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Sept 11 - Makow- On Being a Skunk at the Jewish Garden Party

September 11, 2024


Why do I keep reminding people about the "Jewish Conspiracy?" It is boring and hateful! 

To remind people they are victims of a longterm occult campaign to enslave and kill them is considered 'hate," no matter how much evidence you provide. Especially if this campaign is identified with Organized Jewry, which pilfered the nations' credit cards and bought everyone and everything of value. 

Thus Tucker Carlson snubs Stew Peters who has the courage and integrity to name the Jew. YouTube temporarily suspends Candace Owens for the same reason. Tim Fitzpatrick was deplatformed by Wordpress. I receive repeated warnings from "X" . We are not allowed to name our oppressor. This is gaslighting. Next they'll tell you Harris won the debate and is leading in the polls. Gaslighting. 

I speak for assimilated Jews who do not want blame for an ancient sinister agenda which they had no part in forging and would find repulsive. 

The MSM doesn't want people to know AND THE PEOPLE DON'T WANT TO KNOW the truth. World wars are contrived by satanist Jewish bankers and Freemasons to undermine and destroy civilization. Trump and Harris represent the Zionist (Right) and Communist (Left) branches of Freemasonry, which is an instrument of Organized Jewry.  Neither candidate represents the interests of Americans. Trump has been chosen to win in order to sucker the goyim into participating in the Third Judeo Masonic World War culling. Both Woodrow Wilson and FDR pledged to keep Amerika out of world wars and then used a false flag to break their promise. Trump will do the same. They use the same old playbook and the goyim are none the wiser.



Tepid Trump versus Mendacious Harris: Exposing Marxist Reality Inversion by a "Whisker"

They will eat our pets
"Last night's presidential debate saw an unusually reserved and unfunny Trump unable to obliterate a venal communist prostitute puppet like he had done just a few months prior to the demented "Biden" puppet; Harris came in surprisingly well-trained, in possession of a smattering of facts, a couple of insulting sound bite zingers, with the bulk of her performance unsurprisingly consisting of a series of flat out lies.

The main issue for the installed replacement Democratic nominee was that Trump was telling the truth, which is precisely why right out of the gate she tried to get ahead of her administration's abysmal record by accusing her opponent of being a pathological liar. This very same tactic that was also deployed by "Biden," to no avail."

Russ Winter - The Use of Jewish Pilpul to Cloud and Obscure Issues and Discussions

"Pilpul occurs any time the speaker is committed to "prove" his point regardless of the evidence in front of him. This hair-splitting leads to a labyrinthine form of argument where the speaker blows enough rhetorical smoke to make his interlocutor submit. Reason is not an issue when pilpul takes over. What counts is the establishment of a fixed, immutable point that can never truly be disputed."

Debate: On Gaza & Ukraine, Harris and Trump Put 'America Last'

Incoherent language from the candidates on foreign affairs, but one thing shines through -- neither's policy is America First


Documentary about Freemasonry

Sky News anchor fired after comparing Gaza to the Holocaust

Both Zionism and Communism are satanic cults that compel conformity by coercion

Belle Donati's contract with the British network was not renewed and Sky News later issued an apology

Trump snatching defeat from the jaws of victory

Say we need more immigrants

Trump now stunningly promises a whole lot of immigrants...but good ones; is he nuts?

Dr. Antony Sutton's National Suicide: Military Aid to the Soviet Union was published by Arlington House in 1973.

"In a few words: there is no such thing as Soviet technology. Almost all -- perhaps 90-95 percent -- came directly or indirectly from the United States and its allies. In effect the United States and the NATO countries have built the Soviet Union. Its industrial and its military capabilities. This massive construction job has taken 50 years. Since the Revolution in 1917. It has been carried out through trade and the sale of plants, equipment and technical assistance."

Jewish LA Reader--"Its been very weird and frankly scary --every Jewish friend I have whether they are religious, atheist, educated or not, sophisticated or not --They are all chanting "Kill Then All !!!!"

They want all the people in Gaza and the West Bank -- all the Palestinians DEAD. They refer to them as if they all are Terrorists.
 And they have so many reasons why there should be a genocide. Its crazy --They have pure Blood Lust"
Jewish Settlers desecrate Mosque 


Borat for Conservatives - A Comedy to DEI for

Watch the new trailer for Am I Racist?, opening at Regal theatres on September 13. 

Daily Wire host and filmmaker Matt Walsh transforms himself into a certified diversity, equity, and inclusion expert, only to uncover a world where profit, not principle, drives the agenda.

The TRUTH about the Swedish gang CRISIS.

Swedish police are now warning that they will never be able to stop the gangs.
So far this year, there has been over 110 bombings. That's one bombing almost every other day.


FDA approves "updated" COVID Vaccines

They are being advertised on TV. 

Mike Adams-Christian churches that advocate for Israel's mass killing of Palestinian civilians are serving SATAN, not Christ

There are a multitude of videos circulating online that show Israel's current leaders openly advocating genocide and the mass extermination of Palestinians. This is not debated except by those who are ignorant.

Child trafficking is protected by US Gov agencies 


Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Sept 11 - Makow- On Being a Skunk at the Jewish Garden Party "

rt said (September 13, 2024):

The below quoted excerpt is from the article ___

Sept 11 - Makow- On Being a Skunk at the Jewish Garden Party

September 11, 2024 :

" They use the same old playbook and the goyim are none the wiser."

There is a popular belief among protestants that

[ God helps those whom help themselves ].

Since protestant christians have been warned by their deity JC , in order to get into the kingdom of heaven , to be like

"little children"

( verbatim quoted excerpt of JC from :
The New Testament / ST. Matthew / 18:3 [ KJV ] ) ,

whereby they are religiously conditioned to employ the three monkeys mode of response to all adult political issues --

[ see no evil , hear no evil , speak no evil ] ,

and "DON'T WANT TO KNOW the truth" ,

it begs the question ___

Can the goyim and in particular Westernworld christianized protestant whites be saved from
the judaic depopulation or herd culling extermination agenda

where Vatican theologians insist that one must be a catholic for "salvation" ?

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at