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Results matching “freemasonry”


Charleston: 15 Questions that Demand Answers

(left, shooter Dylann Roof)Mass shootings are becoming routine.We know the Illuminati want to disarmAmericans. Are they staging these shootings as a pretext? James Perloffcompiles some 15 discrepancies inthe latest massacre story. by James Perloff15 Questions about the Charleston Shooting(Abridged by I was not in Charleston and did not witness the event.

Blacks Targeted by Masonic Musicians

P { margin-bottom: 0.21cm; }A:link { } (left, Illuminati Congo tries to make satanism seem good.)  If Jamaican music is any indication, even the economically deprived are beinginitiated into the satanic cult that humanityhas become. Author, CR, 31, has been into Jamaican dance hall music since he was 16.  He's Canadian

All Black Leaders are Freemasons

(Second right, Marcus Garvey, Jamaican Pan African Leader.) Marcus Mosiah Garvey, Jr., was a staunch proponent of the Black Nationalism and Pan-Africanism movements. He founded the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL).Like Rastafarians and Nation of Islam, these movements are Masonic fronts.Masonic control of Black Power movements

Freemasonry, Fraternities & Satanic Coercion

Left. College Fraternities & Sororities Part of Masonic Conspiracy What hope is there for a society that is satanicallypossessed and doesn't have a clue? Freemasonry is the Church of Satan masquerading as a fraternal organization.It is in the final stages of creating a "New World Order"that turns truth and goodness

Freemasons Control the "Justice" System

(Left. The Sinister Freemason has replaced the Goddess with the impartial scales of Justice.) Speaking from personal experience, Rahul Manchanda describes how the Illuminati use the justice system to persecute political dissidents. He says domestic violence, child support and hate crime laws are applied selectively to entangle and defeat people
Leo Zagami says a powerful gay networkin the Vatican engages in pedophilia and Satanismand threatens to bring down the church. Pope Benedict XVI resigned because of the powerof this gay underground.  "The hypocrisy of the Catholic Church, infiltrated by greedy Freemasons, Zionists, Satanists, Muslims in bed with the Vatican Gay

Another Jewish Misfit Who Undermined Gender Identity

"The mutual relations between the two sexes seems to us to be at least as important as the mutual relations of any two governments in the world." - Thomas Babington Macaulay - Historian & British Secretary of State for War, 1840   In our occult-controlled society, homosexuals are a protected species

American Viper -- Are Americans Too Stupid to be Free?

(left, Interviews with audience shows the movie is extremely effective as brainwashing.) Movie proves the Illuminati can turnany nation into the moral equivalent of Nazi Germany "Military men are dumb stupid animals to be used as pawns of foreign policy." - Henry Kissinger"It is difficult to get a man

Non-Masons Face Constant Discrimination

Roger Barbour recommends this "very long but very instructive video that explains what Freemasonry is all about." Roger Barbour is the author of seven-part series "My Lifelong Struggle With Freemasons"  reprised yesterday. I asked him if anything had changedin the five years since the series was first posted. He said no

"Jewish" Control - A Fait Accompli ... 125 Years Ago

La Civiltà Cattolica (Italian for Catholic Civilization) is a periodical published without interruptions by the Jesuits in Rome, Italy since 1850 and is among the oldest of Catholic Italian periodicals. All of the journals articles are the collective responsibility of the entire "college" of the magazines writers even if published

Movie Describes Our Digitally Enhanced Wasteland

(Left. Adam Sandler in a serious role, plays Don Truby) Our society is a satanic cult based on Cabalist Judaism and Freemasonry (which dominate government, business and culture.) Characteristicof a satanic cult, art and entertainment are degrading, discordant and disturbing, and diversions from reality, i.e. the gradual establishment of Luciferian

Leonard Cohen- Illuminati Jewish Secret Agent?

Cohen has always maintained a highly controlled public persona. So why does he make Masonic hand signs and use Illuminati symbols? The fingers parted is an occult Jewish sign. Baby boomers looked to artists like Leonard Cohenfor inspiration and guidance. Turns out he was another Illuminati shill, like many

Jewish Convert, Rev. Richard Wurmbrand Defined "The Spiritual War"

from Dec. 20, 2008by Cornelius B There are moments when we realize that we live in a world of merciless battles, and above all a world of spiritual battles. In those moments of lucidity we may understand the deep meaning of Rimbaud's conclusion, which states that the spiritual battles

Freemasonry Trumps Feminism in US Court

(Lydia Salce, 50, on the night of her arrest, Aug 11, 2011) Lydia Salce feared for her life when her biker husbandheld a knife to her throat and started punching her. When he dropped the knife, she stabbed him. A court sentenced her to sixteen years in jail. In this

The Satanist Mind

(The face of evil.  Jimmy Savile is tip of an iceberg, part of vast satanic ring.) This important essay by Lyndon La Rouche describes how Satanism has always been a central part of Western "culture." Jewish Cabalism (Freemasonry) originates in ancient satanic "mystery religions." Their goal finds expression in the NWO:

Globalist Harmony: East-West "Conflict" is a Charade

The G20 Are Collaborators In The New World OrderVladimir Putin will be attending the upcoming G-20 meeting in Brisbane. Below, Larry P lists 30 stories that prove East-West relations are just fine, and the "G" in G-20 might stand for "Globalist" or  Freemasonry. They all stand for Judeo-Masonic central banker

The Mass Media: Wolves in Sheep's Clothing"Kill the Messenger" a new film about reporter Gary Webb made me think about the role of the mass media in our society. "The goyim are a flock of sheep and we are their wolves."  - The Protocols of Zion 11by Henry Makow Ph.D. In the 1960's, we believed that

William Cooper's Chilling NWO Revelations

 William Cooper's 1998 MajestyTwelve broadcast: One of the most frightening things you'll ever hear. We are victims of an elaborate deception. Almost everythingthe US government and mass media tells Americans is a lie. The US is already a de facto fascist dictatorship run by masonic Satanists lurking behind a facade

The Queer Connection: Freemasonry & "Gay Rights"

Respect and tolerance is all one-way. Students who objected to gay sex in a school play got no respect and had no rights. Freemasonry has always been about tolerance and "rights" for perversity. Society is oblivious to the fact - it is being inducted into this satanic cult."A normal boy won't

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