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Oct 9 - Organized Jewry Fears Humanity is Escaping Mind Prison

October 9, 2024

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Gaslighting the goyim is the essence of Jewish cabalism (Freemasonry.) 

Makow - The importance of objectivity was drilled into me when I was a newwspaper reporter back in the 1970's. I never thought I'd see the day when the press would betray its sacred duty to serve the public interest and take money from the government, essentially becoming a propaganda tool. They have left unearthing and conveying the truth to citizen journalists who must beg for donations. We've gone a long way in the wrong direction.

Globalists seek to control the narrative, suppress truth, freedom

John Kerry, just last week at the World Economic Forum, so clearly blurting out the truth: "Our First Amendment stands as a major block to our ability to be able to hammer [disinformation] out of existence".

Translated: Governing is all about narrative control. Kerry articulates the 'International Order's' solution to the unwelcome phenomenon of an uncontrolled populism and of a potential leader who speaks for the people: Simply, 'freedom to speak' is unacceptable to the prescriptions agreed by the 'inter-agency' - the institutionalised distillation of the 'International Order'.

Eric Weinstein calls this The Unburdening: The first Amendment; gender; merit; sovereignty; privacy; ethics; investigative journalism; borders; freedom ... the Constitution? Gone?

Hillary Clinton warns that allowing free speech on social media means 'we lose control'


Leaked audio recording from an Israeli Defense Ministry meeting, in which Benjamin Netanyahu said:
"We need to hit Iran superficially and exaggerate it in the media."

Netanyahu: "Iran's attacks have destroyed our credibility and deterrence. We are forced to respond to Iran's actions. If we don't respond to Iran, it will increase fear in Israel, which is dangerous. We don't want the situation in Israel to get worse.

In responding to Iran we must consider two aspects. First, the response must be superficial to prevent Iran from striking again. It is important that the fact of the blow itself occurs, even if it is superficial. Second, this coup must be greatly exaggerated by the media to achieve any media effect.

The main thing is to work with the media. Before starting our operation against Iran, we must create an atmosphere of fear in Iran.


World at War with Criminals Controlling Weather - Dane Wigington
By Greg Hunter On October 5, 2024 In Political Analysis 100 Comments

Climate engineering researcher Dane Wigington says Hurricane Helene is the latest crime the climate engineering cabal put on the people of Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, Tennessee and Florida. . . .

NZ Lesbian captain loses ship...

Speaking of that fateful ship, back in 2018, the HMNZS Manawanui was bought for $103 million by the Defense Ministry. Fast forward just six years, and it's now an expensive memory, all thanks to diversity, equity, and inclusion, which reign supreme in New Zealand. Former Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern paved the woke way for policies that are now tearing the country apart--along with the rest of the world.


Iran earthquake sparks speculation of covert nuclear weapons test

On 5 October 2024, a 4.5-magnitude seismic event occurred in Iran's Semnan province, sparking speculation that Iran has tested a nuclear weapon for the first time.

Such a seismic event is typically the result of an earthquake, but speculation has arisen on social media suggesting the event was instead an underground nuclear test carried out by the Islamic Republic in response to Israeli threats to bomb Tehran's nuclear energy and oil facilities.  

According to Iranian sources speaking with The Cradle, the possibility that a nuclear test was indeed conducted is being discussed at high levels in Iran.

Turkish government documentary shows what the Zionists are doing in Gaza is exactly what was done in WW2.

It shows children in the future, visiting a museum of the Gaza holocaust (comparable to Yad Vashem)
The children see the photos of the horrors, and the relics of the dead, and ask their parents: What did you do to stop it?
Very moving indeed.It deserves to go viral. 

Was Hurricane Helene Subject to Weather Modification? ...And Other Curious Questions

Reader--"I was on You Tube yesterday and found one claiming that Douglas Emhoff is one of the chief investors in the lithium mines in Western N.C.  How convenient to have this technology at one's fingertips.  The people had voted against the mines tearing up the land.  Now the people have been eliminated.  There is no doubt that this is weather and economic warfare going on with a technology only available to the Government and the big corporations who control our government and make it do its bidding, such as WAR in the Ukraine and Middle East.  At this time, these companies are raking in billions via the production and sale of their munitions. This technology was used in CA to literally burn the people out of the countrysides and force them into 15 minute cities.  It was used in Lahaina with a DOD system available just miles away.  It was used on 911.  It can be laser-guided and ignited, or by the use and control of electro-magnetic forces.  This is why the government agencies have stood down in the mountains and elsewhere. " 


Was Hurricane Helene Subject to Weather Modification? ...And Other Curious Questions


Warning was Hurricane Milton Predicted in Disaster Simulation Project 


Kenny Johnson, Rockdale county soil and water supervisor dies after collapsing around Capital after speaking about BioLab chemical plume in Georgia

Residents of Mountain Valley did not asked for their homes to be physically disturbed. The people of Rockdale County did not ask for their water supply to be tainted due to poor planning and lack of oversight. Rockdale County deserves and demands better from its elected officials. 

Organized Jewry "molds" reality instead of discerning and obeying it. God is Reality.

Reader- Thanks for your unrelenting quest for The Truth.
It's now The NeoCons / ZioCons "turn."
The UniParty Machine that America has become, Henry...
in sum... 9/11, to the 2008 Bank Bailouts, the Covid Hoax, the DOJ's uncontested 2020 Stolen election for the DemonRats [it was their "turn"], the Ukraine Money Laundering BILLIONS , Oct. 7th Bait & Switch
bush to obama handoff.jpg

Slovakia's health minister resigns as government moves to stop poison injections

Robert Fico, the Prime Minister of Slovakia, has announced that he will conduct a rigorous investigation into Covid policy. For many observers, the Minister of Health was a problem on the way to this process. Zuzana Dolinková comes from the EU-friendly coalition partner HLAS and supports the orthodox Covid narrative. Now, the day after the Covid report was published, she has announced her resignation because the government supports "anti-vaxxers" and wants to stop mRNA.

Conspiracy Revealed! Govt and NGOs Flooded Small American Town with 2,000 Haitian Migrants

Charleroi, Pennsylvania is a small blue collar town with 4,000 residents that rely on factory jobs. The Biden-Harris administration brought in as many as 2,500 migrants from Haiti over a short period of time. The migrants compete for jobs while several plants are shutting down.
Investigative journalist Christopher Rufo discovered an "open conspiracy" between government, NGOs and companies that benefit from cheap labor. The White House has admitted more than 210,000 Haitians through its controversial Humanitarian Parole Program for Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans (CHNV). NGOs, non-governmental organizations, provide migrants with resources to assist in travel, housing, income, welfare, medical care, and work. The Jewish Family and Community Services (JFCS) Pittsburgh is the most active resettlement NGO in Charleroi.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at