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Results matching “"new world order"”


"Hexed" -- Hexagram Holds Humanity Hostage

The Evil Symbol that Rules the WorldThe Hexagram has gained mastery over the human world.  Practitioners might appear to be upright Jews, Catholics or Masons, but they are impostors who infiltrate and subvert.By CK( the evil in this world is a symbol.  Understand this symbol and the cabal who

Jacob Schiff Ordered Czar and Family Murdered

Illuminati Jewish banker Jacob Schiff pulled the strings on the "Russian" Revolution, including the savage murder of Czar Nicholas IIand his family in July 1918. The same power is behind the New World Order.from July 9, 2011by Krister( July 1918, Illuminati Jewish banker Jacob Schiff sent a direct order thru US diplomatic channels

Murder of Internet Pioneer Aaron Swartz -- 7th Anniversary

Aaron Swartz (1986- Jan 11, 2013)  This inspiring documentary includes home movies and tells the story of a boy genius. Reader advises that this version works better.Latest!  Swartz killed because he threatened to exposed MIT child porn ring?--------------- The Legacy of Aaron Swartz - Open Access Advocate"Every element in the

The ADL - Jewish Supremacist Gestapo

The ADL labels all resistance to Jewish hegemony as hatred. That's like Sept. 1, 1939 Nazis calling Polish resistance "hate."by Henry Makow Ph.DOn Tuesday, Adam Green was kicked off of Pay Pal. Adam Green deserves our gratitude for revealing that a satanic doomsday cult, which pulls Donald Trump's strings, advocates that

Brendon O'Connell - China is Rothschild's Model for NWO

As far as Brendon O'Connell is concerned, the question is, who owns China? Not if China owns Australia. The whole world has been "gifted" to China, not by Satanists, but by the Rothschilds who own it. Israel's role is to facilitate this. "Once you understand the massive Soviet Rothschild penetration and

Satanists Have Gifted Australia to China (2)

Another warning from our resident Satanist, Aloysius Fozdyke, that the Chinese Communist Party already controls Australia.This is his third warning in a year.(See also, Australia Has Been Gifted to China (1) )I find this hard to believe since Australia has recently banned Huawei. I look to my readers for an explanation,In 2016

USSR - Illuminati Experiment Was "Social Catastrophe"

from May 20, 2009by Henry Makow Ph.D.   As we edge toward world government, it pays to recall the Illuminati's last great social experiment, Soviet Communism, which Juri Lina describes as a "social catastrophe."  In his book, "Under the Sign of the Scorpion"  (2002), the Estonian writer says about 150 million people died as a

"Jewish Conspiracy" Warning in Famous Novel

"The Thirty-Nine Steps," a 1915 Novel written by John Buchan, an Illuminati insider, said World War One was started by the Rothschilds for profit and geopolitical motives. "...Behind all the governments and the armies there was a big subterranean movement going on, engineered by very dangerous people."from Sept 23, 2011by

Freemasonry's Best Kept Secret: Ritual Sodomy

left. By 1996, Satanist rocker Marylin Manson was literally selling sodomy to teens.Sodomy is a form of brainwashingFreemasons are able to be a closeted homosexual organization due to the amnesia of half the victims,and psychological denial of their own homosexuality by bull fruit perps like Jerry Sandusky.Freemasons believe sodomy opens the "third eye"

Why? - The Hate-Fuelled Attack on our Gender Identity

The Jewish Cabala is "a powerful system for gaining control over people by harnessing and perverting sexual energies." Yesterday: Illuminati's Planned Parenthood: Teach Your Pre-Schooler, "Your genitals don't determine your gender." Greg (a reader): "My niece is a student at the University of Oregon where there is a growing movement to eliminate gender references altogether.  For

Feminism Can be Cured (If Diagnosed Early)

(Left, Modern womyn, Communist dupes, go feral without healthy heterosexual intercourse. These are incurable,  up a creek without a paddle, but there is hope for less severe cases. See also, Women's Protests are a Cry for Male Love) The New World Order is a fait accompli.  They put "mission accomplished" (annuit coeptis) on

The "British" Used "Appeasement" to Trap Hitler in a Two-Front War

 Halifax, Life Magazine, July 17, 1939) (Edward Wood, Lord Halifax)The pre-war British establishment was Communist (Freemason) to the core.They put Hitler in power and maneuvered him intoa two-front war that would destroy Germany once and for all. They were all Freemasons (i.e. Cabalists, Satanists.) The goal of Freemasonry is the triumph of Communism-- the political manifestation

Malachi Martin -- Illuminati False Opposition

Vatican insider Malachi Martin (1921-1999) left the Jesuit Order because supposedly he deplored Vatican II, something he helped bring about. A respected scholar and novelist, he lobbied for the Jewish Schema, which absolved Jews of responsibility for the Crucifixion and 2000 years of antisemitism. Martin was compensated well by the American

"Sexism" is Heterosexuality

  Heterosexuality is based on the exchange of female worldly power for male power expressed as love. This heterosexual contract (marriage) is symbolized by exclusive sex. Cabalists (Satanists, Communists) neuter both sexes and destroy gender identity by calling heterosexuals "sexist" and demanding "equality." (updated from April 2002) By Henry Makow PhD Feminists think they're fighting the "patriarchy" but in fact, they are victims

The Zionist Path to NWO - US Imperialism

Humanity has a choice between a Communist (Left, globalism) and Zionist (Right, nationalism) path to world government Rothschild tyranny, aka "globalism."The Communist path is epitomized by George Soros and everything he epitomizes ( Satanism, EU, gender dysphoria, migration.) If Neocon Thomas Barnett's Pentagon's New Path (2004) is any indication, US imperialism is the hod carrier for Zionist NWO. Ultimately, the goal

My Sojourn on Planet Earth

At age 70,  I'll be getting off this bus soon. Don't like its direction anyway. (Disclaimer- Please forgive me for this overly pessimistic view. I've never so much wanted to be wrong.)by Henry Makow PhDI experienced the planet earth as a human being from the second half of the 20th Century to

Evo Morales & The Left-Right Charade

Evo Morales just now in Mexico City: "If I've committed a crime, it's being Indigenous... it's implementing social programs for the poor and hungry. If I've committed a crime or a sin, our sin is being anti-imperialist."And if you believe this, I have some swampland in Florida for sale...Marcos'

Good Riddance Evo Morales

Evo Morales is a typical Communist and NWO shill. He pretends to champion the poorwhile robbing the country blind and selling it cheaply to the Chinese. He is part of a plan to remake South America in the image of the USSR. Marcos writes: "Instead of crying "the CIA did

Like Jeffrey Epstein, NXIVM is Tip of Illuminati Iceberg

Big League Politics’ Patrick Howley Says ‘It’s Very Clear’ That Hillary Clinton Is a Satanist By Kyle Mantyla | June 25, 2019 11:24 am   Last night, right-wing journalist Patrick Howley of Big League Politics appeared on “Steel Truth,” a program hosted by QAnon-loving conspiracy theorist Ann Vandersteel, to discuss the guilty verdict in the case of NXIVM sex
(In this interview with Adam Green in May, Christopher Bjerknes explains that the real goal of Zionism is not a "homeland for the Jews" but a world empire ruled by Rothschilds and their fellow Masons & Jews. I don't usually repost articles so soon, but this one exposes the Left-Right dialectic. Essentially the

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