The Crucifixion of David Irving
October 17, 2024

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October 17, 2024
Doug P said (October 18, 2024):
Our highest standard of truth does not come from history or history scholars because no one can genuinely cross-examine their own beliefs unless they are disinterested, in which case they don't have beliefs. The best and only source of truth regarding the holocaust is the single cross-examination that took place during the first Zundel trial.
Christie neatly exposed Raul Hilberg as a fool, and Hilberg declined to testify during the second Zundel trial. The concentration camps were for communists, not Jews, and there were as many Catholics in them. No genocide has ever taken place using gas chambers before or after this. It's impractical, and the Nazis were not impractical.
It's a diabolical lie that hurts us all, especially Jews and them, especially the little ones. The little ones are inculcated with fear and revenge at an early age, which is antithetical to rational, objective thought - it's a form of abuse. There is an enormous power, the one that has turned Jews into raving lunatics using this holocaust - to serve Jewish kings? British kings? Who can know?
Irving was a hero, and he could justify his beliefs, but no matter what he believed or wrote, his work could never reach the standard of truth in a court of law. Zundel was convicted by Freemasons despite the exposure.
Doug P said (October 18, 2024):
Our highest standard of truth does not come from history or history scholars because no one can genuinely cross-examine their own beliefs unless they are disinterested, in which case they don't have beliefs. The best and only source of truth regarding the holocaust is the single cross-examination that took place during the first Zundel trial. Christie neatly exposed Raul Hilberg as a fool, and Hilberg declined to testify during the second Zundel trial. The concentration camps were for communists, not Jews, and there were as many Catholics in them. No genocide has ever taken place using gas chambers before or after this. It's impractical, and the Nazis were not impractical.
It's a diabolical lie that hurts us all, especially Jews and them, especially the little ones. The little ones are inculcated with fear and revenge at an early age, which is antithetical to rational, objective thought - it's a form of abuse. There is an enormous power, the one that has turned Jews into raving lunatics using this holocaust - to serve Jewish kings? British kings? Who can know?
Irving was a hero, and he could justify his beliefs, but no matter what he believed or wrote, his work could never reach the standard of truth in a court of law. Zundel was convicted by Freemasons despite the exposure.
David said (October 17, 2024):
I wish to contradict the statement "There was no mention of the "Holocaust" before 1972." I was aware of the narrative in the 60's. when i lived in Munich During that time, the story included, Lampshades, mattresses, and soap, which we believed, but all of which have been debunked. Irving's work gives me something to think about.
Thomas S said (September 22, 2017):
I believe the idea that large numbers of Jews were gassed is complete fiction. To have murdered so many people in that way would have required premises on a much larger scale than the ramshackle rooms we have been shown - even if those were indeed effective. I don't doubt that numerous Jews tragically died from disease, starvation and exposure in the Nazi prison camps. But I think the three million or six millions figures are simply guesswork - where are all the bodies for one thing?
Thanks Thomas
Curious that the only response has come from holocaust deniers. As I said, the truth which I think Irving is closest to, pleases no one.
Neil said (September 22, 2017):
While David Irving may be a brilliant historian he is not a holocaust revisionist. In fact Irving, when it comes to the holocaust, is a fraud and has been exposed as such by Al Baron who was one of the best revisionists I have come across.
Baron, after one encounter with Irving, exposed him as a lover of rent boys and handed the evidence to people working for the late Greville Jenner, a top Zionist in the UK who at the time had not yet been exposed as a paedophile, Baron was shown some incriminating photos of Irving and was told to forget the rent boy stuff as Irving was working for them.
In his legal fight with Lipstadt Irving took a dive. Many revisionists followed the trial and were surprised not by what he said but what he did not say.
Irving could have destroyed Lipstadt with available evidence but decided to stay shtum on many aspects of the so called holocaust.
When it comes to the holocaust Irving is not to be trusted.
Pedro said (September 22, 2017):
great video of Irving, I must read/reread more of his books, though he doesnt seem to get it that Hitler was a British agent -which is why he was nice to Jews and British. - see for his new one on Benito Mussolini, and his Jewish 30 yr girlfriend and him being a british agent too. not sure about Stalin at this stage, except he was also part Jewish and probably as Kaganovich, an actor in the 1911 sydney street riots, starring Churchill strutting around on silent film exactly like that businessman in the Beatles rooftop propaganda piece.
Mario said (September 21, 2017):
Is hard to believe in gas chamber. Why to kill with gas when you can kill by hungry ( great quantity of people, millions if neccesary) in 80 days or by thirst in just 8 days). Just avoid supply of water for 8 or 10 days. To made this in concentration camp is more easy that Stalin Kaganovich do in Ucrania with Ukranian population.
If it was an extermination plan why there are so many survivors??
Luis said (September 21, 2017):
Gas chambers did not exist. I got a quote at home of the guy who invented that lie. What existed were rooms where new prisionrers would be sprayed for typhus.
