(Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com)
"ISRAEL: The IDF announced that four soldiers were killed in a booby-trapped building in southern Gaza on Tuesday: Capt. Daniel Mimon Toaff, 23, Staff Sergeant Agam Naim, 20, Staff Sergeant Amit Bakri, 21, and Staff Sergeant Dotan Shimon, 21."
Thousands of soldiers on both sides are dying in the Ukraine and Gaza. Many more are maimed. Uniforms erase their humanity. Each soldier is someone's son, father, brother or husband. We don't hear about the suffering caused by their senseless loss because they don't want people to hesitate to sacrifice their lives in wars that ultimately are charades designed to kill them.
"Uniforms provide another major benefit, as well: the sense of belonging, or the sense of dehumanization. A uniform turns an individual from "one" to "one out of many", subsuming their identity into the larger unit. This is not only true of military organizations, but any organization that uses a uniform. This can be seen as positive (the sense of belonging and unity between group members) or negative (the loss of the individual)."
ABSOLUTELY TERRIFYING: Hospital Nurse Describes Covid 'Vaccine' Injuries and Deaths: "You wouldn't believe what I've seen..."
"I'm one of 3 people that didn't take the vaccine at this hospital...and you wouldn't believe what I've seen..."
..Heart issues, kidney issues, diabetes issues in patients that did not have diabetes went up 75% in 2022, people that had diabetes, their diabetes is no longer under control, they are on 2 or 3 different medications. That's just a beginning. Heart issues, Turbo Cancers are out of control...It's truly terrifying...and people are dying at a rate that blows my mind. I've been here for 16 years. I've never seen people die like this, ever..."

(This has not been confirmed)
West maneuvered by Iran, Muslim Brotherhood (i.e. Freemasons) into war in Gaza and beyond
Analysis: Senior Saudi official says ending the war must be a priority; lays a path to normalization with Israel that must include a deadline for a Palestinian state and result in a real alliance of moderate forces against Iran
Saudi Arabia thinks the war in Gaza is a disaster and that Israel and the moderate Arab nations have been maneuvered into what could be a regional war. A senior Saudi official said at a recent important gathering that ending the war must be a priority. The Muslim Brotherhood was partially behind the maneuvering, according to the official. Riyadh was frustrated that the West had not realized that the Brotherhood and all of its offshoots are terrorist organizations. Although the word Hamas was not specifically uttered, the message was unmistakable.

NATO Chief 'Welcomes' Allies Approving Attacks On Russia With Long-Range Missiles
Stoltenberg downplayed this threat of major new escalation in a Monday interview with LBC radio, saying he "welcomed" the discussion over long-range missiles. He separately told Foreign Policy he's in favor of the West greenlighting long-range strikes on Russian soil.
How to Detect ATM and Credit Card Skimmers that Can Gain Access Your Money
-I am skeptical Blackrock could be stupid to hire those two. I do believe now that the war in Ukraine is ongoing because of corporate interests including Blackrock as some gofer who was high enough admitted on an undercover date. Undercover vid starts at 11 minute mark:
Helena Glass - Similarities between the Gaza and Ukraine Conflicts
"A western backed CIA infiltrates Ukraine via the Color Revolution in 2014. Ukraine capitulates. The secular Nazi Azov Battalion is installed as Ukraine's National Guard and begins to systematically kill eastern Russians in Ukraine. A Jewish burlesque dancer is installed as president. Ukraine has oil, black soil and $11 trillion in rare earth minerals. These minerals are essential for magnets used in every electronic device, batteries, cars and of course - 'defense' weapons.
Today, Ukrainian and CIA personnel are in northern Syria at the US base in Idlib for training of the Hayat Tahrir al-Sham group, attempting to recruit fighters to join the Ukrainian armed forces. The al-Sham group are a jihadist militia, part of the Syrian Revolution, and labeled a terrorist group by Russia. Their opponents include Israel and the US. Which would be impossible given they are being trained by the US to fight Russia."

