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Results matching “"new world order"”


Yellow Vests Plan a Bank Run. Will it Work?

Yellow vests hope to trigger a bank run Saturday by withdrawing funds en masse (from RT)Yellow Vest protesters are hoping to trigger a bank run with a nationwide coordinated cash withdrawal. By threatening the French financial system, protesters say, they want to peacefully force the government to pass their reforms."If

The Sordid Truth of the B'nai Brith-ADL

Left, ADL propaganda. A reader: "Just an idea. You should get some articles on the [B'nai Brith] Anti Defamation League and their involvement with the conspiracy."The B'nai B'rith masquerades as a "human rights" organization. In fact,they do not allow non-Jewish Freemasons to join. Why? They are a satanic secret society dedicated to white

Did Cohen Song Reveal Illuminati Plan?

9-11 Black Magic Ritual in Two Acts Did Leonard Cohen's song, First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin, presage the 9-11 attacks and the migrant invasion of Germany? Izabel Ea-kapu believes Cabalist Black Magickwas involved. I can't follow all of this and welcome your appraisals. Black and White FIRE Magic around 911A

Chris Pirnak -- Banksters Manufacture Financial Crisis for Profit

Every financial crisisis planned in advance. Chris Pirnak says this one is designed to allow the superrich to buy even more assets on the cheap.Never waste the opportunity offered by a good crisis- Niccolo MachiavelliEvery Financial Crisis is Planned in Advanceby Chris Pirnak( elite banking families manufacture all financial crises for gainThis fire was set

The Dawn of the Feminist Police State

(Trump aide Rob Porter, credited with helping to draft the State Of the Union address resigned Friday after ex-wives complained of abuse. If he had punched a man, or a wife punched him, it would be ignored. Why the double standard?)This article which appeared 15 years ago is particularly prescient

Conservative Catholic Media Shills For Anti-Catholic Masonic Hate

(Cardinal Francis George (1937-2015) tried to resist Jewish pressure. Conservative Catholics helped crucify him.) "Catholic traditionalist movement" exerts a subtle but devastatingly masochistic influence on the wider Catholic culture. Indeed, if the Catholic trad movement didn't exist, the globalists would have had to invent it. Then again perhaps they did." -Jude

Muslim Invasion of Europe in Historical Perspective

(Angela Merkel gets Bnai Brith Award in 2007; Germany joins UN Migration Pact) "It remains a fact," says the Jewish Encyclopedia, "that the Jews, either directly or through their co-religionists in Africa, encouraged the Mohammedans to conquer Spain." [in 709] ..."Wherever they went, the Jews threw open to them the gates of the
(left, Lord Ronald Grantham, Matthew Crawley and Lady Sybil Crawley, in "Downton Abbey.") Nov 11,1918 marks the 100 year anniversary of the end of WW1. We are doomed unless we recognize society has been subverted.   In historical perspective, anyone who takes seriously his country's call to war is a dupe. The

The Judeo Masonic Roots of Modern "Cult-ure"

Just as our bodies need food, our souls also have needs, for meaningand inspiring models of truth, courage, goodness, beauty, and love.The satanic cult (Cabalism) that controls modern culture defines humanity as soulless animals, better to exploit and cull us. The film "Why Beauty Matters" (left) shows that we are being starved spiritually.

Waiting for Anti-Christ: The Maitreyea Cometh

from June 12, 2010by L C  Vincent -- (for The Anti-Christ has been anticipated for well over a thousand years; and now it appears the Illuminati are rapidly escalating events heralding his imminent arrival, in the guise of "The Maitreya." Both Helena Petrovna Blavatsky and Alice A. Bailey, leaders

Katyn: The Jewish Genocide Hollywood Won't Touch

(left, the Poles finally told their story in 2007)Communist Jews executed 20,000 Polish Catholic army officers in 1940.Why has Hollywood ignored this incredible story?  With six degrees of separation, Hollywood, (and indeed America) is ultimately run by the spiritual descendants of the Katyn murderers.The same applies to Russia who again murdered 97

9-11 as Trauma Brainwashing

Events like the holocaust, Hiroshima, Pearl Harborthe JFK assassination and 9-11 are used to trauma brainwashsociety and change the direction of history.It takes a traumatic event to change the courseof history.In a 2003 article, I reflected on thisand on my personal Henry Makow Ph.D( In an article entitled "Why Hiroshima

Judaized Christianity: Front for New World Order -- Sen. McCarthy

A year before his death, Sen. Joseph McCarthy made the connection between Freemasonry, Communism, and Judaism. He cited British General Charles Cornwallis 1781 prophecy of the Masonic (Communist) takeover of America."Cornwallis well knew that his military defeat was only the beginning of world catastrophe that would be universal and that unrest

Illuminati Use Porn in Spiritual War Against Society

(left, a scene from American Pie,1999, porn passing as "teen comedy-drama")Hollywood served as a crack dealer, getting the young hooked on porn. How much easier to create a police stateif people enslave themselves. It's so all-pervasive we don't see it. The deification of the naked fertile female, sex, and romantic "love,"  is satanic

Margaret Mead: "Science" in the Service of Satan

The Deep State made their agent Margaret Mead a cultural icon.     In a de facto Communist society such as our own, "scientific inquiry" is often falsified to advance "revolutionary" goals, i.e. Lucifer's tyranny administered by his Masonic Jewish minions. In 1925, Jewish anthropologist Franz Boaz sent his grad student Margaret Meadto Samoa to find

"The Wing" - Man-Hating Psychopaths Are New Face of Feminism

A coven of well-to-dowitches and lesbianssay the only safe spaceis a man-free space. They are backed by the liberal establishment. Anyone watching Canada'sgovernment broadcaster, the CBC,knows this is a growing trend.Men have been banished from liberal-dominated workplaces. by Clint Eubanks ( There is a new brand of feminism raising its ugly head among America's female elite.  Its

Can God Turn this Game Around?

I feel like a World Series commentator. God's team is down 10-3 and keeps striking out. But God's team has latent batting power. It hits a home run every time one of us dedicates his life to loving God instead of power, fame, sex or money.  We have to BE Good, in

Anthony Migchels -How Money Rules

The World is run by the Banking Cartel, which is the real hegemon, not some Nation State. When Banks rule, it is obvious that they rule through money. Here is how they do it. By Anthony Migchels, ( How we know the Banks ruleLet us first ascertain that the Banking Cartel is indeed the

Subverted Amerika Spurns Patriots Like Alan Stang

(Left, Three months before his death, Alan Stang talks about the need for the Tea Party toadopt a program.) Alan Stang (1932-2009) died nine years ago today (July 19). For almost 50 years, the American people had no more stalwart and courageous defender than this man, who was born Jewish and

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