats and the media invented dozens of false

The Jewish Plot to Enflame Racial Division

(l.The relationship of Organized Jewry to humanity) "A Racial Program for the 20th Century" (1912) exposed how Organized Jewry waged  war against white nations by promoting racial division. This documentary by Larry Elder describes how Communists replaced Blacks' Christianity-based independence with a sense of entitlement and grievance. Critical Race Theory, gender dysphoria, BLM

Thank Organized Jewry for Migrant Invasion

In a book Henry Kissinger called "brilliant and provocative... Difficult to dismiss," Jacques Attali confirms that the Illuminati bankers are imposing a hideous "Brave New World" on mankind, one divorced from goodness, truth, or reality.     "Organized Jewry" = Rothschilds, UN, WEF, Freemasonry and Demonrats (Communism)(Thank them for killing,

Ludwig Wittgenstein - How Cabalism Destroyed Modern Philosophy

The West is Satanically possessed by Jewish Cabalism (Satanism) which seeks to replace God with a Rothschild. The Rothschilds (i.e. the WEF) invert reality according to Satanist dogma.  Evil is good; false is true; ugly is beautiful; unjust is just; unnatural is natural; sick is healthy; hate is love. They

Britain Stopped Hitler's Generals from Deposing Him in 1938

 (Admiral Wilhelm Canaris. Is this Masonic hand gesture the explanation of German generals' docility?)In August 1938, the German General Staff informed the British that they were ready to oust Hitler.All the British had to do was resist Hitler's demands. Instead, at Munich, they handed Czechoslovakiato him, its armaments and its gold. This is

Sept 26 - Menendez's Cash Hoard Symbolizes Congress Corruption

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comMost US Congresscritters are multimillionaires when they only make a $174,000 salary. If Americans were serious about democracy, campaigns would be publicly funded, and donations banned. You could do this for less than the cost of a stealth jet fighter but responsible government

Sept 25 - Migrant Gang Wars Terrorize Sweden

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comOrganized Jewry (Rothschild central banking cartel) and its rent boy Freemasonry are achieving their goals of destroying white countries and replacing their populations. Swedish police are now warning that they will never be able to stop the gangs. Sweden-"Something really bad is happening in Sweden

Protocols of Zion: Liberals are Shills for Communism & Satanism

Liberals are dupes, what Communists call "useful idiots." I was one for most of my life. "Championing the oppressed" was a pathetic way to justify my life and meet women while being blinded to the real enemy. As a liberal, I believed we stood for "the public good" while conservatives were for mindless,

Freemasonry: Mankind's Death Wish

The source of the world's problems: The Gentile "leadership" has been chosen for its willingnessto sell its soul to Cabalist (satanic) Jewish central bankers by joining Freemasonry, which is Judaism for Gentiles. Translated, our "leaders" are liars, opportunists and traitors."Freemasonry plays the same role in Western society as the Communist Party

Sept 22 - Satanist Sickness Grips the World

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comSatanism normalizes sickness. Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman, left, epitomizes the Cabalist's method. The Senate dress code has been changed to accommodate this mentally challenged individual. Being "inclusive" is the pretext given to destroy civilized values. Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman goes on three-minute rant about

Sept 19 - Klaws Swab Fears a Revolution Against "The System"

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comThe WEF is a proxy for the Rothschild world central banking cartel. Klaws Swab is the face of the WEF. He is worried that he has revealed that our democratic leaders are his agents, and we might oppose them. He seems surprised that his

Did Zionists Plan the Holocaust?

The Hoyer Memorandum suggests that Sabbatean (Illuminati) Jews  were complicit in planning the extermination of their fellow Jews. The purpose was to trauma-brainwash Jews to believe they needed "a homeland" of their own when thanks to Freemasonry, they dominated every country they inhabited. "My Jews knew full well, what world Jewry had in store for them and they were

Sept 10 - The West is a Dumpster Fire send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comOrganized Jewry (Rothschilds) and its bumboy, Freemasonry, continue to divide the populations of the West and plot its destruction. These Satanists are determined to stamp out any vestige of Christianity, sanity, and goodness. We are in for a rough ride that will test our

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