2 million? No chance; Red Cross International stated that not even three hundred thousand jews died, and none in gas chambers.
David C (2) said (September 20, 2017):
I should not have specifically stated it was "diesel" engines that were used, since they apparently used gas vans for the most part - that was erroneous, so thanks for correcting me. However, diesel fumes CAN kill, especially in the confined space of an enclosed room, (or truck/van) full of people. In some cases the Nazis apparently used refined carbon monoxide gas in larger gas chambers, which could have come from either type of engine. The use of Zyklon-B for murdering people is problematic though, as the gas chambers used in the USA to kill just one person at a time proved, and I've seen no convincing evidence cyanide gas was used to kill people. Zyklon-B was available though, so it was likely was used at least a few times, and possibly on a larger scale. Supposedly the Nazis demolished the real gas chambers with explosives, which makes sense. As someone with a Jewish mother, I've been researching the "Holocaust" and "Zionism" for many years, trying to understand what really happened. I've concluded that both sides are exaggerating, Holocaust deniers and Holocaust believers, because that's the tactic they use presently to get the two sides fighting with each other. The reason I stated "diesel engines" were used, was that I had just read this at a Holocaust website:
Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka
In 1942, systematic mass killing in stationary gas chambers (with carbon monoxide gas generated by diesel engines) began at Belzec, Sobibor, and Treblinka, all in Poland. As victims were "unloaded" from cattle cars, they were told that they had to be disinfected in "showers." The Nazi and Ukrainian guards sometimes shouted at and beat the victims, who were ordered to enter the "showers" with raised arms to allow as many people as possible to fit into the gas chambers. The tighter the gas chambers were packed, the faster the victims suffocated.
Kurt B said (September 20, 2017):
David C.’s contention that the Germans used “carbon monoxide from diesel engines†to kill people is untenable. Diesel exhaust is oxygen rich and would be terribly inefficient as a lethal agent.
Also, since there were no crematoria at any of the Operation Reinhard camps, disposal of the remains is problematic. The contemporary narrative is that the Germans first buried the corpses in massive pits then later dug them up and burned them. However, in the 1990’s an Australian team using ground penetrating radar examined several of the sites and found no evidence that the soil had been disrupted anywhere.
I can believe that the SS rounded up and shot many partisans toward the end of the war but to claim that there was a central plan of extermination fails to convince. 70 years after the end of the war there is no evidence of a plan, budget, disbursement records or blueprint of a homicidal gas chamber. We are supposed to believe it was all done with a wink and a wave.
I’ve read Irving and like his books although he seems too often contradict himself on the holocaust story.
David C said (September 19, 2017):
I'm aware that approximately 500,000 people were gassed by the National Socialist Workers Party, mostly derelicts, drug addicts, prostitutes, mentally ill, mentally retarded - all "useless eaters" to the Reich. Many of the condemned were not Jewish - the purpose was to "sanitize" the cities, by getting rid of the more decadent faction of society during Weimar Germany era. If indeed they did gas people at the 'labor' camps during the 1940's, they would have used carbon monoxide from diesel engines, like they did during the 1930's. That would explain the lack of gas chambers, because any garage or enclosed space can be a gas chamber for carbon monoxide. Cremating that many people would have been problematic, and then burying all those ashes - where is it all? I think they likely did gas people at the camps, especially those who were unfit for work, and had no other use to them - like they did previously. I doubt the high numbers of deaths though, because there wasn't that many Jews to start with, and there were so many left after the war it seems doubtful 2 million were gassed, but it's possible.
As for David Irving: I've read much of his work, and some videos. I always wonder why he was the only historian who had access to those archives, which would have been a virtual gold mine to historical researchers, so why was Irving the only "archivist" who had access to the records? I've never seen any other researcher have so much information about the Nazis from "original" sources. MI6 has specialized in forging "real" documents forever, so there is no guarantee the archives Irving was given access to were real. Irving seems to have a Nazi/Hitleri fetish, and supposedly likes to dress as a Nazi, but maybe that's just propaganda. His stint in prison might have been real, or it may have been done deliberately to give him credibility, as they did with Hitler, and others. David Irving seems like a good man and excellent researcher, but I wonder if he is real, or is he just another psyop, probably not even knowing that himself. The best-controlled opposition is the ones that don't know they are being controlled.
Your website is one of the first I read each day. I appreciate what you're doing: grateful thanks for your dedication, honesty, courage, and integrity, even though I don't always agree with everything you write.
Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at
Christine said (October 18, 2024):
Sixty million Gentiles died in World War 2
The men of the West should have refused to fight, Henry.
WW1 and WW2 were "Gog & Magog parts 1 and 2" of the Zohar. as engineered by the faithful minions of the Devil, the kabbalists.
Disobeying Messiah = Assisting Antichrist (Judaism).
Since 70AD, there has been NO third option.
God commanded veryone to repent (Acts 17:30).
Man brings - and since 70AD has ALWAYS brought - Judgment upon himself by disobeying the commandments of the Lord Jesus Christ.