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Results matching “"new world order"”


Jewish Lobby Vetoes Candidate Over 9-11 Views

"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through

The Fed is Making a Killing on Banking Crisis

by Henry Makow Ph.D.The price tag for bailing out the US financial system may exceed $1.3 trillion dollars. The purchase price for the two mortgage lenders, and Bear Stearns and AIG is over $300 billion. The assumption of the bad loans held by the banks may cost an additional

Flashback-Canada Destroys a Defender of Freedom

(From June 29, 2003. Radwanski seems to have disappeared down the Memory Hole) In January 2003, Radwanski warned Canadians that the government "regrettably has lost its moral compass." Although Canada hasn't had a terrorist attack, planned initiatives will result in the loss "not only of privacy rights that we

I'm NOT on Putin's Bandwagon

by Henry Makow Ph.D.(This substantially updates and revises "Our Leaders: Whose Sick Joke?" Jan 15, 2008)I had as much satisfaction as anyone from the humiliation Vlad Putin dealt the Zionists in Georgia recently. However I'm not joining in the general celebration evinced by articles like "The Zionist West Has

The Biggest Mistake Men Make

  By Henry Makow Ph.D. (Note: This is from last Nov. It may be of value to single men and women who are frustrated or confused, or people unhappily married.  It doesn't apply to those who already have successful marriages.) The biggest mistake a man can make is to put a woman on

Decadence Lurks Amid Toronto Affluence

by Henry Makow Ph.D.A 90-foot-tall banner of this thug from "Grand Theft Auto IV" hangs from a building on trendy Bloor Street. Although nearly everyone who passes beneath seems attractive, contented and successful, as big city people do, I  wonder if the banner portends bad times ahead.The stock market

Filmmaker Calls 911 Attacks "a Hoax"

by Henry Makow Ph.D.On Sept. 11 2001, filmmaker Paul Cross was doing post-production work in Washington DC when he heard about the "terrorist" attack.  He visited the crash-site just five hours after impact and could plainly see the official story was a lie. "There was no passenger jet wreckage;

The CIA Created the Drug Culture

(From May 2005) In the 1950's, the CIA experimented with LSD for use in interrogation and as a weapon. In the 1960's they used this weapon to divert idealistic Americans from the path of social responsibility to one of introspection and self-gratification, i.e. "spiritual liberation." They neutralized my generation

Humanity is Under Occult Attack

by Henry Makow Ph.D.As you know, the elite attaches great importance to providing us with an external enemy: Huns, Nazis, Communists, Muslims etc. It also creates internal enemies by dividing us on race, sex and class.Thus, it diverts attention from itself, the real enemy, the elite organized in Freemasonry, an

"Art" Films Pack Ideological Sucker Punch

By Henry Makow Ph.D.In the old Soviet Union, art was considered a branch of propaganda. Ifa novel or movie wasn't "politically correct,"  it wouldn't be seen. The idea that art should reveal transcendent truths was out-of-the-question.I am noticing the same trend in the West where the Communist Party term "politically

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