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Results matching “freemasonry”


Dec 16 - CIA Killed JFK - Tucker Carlson

Please send links and comments to The CIA is an instrument of the Deep StateTucker Carlson reports that an inside source who has seen the hidden JFK files says that the CIA killed JFK and "It's a whole different country from what we thought it was. It's all fake."
(On the left, Communist Jewish Gulag commandants in the USSR. On the right, Zionist Jewish pioneers at Kibbutz Gan Shmuel in 1921. Both are making the classic Masonic hand sign.) I expose the "divide & conquer" political charade. The Left (Communist, globalist) and the Right (conservative, nationalist) are both Masonic-Jewish

Dec 8 - Elon, Why Can't I Play in Your Sandbox?

Left, The Future --"He's got his Elon chip, so he thinks he's eating filet mignon." Ignore their gaslighting. Their ultimate goal is to kill you., you fired the twat that suspended me. Isn't it time you let me play in your sandbox?Henry Makow -- "Your account is permanently suspendedAfter careful

Dec 7 - Power Sabotage Opening Salvo in Civil War?

Free-speech-hypocrite Elon Musk continues to ban Henry Makow 41 Days after buying Twitter. Q. Why?  A. You cannot say mankind has been conquered by a satanic cult (Cabalism-Freemasonry-Communism; and Zionism, also Masonic, False Opposition.) Nonetheless Musk's Twitter is a BIG improvement. E. Michael Jones is back!Please send links and comments

Dec 6 - Hospitals Overwhelmed by Sick Kids

40 Days since Musk took over Twitter - Henry Makow still suspended. Message @elonmusk on Twitter and tell him why this doesn't make sense.Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comAustralia's major Children's Hospital is turning away sick children for the first time in its long history."It's being caused by staff

Illuminati Who's Who Linked to Raelians

Kanye tweeted the logo from the Raelian religion. If he is an "antisemite", then so are most bankers and celebritieswho belong to this demented cult. Honestly, I don't have patience for this bullshitbut if someone can explain how this fits, be my guest.  ( from April 5, 2010by Steve Thomas

Nov 24 - The Left is Facing a Reckoning

l. Kanye making the Illuminati hand signThe pendulum is starting to swing back to the Right.Humanity suffers from a cancer --Communism (Satanism) -- caused by giving our national credit cards to Cabalist Jewish bankers who wish to destroy Christian Western civilization. The following symptoms reflect this demonic hatred for

Nov 20 - Who Said it? Elon Musk or Mr. Burns

Please send links and comment to "Oppression and harassment are a small price to pay to live in the land of the free." Burns Musk Who Said It: Elon Musk or Mr. Burns?The Simpsons character and the megalomaniac running Twitter often sound alike. the quiz - I only got

Brilliant "Antisemitic" Movie Flew Under the Radar

The movie "An Education" (2009) is a metaphor for the corruptionof Christian (Western) civilization by Organized Jewry. Too bad the goyim are incapable of learning this lesson. Watch it here for free  (with ads)Updated from Dec. 29, 2010by Henry Makow PhDI was prepared to pan this movie which I thought

Nov 17 - The West Circles the Drain

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comThis picture of the blond shiksa Gisele Brundchen cosying up to Jewish misfit SBF symbolizes how Organized Jewry has destroyed Western civilization by teaming with feckless and corrupt goyim (i.e. Freemasonry.)  Jews have no trouble recognizing freaks like SBF. The yiddish terms are schlemiel

November 16 - Communist Legacy is Mass Murder

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comThe Enemy Within (1952) a heartbreaking account of what the Communists did to China, is a reminder that they are quite capable of using a "vaccine" to effect a mass culling. The scariest part of this book is that these crimes against humanity were

"Antisemitism" is a Trap for Goyim

"They are clear that it's okay to be anti-white and it's okay to be anti-Christ.  So for the sake of fairness.........ITS OKAY TO BE ANTI-SEMITIC.""Antisemitism" allows Satanists to depict our struggle to save freedom and civilization as "bigotry" and "hate."The long-term goal of Organized Jewry (Communism) is to dispossess,

St. Maximillian Kolbe: Freemasonry is a Jewish Proxy

(Maximillian Kolbe, 1894-1941, a Polish Franciscan friar murdered at Auschwitz. He was canonized in 1982 for sacrificing his life to save a Jewish family man. Pope John Paul II said he was "the Patron Saint of our difficult century.")  Humanity Blind to Masonic Control -  Mankind is the victim of

Satanist Bible - Aleister Crowley's "Book of the Law"

(Aleister Crowley 1875-1947)A Reddit contributor has summarized Aleister Crowley'sBook of the Law (1904.) Mankind is satanically possessed by Organized Jewry and its minion FreemasonryThe essence of Satanism is "Do What Thou Wilt" which means we should indulge our most primitive instincts and perversionsunrestrained by a Moral Order (God) which defines

October 27 - The Crucifixion of Kanye West

(West, in good company)Please send links and comments to Kanye West is being excoriated for pointing to Jewish power.Organized Jewry is responsible for taking the world to the brink of annihilation in Ukraine, for flooding our countries with penniless migrants, for undermining our racial and gender identity, for

October 23 - Documentary: Scientists Bribed to Promote Covid Hoax

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comScience for Hire: The Scientific Industrial Complex & Its Betrayal of America (Gary Null) Oct. 2022 Adachi:  Yes. Gary Null has made a lot of great video documentaries over many decades, but this one is off the chart. He tells the story without

1933 Chicago -- 100,000 Jews Sacrificed a Baby to Moloch

(Is this connected to Jewish promotion of abortion and "vaccines" for children?)Don't believe it?Watch the Videos at the source Here July 3, 1933. Over 100,000 Jews gather at Soldier Field in Chicago to celebrate 3,000 years of Jewish history and nationhood by worshiping a fire-breathing statue of Moloch and feeding

Does Holocaust Denier's Book Have Merit?

Wikipedia- "Gerard Menuhin (born 1948 in Scotland) is a Holocaust denier and far-right activist, associated with the neo-Nazi movement in Germany.His book Tell the Truth and Shame the Devil, published in 2015, argues that the Holocaust is "the biggest lie in history", that Jews are an "alien, demonic force

Cohencidence? Every Aspect of Gender Dysphoria is Jewish

(credit- is satanically possessed by Organized Jewry (Rothschild banking cartel) and its minion, Freemasonry.Reader-  "The first push I heard on this was the Boston clinic for sex changes as of '07. I'd read that the tranny Jennifer Pritzker contributed to that."The 1st link references that. While I think

The Worm in the Apple ( or Why the World is the Way it is)

(All social institutions in the West have been rotted out by Freemasonry)This is for people who are asking the questions below and would like a simple answer.(Disclaimer - I realize this is repetitious but the ugly truth doesn't change. Mankind is satanically possessed by Organized Jewry (Rothschild banking cartel) and

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