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Results matching “freemasonry”


March 12 - US Gaza Policy is a Contradiction the irony of the US providing Israel with weaponry and munitions to clearcut Gaza while at the same time building a pier and dropping humanitarian aid. The Biden admin belongs to the Soros Communist wing of Freemasonry. But, as ever, they wear both Zionist (right) and Communist (left) hats.  So theydon't know

March 10 - Like MDs, Pastors Took Bribes to Push Deadly Vaccines

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comSATANIC BETRAYAL: American Christian pastors coerced congregants to take COVID jabs through covert "Faith4Vaccines" scheme by Ethan Huff"In exchange for cash bribes from the government, thousands of American pastors pushed Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) "vaccines" on their congregants, many of whom are now chronically

Confessions of an Ex-Luciferian Jew

This obscene 1966 depiction of the seven dwarfs raping Snow White expresses the Luciferian Jews' visceral hatred of Christ, Christianity and everything healthy, natural, wholesome and good.Humanity has been colonized by a satanic cultCabalist Judaism (Freemasonry.)The West is run by Cabalist Jews &Freemasons who exploit and subjugate them. The COVID Hoax is an example. Anyone supporting this hoax, or BLM,

Why Do the Goyim Allow Jews to Control Everything?

America Is a Gentile NationSo why do we allow a fifth-column faction of elite Jews to control us?The author doesn't mention we gave our national credit cards to people who want to destroy us. These devils sign our pay checks. We are their bitches.As the plandemic showed, people will do anything

Makow- None Dare Call It "Communism"

(left, Both Obama and Hillary Clinton were disciples of the Communist Saul Alinsky) The West has been subverted by Communism. Communism is Satanism- overturning the natural and moral order, i.e. "revolution". Satanism is Judaism (Cabalism). Why aren't these terms in wider usage? We cannot define our predicament otherwise.Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals was

Betty Friedan: How Satanist Subversion Works

(Husband-Carl Friedan revealed that Betty was never a real housewife but a pill-popping psychopath.)I reprise this key 2003 essay about the mother of Feminism, Betty Friedan,as a reminder that the West has suffered  classic Communist subversion although no one uses the term.  Like the covid hoax, (re-branded flu) their appeals to

Feb 27 - Jews are Blamed for Gaza & WW3

Normally I get about 50 likes and reposts on Twitter. This meme got over 8700 likes and 2700 reposts. This tells me the Jewish gig is up. Please send links and comments to The only way to avoid WW3 and ensure Israel's survival is for the Zionists to accept a two-state

Feb 20 - Martin Armstrong- "No One Wants Peace"

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comIsraelis refer to Palestinians as "animals" as a matter of course. This is what Cabalist Jews think of all non-Satanists. The goyim, including Israel's most ardent supporters, Christian Zionists, are all animals. So are assimilated Jews whom they sacrificed in the Jewish holocaust.Martin

What is the REAL Jewish World Population?

Most sources put Jewish world population at around 13 million but researcherEdgar Portisch, who is  part-Jewish, puts the number at closer to 120 million. from Dec 22, 2011by Edgar Portisch ( world is facing a high financial cabal which controls Hollywood, the media, corporations, most of what is called Politics and certainly

Feb 8 - Gaza War Expanding into World War

Please send links and comments to The Middle East resembles a kindling fire that threatens to blow up, as per Albert Pike's 1871 prescription for three world wars. Israel has rejected ceasefire proposals and expanded its aggression into Lebanon. A Hezbollah official was killed by a drone attack in

Makow--I Was Born Into a Satanic Cult

Now that the Satanists have been unmasked,I realize I was corrupted by a societyI naively trusted. Back in the 1960's, when I was a teenager, the consensus was that a woman finds fulfillment in life as a wife and mother. Not every woman had to follow this path but it was

Israel and Iran Are Both Run by Freemasons Plotting WW3

(Albert Pike foresaw three world wars)Lest we clap our hands raw cheering for Iran, let's not get caught up in the charade which is WW3.Islamists (Hamas) are the Muslim equivalent of Jewish Communists or Zionists. Raisi and Satanyahu are both Freemasons. Both sides are wings of the same satanic Masonic cult. Their

Washington Bends Israel To Peace?

(Blinken and Bibi in Masonic Hand Shake)There are reports that Blinken is pressuring Netanyahu to replace extremist settler parties in his coalition with moderates, and to negotiate a cease fire. Blinken is part of the Commie wing of Freemasonry which may want to see Israel humbled. Another ceasefire would contradict other
No headlines jump out today Jan 29, so I'll wait until some do. The Frankfurt School were a group of Marxist Jewish intellectuals at Frankfurt University in the 1920-1930's. (They emigrated to NYC after Hitler came to power.) They included Max Horkheimer, Theodor W. Adorno, Herbert Marcuse &  Erich Fromm, and were responsible

Jan 23 - Prediction: Trump Will Lead US Into WW3

A couple of people objected to this meme. How does one react to people who are destroying you? Vaccine anyone?Normally Americans would not fight another world war for Organized Jewry. Trump is False Opposition. His MAGA followers will embrace their destruction in WW3. The goal of Organized Jewry (Satanist Rothschilds and Freemasonry) is to

Not a "Forgery", the Protocols of Zion Are Coming True

(image: Maurice Joly 1821-1879, was a Jew named Joseph Levy with a history of plagiarism.) The assumption is that since Protocols appeared some 40 years after Joly's Dialogue, it plagiarized the earlier work. But the Protocols actually predated Dialogue and Joly borrowed from it. In other words, far from being an anti-Semitic ruse, the "Protocols
In 1990 Chabad leader Menachem Schneerson exhorted Netanyahu to hurry up and destroy humanity so the Messiah will return. Christopher Jon Bjerknes says Netanyahu is "Messiah son of David"  to start WW3 designed to destroy the goyim and a million Jews, and cause the Messiah ("Antichrist") to emerge. This is

Dec 31 - Can We Pull Out of the Death Spiral in 2024? send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comThe West has embraced suicide, so it is hard to be optimistic for 2024.However as long the the Internet remains relatively free, I am optimistic we will win in the end.The natural and moral order are hardwired in our bodies and souls.Thanks to my

Dec 29 - Humanity Stricken by Cabalist Cancer

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comScott Ritter is emerging as the most courageous and eloquent defender of America. Unlike Tucker Carlson, he is the one of the few willing to call Israelis "murderers and thieves...evil people." He says Americans should be furious that Israel controls the US Congress. He

Dec 23 - The West Will Lose World War Three

Oct 6, 1940, Arthur Greenwood, a member of British War Cabinet said the war is dedicated to building a "new world order" favourable for Jews. The Second World War was ostensibly fought  between the enemies of Jewish power (Nazis) and its defenders (Allies.) The Third World War will repeat this

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