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Results matching “freemasonry”


Florida Shooting Hoax Follows Illuminati Playbook

The Dunblane school massacre took place at Dunblane Primary School near Stirling, Stirlingshire, Scotland, on 13 March 1996, when Thomas Hamilton killed 16 children and one teacher before killing himself. It remains the deadliest mass shooting in British history.Public debate about the killings centred on gun control laws, including public

The Ghastly Truth Behind Terror

left, Traitor David Hogg has become a symbol of the staged school shooting psyop in FLAlmost all terror is staged by the Deep State in order to enslave the people of the West. I am reposting this article written on the occasion of the Paris Massacre in Dec 2015 because the

"Russian Meddling?" FDR's Soviet Spies Sodomized the US

(Maj. George Racey Jordan, Lend-Lease expediter and liaison with the Russians during World War II.)Russian "meddling" in 2016 election is a farce considering the US has beenCommunist-controlled since the FDR Administration when KGB Agent  Harry Hopkins was known as "Co-President" and ran Foreign Policy. Working out of the White House, using Lend-Lease as

Father Fahey: The Cabalist Conspiracy Vs. God & Man

(Fr. Denis Fahey left) Modern society is the product of a Cabalist (satanic) conspiracy against God & man. No one has demonstrated this better than Denis Fahey (1883-1954) in his book "The Kingship of Christ and the Conversion of the Jewish Nation." Marie Henrie introduces us to the man and his work.Fahey wrote, "These forces

Feminist Icon was Insane - says her Sister

Feminist icon Kate Millett passed away last September at the age of 82. Her 1970 book Sexual Politics, called "the Bible of Women's Liberation" by the New York Times, launched Millett as what the Times called "a defining architect of second-wave feminism." In a cover story that same year, TIME magazine crowned her "the Mao Tse-tung of Women's

We Lost a Friend. Dan J. Butler RIP

(Dan J. Butler, 1955-2018) Longtime readers of this website will recognize that many of the First Comments were written by a "Dan."His name is Dan J. Butler, a sculptor and web designer, one of the smartest and finest people I have known. For 15 years he contributed his insights in the

Documentary Film Exposes "Anti-Semitism" Trick

Prisoners of ZionAfter giving the filmmaker considerable access, ADL Director Abe Foxman suppressed this film because it revealed there is precious little anti Semitism, certainly not enough to justify the ADL's 29 US offices, annual $70,000,000 fund raising, and  Foxman's $527,000 salary.I would tell young Jews that Israel was the cause

Who are the Illuminati?

Rabbi Marvin Antelman  (193?-2014) deserves credit for revealing that the Illuminati originated in a "heretical"  Cabalist Jewish movement -- the Sabbatean Frankists -- named after its progenitors Sabbatai Zvi (1626-1676) and Jacob Frank (1726-1791.) This mostly Jewish movement, which garbs itself in Gentile Freemasonry,  assumes the identity of the

US Government Shutdown in Context: They Hate You

(The real haters. Democratic House and Senate Leaders are both Jews) The key to understanding current events is hate. Judaism hates the goyim.Organized Jewry hates white Christian America.Their wholly-owned media spin this as championing the Henry Makow Ph.D. Like a magic eye painting, it is staring us in the face and yet we can't see it.The central

Taboo Against Anti-Semitism Must be Lifted

(left, Trump is a crypto-Jew who has won power by opposing globalism. Beholden to Mossad, he belongs tothe Zionist branch of the Masonic Communist-Zionist dialectical strategy. Orchestrated by George Soros, Communist Jews & their liberal minions appear to oppose him.)Organized Jewry clearly has a pernicious political agenda. To stigmatize resistance as "bigotry"

Jews- Neither Race nor Religion but Cult

This is not Michael Berg. But, like this blue-eyed Israeli, Berg found that his DNA test results show NO trace of Non-European or Semitic DNA. His DNA test shows that despite coming from a multigenerational Jewish family,  his DNA is 98.7% Northern European, mostly Germanic and the rest is

More People Realize the "Enemy" is Within

The largely positive reaction to Mohammed Moorad's article Muslim to "Red Necks" - We are Not Your Enemy suggests more people are cluing into the fact that Muslims are not the enemy. The Illuminati is.The mainspring of the Illuminati is the central banking cartel which controls business,government, media, education, law and the military using Organized Jewry

The Jewish Century

KEVIN MACDONALD'S THE CULTURE OF CRITIQUE IS THE GROUNDBREAKINGANALYSIS OF JEWISH CULTURAL SUBVERSION Jewish values and attitudes now constitute the culture of the West. Because of deep-seated Jewish hostility toward traditional Western (i.e. Christian) culture, the founding peoples "have been made to feel deeply ashamed of their own history, surely the prelude to their demise as

The Unspoken Epidemic -- Immaturity

The epidemic has a name.Arrested development.Failure to mature in a timely fashion. Why did it take me 68 yearsto achieve maturity?I welcome your thoughts on arrested development and how maturation works."This world-wide conspiracy for the overthrow of civilization and for the reconstitution of society on the basis of arrested

Henry Ford - Can A Freemason Be An Antisemite?

Left, In 1940, when the Northern Masonic Jurisdiction's Supreme Council conferred the Thirty-Third degree on him at age 77, Henry Ford (1863-1947) had been a Mason for 46 years, having been raised in Detroit's Palestine Lodge No. 357 in 1894 at age 31. In his series, "The International Jew," (1920) Henry

Jerusalem Recognition Stems From JFK's Murder

(Crypto Jew LBJ played critical role in assassination and cover-up)On November 20,1963, the US delegation at the UN called for the right of displaced Palestinian Arabs to return to their homes in Israel and for those who chose not to return, to be compensated. Nothing cameof that or of Kennedy's opposition to

Jewish Conspiracy Responsible for Anti-Semitism, says Young Israeli

"There is a rational explanation and justification for Anti-Jewish feelings. ...a satanic element within Jewry is engaged in warfare against mankind..."MB, a young Israeli, says ordinary Jews need to tell Organized Jewry,YOU DON'T REPRESENT ME or they will be blamed for its misdeeds. (Freemasons will ensure that ordinary Jews are scapegoats for what they and Organized

Why is Western Society Toxic?

(What motivates Jews like Louis CK and Harvey Weinstein? Read on.)Freemasonry, a satanic cult based on Cabalist Judaism has colonized the West by creating a bogus reality. "Secularism" is a mask for Satanism. We must eschew modern "cult--ure" if we are to become human. "Increasingly, Western society is an open-air mental asylum run by psychopaths."Humanity is Satanically Possessed Revised from Feb

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