Brother Nathaniel's Six Point Plan to End ZOG
Mark Trozzi MD--The War for the Future, and the Battle for Today
A birds eye view of the present situation.
Dr. Trozzi has been at the forefront of exp[osing the COVID scam. I'm sorry he cann mention Organozed Jewry and Freemasonry in this analysis of the "Parasite Class."
Surrounded on the Inside--"The parasitic class has deeply infiltrated governments and institutions, turning them against the very people they were built to serve. Over the course of decades, they have seized control of the three pillars of power in most nations: economic (unlimited resources through unchecked currency printing), informational (a monopoly over legacy news outlets, entertainment, and major social media platforms), and political (party politics compromised by foreign infiltration on all sides). Through this political domination, they have also extended their control over the military forces of many nations."
Plot involves California and Texas teaming up to revolt, which tends to detract from its credibility.
Civil War (2024) Official Trailer - Kirsten Dunst, Cailee Spaeny - YouTube ******Art to Imitate Life?????*******

Predictive programming?
Michael--"I wanted to recommend an obscure movie that was shown on Amazon in 2021. It's called the Tomorrow War and stars the popular Chris Pratt. It has some satanic easter eggs in the beginning and then shows how in 2025 a world war and a global draft is initiated, which results in massive depopulation. They even show how everyone's smart phones are used to send out draft notifications. When I watched it I realized that they were revealing their plan to us, including their timetable, and hid that plan in plain sight, within an apparently family friendly science fiction movie."
From Israeli newspaper Haaretz-
Iran's ambassador to Lebanon, Mojtaba Amini, lost one eye and was severely wounded in his other one during the pager blasts, the New York Times reported, citing two Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps sources.
Amit Yerushalmi, an IDF spotter at the Nahal Oz base, testified before the civil commission of inquiry for October 7 that Hamas increased their training sessions and engaged in disorderly conduct on the border with Israel in the months leading up to the massacre. "We sat there for two years, and we were sure that [our commanders] were listening to us and doing something with our information. In light of the outcome, I realize that they didn't do anything with it," she said, adding that "only after October 7 we discovered how much they weren't listening to us."
The Red Pill is Adrenochrome" with Tom Althouse | The Roseanne Barr Podcast #65 - YouTube
Tom Althouse has a fascinating story to tell. He alleges that his original script The Immortals (better known to the public as The Matrix) was stolen and butchered by Hollywood as punishment for exposing world famous minister Pat Robertson's secret pedophile ring. This compelling story full of murder, rape and evil elites will have you questioning just how deep the rabbit hole goes.

mRNA Injury Stories - 15 year old Tennessee boy Tristen Franklin collapsed & died suddenly while jogging on Aug.27, 2024
Dr. Vernon Coleman: Is Vaccination a Synonym for Genocide?
"The evidence shows that vaccines did NOT get rid of the infectious diseases which used to kill so many...Just look at the facts."
In 1986, babies between 0 and 12 months old in the United States were given around five vaccines. This year, babies between 0 and 12 months old in the United States are given around 32 vaccines. And, of course, all those vaccines are given to keep children healthy.
So why, just out of curiosity, are today's children and young people sicker than any generation since cholera, tuberculosis and other nasties were major killers at the end of the 19th century?
The evidence shows that vaccines did NOT get rid of the infectious diseases which used to kill so many. It was cleaner water, better food, better housing and better sewage disposal which produced the improvements. Just look at the facts.
Could it possibly, just possibly, be that all those jabs are making children sick? Is it possible that the epidemic of diseases now affecting children could be a result of all that vaccination?

Teachers Unions are Communist
Teacher Pay: Myths, Reality and Union Shenanigans
That teachers are underpaid and that teachers' unions are beneficial for educators are enduring fables that need to be debunked.
The great majority of union spending does not benefit its members but instead goes to politics, almost exclusively to left-wing causes that often have nothing to do with education. For example, the CTA recently contributed $250,000 to a ballot initiative that would enshrine the rights to abortions and contraceptives in the state's constitution.
In Chicago, teachers pay $1,403 a year to be union members. However, the Illinois Policy Institute reports that just 17% of Chicago Teachers Union spending is dedicated to representing its members.