Oct 7 - You are Servants of the "Jews"
October 7, 2024

Chabad's Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson has replaced Jesus Christ
When Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, it sold the American people into slavery. Congress gave the national credit card to Masonic Jewish bankers who use it to extend their credit monopoly into a satanic monopoly over literally everything: wealth, power, thought, behavior. They intend to depopulate and dispossess the whole world. The Plandemic did not work so they are starting WW3.
You've been invaded by a satanic cult within Judaism and Freemasonry.
Migrants have all the privileges while citizens have all the responsibilities (i.e. taxes, the debt & the draft.) Migrants are treated like royalty while Americans are blasted by hurricanes and forced to fend for themselves.
The root of all our problems is that democratic nations do not create their own credit and currency. Instead it is created out of thin air as a debt to the bankers, growing infinitely and accruing interest. This is something a free people could do themselves , debt-and-interest-free.
"The Jews" refers to the Rothschild banking cartel which has bought everyone and everything. They control most governments using opportunistic Gentile traitors known as Freemasons as their proxies. Assimilated Jews are manipulated dupes, like their Gentile neighbors.
Trump visited gravesite of Chabad Rebbe to commemorate Oct. 7
We cannot ignore the symbolism of Trump paying tribute to Schneerson on the anniversary of the Oct 7 attack which kicked off the Cabalist charade leading to WW3. Schneerson basically calls for the collapse of civilization and the genocide of non-Jews.

Israeli politician--"If we are the chosen people who are you to tell us what to do? International law doesn't apply to us" - A terrifying window into the mind of Jewish supremacists.
Viewers--"Tell me. What is the difference between "We are Gods chosen people" and "We are the master race"?. Coz to me.....they are one and the same.
"Translation: "Silly goyim, those laws are only for you."
" If whites still talked to blacks the way jews unabashedly still talk to the world.....
They are hiding the fact that the IDF embellished the killing in order to justify genocide.
The most surveilled and high-tech border in the world has mysteriously "lost" all footage from Oct 7
Was it the same security contractor who installed the cameras in Epstein's prison? or the Pentagon on 9/11.

Hamas didn't have the firepower to destoy hundreds of cars with their occupants
How Israel killed hundreds of its own people on 7 Oct
Slogans I love- Israel has a right to exist - While 40,000 Palestinian are slaughtered
"Israel has a right to defend itself" while it has pursued a policy of expansion from the getgo.
US Dragged into War with Iran? Russia?
Reader-"The US's subservience to Rothschild Jewry (RJ), through traitorous politicians who are all agents for Supremacist, Genocidal, Racist, Insane, Satanic RJ, may well get us into a war we are unable to fight, leading to a slaughter of our military, which is a paper tiger if ever there was one.
The tide has changed. While the US & west has been bled white and weakened in every way by RJ, its self-made adversaries are militarily, economically, industrially & morally superior and able to actually prosecute a major war.
The Jew-run west will get the living shit kicked out of them! It'll be the Dark Ages for them. It's hard to imagine how bad things will be after we've allowed RJ to destroy our nations, our economies, our identities and our societies through their evil media and unlimited corruption. RJ has rotted the west to their cores. And now they'll probably get us Nuked!"

What happened in Western North Carolina is described in a chapter in Barker's book, "The Roach Motel Model for the Illuminati Depopulation Agenda."
Similarly to Jessie Czebotar, Kerth Barker, who was also a victim of Satanic Ritual Abuse, says that our world is run by Satanists and he illustrates exactly how. In Barker's page-turning book, we learn that there are as many forms of Satanism as there are of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc.
This book is a taxonomy of Satanism, describing each variety; from low-level Luciferians joining their local Masonic Lodge, so that they can pick up some extra work, to the High-Adept Satanists, who are actively trying to collapse civilization and to destroy the human race - and actually, all life on Earth and Creation, itself.
You learn that the Front-of-the House cannibals, like Hillary Clinton are at the "Rodeo Clown"-Tier of Satanism - meaning, that they're not even the worst and most fearsome of the bunch - which is a pretty terrifying thought.
Barker says that the most formidable category of Satanists are what he calls the "High-Adept Satanists", who have devoted all of their spiritual energies to connect directly with "Satan", who he suspects is some kind of a Grey Alien or Reptilian or something, for which we don't have the proper words to express.
Look Inside Luxury Apartments that Are Free for Migrants in County that Received FEMA Funds
There is a housing shortage in Brunswick, so new apartments were built for residents of Maine, but then a decision was made to house 60 migrant families in the new dwelling with American taxpayers footing the bill. Migrants are receiving free rent for up to two years. The apartments are furnished and have flat screen television sets. The utilities come paid. Americans can rent the apartments, but they will pay $1,800 per month for a one bedroom $2,300 per month for a two bedroom. Catholic Charities said it is planning to bring more migrants to the area.

mRNA Injury Stories - 28 year old Katherine Cimini, a COVID-19 Vaccinated Teacher from Rocky Hill, CT, was diagnosed with Triple Negative Breast Cancer (Turbo Cancer)
Makis- COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines cause Turbo Cancer and according to my research, breast cancer is the 3rd most common (1st is lymphoma, 2nd is brain cancer usually glioblastoma).
Triple Negative Breast Cancer (TNBC) is the most common Breast Turbo Cancer.
It has a really bad prognosis even without the mRNA damage.