"The New World Order is Zionism," says Hugh Akins. "Zionism seeks nothing less than a Universal Satanic Republic under Talmudic Rule." Makow Comment - In 1917, Illuminati Jewish banker Louis Marshall said, "Zionism is but an incident of a far reaching plan. It is merely a convenient peg on which to
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(left, Ben Garrison's brilliant tableau entitled"Cultural Marxism." The spider is George Soros.) God is ultimate reality. Mankind is inflicted by a cancer called Cabalism (Satanism.) Its goal is to supplant God and redefine reality according to its interests and perversions. Thus it must sever our ties with truth by making us question
(left, Joe Sobran, 1946-2010) How does a tiny country like Israel control the most powerful country on earth, the USA? Israel is the Rothschild's personal fiefdom - their army, nuclear arsenal and secret service. The Rothschilds produce US currency out of thin air in the form of a debt to themselves. The US and
Politics has banished Religion from public discourse but religion still offers the best understanding of politics.The essence of political struggle is actually spiritual, a cosmic battle between God (Good) and Satan (Evil) for the soul of mankind.The Illuminati represent organized evil which has conquered most of our social institutions.The Jeffrey Epstein scandal is a
Vladimir Putin is clearly a snake in the grass. Communism is Freemasonry (Satanism) dedicated to the destruction of Christianity. Communism is a Jewish supremacistdeath cult (Cabalism) masquerading as champions of the have-nots.The author urges Westerners not to be taken in.The Perestroika Deception: Behind the Mask (Pt. 1) (Footnotes found here) By 'Child of the
(left, Joe Sobran, 1946-2010) For essays like "The Jewish Faction," Joe Sobran was fired as an editorat the National Review, which only proves the West has been colonized by "the Jews" (i.e. the world central banking cartel using Freemasonry & organized Jewry as its instruments.) He says "Jews" deceive themselves and others
(left, Malichi-Z-York) These cults are hidden in plain sight. You wouldn't recognize them unless you know what to look for and once you do, you realize that they are everywhere. Common themes are anti-white racism, pedophilia, and ties to Freemasonry. These cults dominate mainstream black culture and rap music in particular. Below the article, CR challenges Michael Hoffman to explain
Today is the 52nd anniversary of the 1967 Israeli attack on the USS Liberty, killing 34 US sailors and wounding 174. The attack was a false flag designed to give the US a pretext to do Israel's dirty work -- nuke Cairo. Russia was prepared to retaliate in kind which could have ignited World
(Left, Humanity is controlled by psychopaths)There are billions of non-cash transactions every day. Do you think "money"actually flows back and forth? No, money is a giant ledger kept by the Rothschilds' world central bank cartel and its franchisees. Tragically, the Rothschilds are Satanists (Cabalist Jews) who wish to leverage this credit monopoly into a
(Is it a coincidence that these professors look Jewish and are reading Marx?)There is a direct link between the plans outlined over 100 years ago in the Protocols of Zion and the destruction of higher learning and religion in the West today.This is the fourth and final part (16-24) in a Synopsis of The Protocols of
Unexpectedly, the final battle of the NWO may come downto abortion or the sacredness of human life. The NWO ultimately is about the destruction of Christianity by Cabalist Judaism.Most Jews don't know this. Cabalist Judaism is not a religion but a satanic cult in which the "Jewish people" are God. In practice,
(If we needed any more proof that society has gone over to the dark side, this 2017 government poster in a Toronto subway promoting gay sexual debauchery is it. In a society controlled by a satanic cult, sick becomes healthy.) The European Christian founding peoples of the West are under relentless psychological, and physical attack by the
I recommend Paul Joseph Watson's video (left) on China's "social credit" system, which isOrwell's 1984 on tech steroids. Like the US, China is Jewish-controlled.This is a harbinger of our dystopian fate.by Henry Makow PhDWe already have a "social credit" system -- it's called a credit score. Try to enact any business once you
Chris Jon Bjerknes has been off my radar for yearsbut his message once again has struck a chord: The Jewish goal of fulfilling Old Testament prophecyis the principle behind human history.This requires that the Rothschilds ("the King of the Jews") rule the world after a global calamity. "Surely your turning of things upside down shall be
(left, Bahman Nassiri, 62, tries to get his message out)Normally I avoid anything that smacks of fearmongering. But exactly a year ago, I posted the article below where filmmaker Bahman Nassiri predicted that the Illuminati would foster fanatical Islamist regimes in order to provoke a world war. ISIS fits this
"We found evidence of a crime," said the Winnipeg Police Chief. "It just wasn't a hate crime,"Kosher restaurant owners stage a hate-crime attack.1000 man-hours by 25 officers were dedicated to this hoaxWinnipeg Mayor Bowman calls hoax "disgusting." Will the family who staged this hoax get the Jussie Smollett (also Jewish) treatment? They have
(Photo Credit: Flickr, Konstantin Sutyagin)"Feminism has destroyed the things you most want, namely love, courtship, marriage and children." There are no two ways about it. We are under satanic attack. Church burnings and bombings are just the external manifestations.Feminism is mental. It convinced women to be sexually promiscuous instead of consecrating themselves
As three Israeli Prime Ministers look on, Rothschild examines model of MasonicIsraeli supreme court, which will serve as the Supreme Court of the NWO.Since the beginning of the 20th century, history is simply the accelerated script of the Talmudic messianic masterplan: the establishmentof a world state with Jerusalem as its capitalgoverned
New Zealand is a Freemason colony. Everyone in powerfrom the PM down is a traitor. NZ Citizen Outs NZ's Masonic Masters"There can be no Just and Free society when people who enter secret agreements to advantage themselves over the rest of us end up in the top positions."Bankers use Organized Jewry and Freemasons to control
We are still living off the twilight rays of Western Civilization, which was based on Christianity. Henry Makow's baby steps. This article from 17 years ago shows the young ( age 52) Henry hot on the trail of the God-hating central banking cartel which is enslaving humanity. "Some of the biggest men in the United