Illuminati Use Porn in Spiritual War Against Society
August 23, 2018

Hollywood served as a crack dealer,
How much easier to create a police state
if people enslave themselves.
by Henry Makow Ph.D.
Mankind has been colonized by a satanic cult, the Illuminati, Cabalist Jewish bankers & Freemasons who used their fraudulent monopoly over government credit (currency) to buy the world and hold mankind in debt-servitude.
So effective is their control over culture that humanity only now realizes it is the hostage of an emerging globalist police state.
We are also recognizing that "sexual liberation" and pornography are political weapons designed to degrade and control.
The Illuminati know that real men supported by loyal wives will defend their families and ensure that their children have a wholesome future.
Better to turn these men and women into sex addicts who betray their families for a cheap transitory thrill.
Porn is literally a weapon of war. In occupied Poland, the Nazis corrupted Polish society:
"The authorities turned a blind eye to the illicit distillation of alcohol. In Warsaw, gambling halls were opened which only Poles were allowed to attend. Prostitution was tolerated. The printing and distribution of pornography were encouraged." ("Poland Under Nazi Occupation" 1961, p.218.)
Casinos. Prostitution. Porn. Sound familiar?
Porn is a favorite weapon of colonizers. When Israel took over Palestinian TV stations in the West Bank, they broadcast porn. After the US invaded Iraq, porn flourished.
For most people, sex has become an addiction. Porn is the crack. In the 19th Century, the British fought the Opium Wars because the Chinese wouldn't take their "medicine."
For the past 50-100 years this weapon has been used against us and increasingly porn is setting societal norms.

Just as "social change" is really "social engineering," Hollywood entertainment is really behavior modification.
"Risky Business" (1983) is described as "a teen comedy-drama" when it was designed to hook a new generation on pornography. Tom Cruise plays Joel "Goodson" an innocent whose teenage fantasy comes true when a comely young prostitute (Rebecca de Mornay) moves in while his parents are away on vacation.
The film contains many steamy sex scenes and implicitly condones prostitution and sex for its own sake. No coincidence, it was made by David Geffin, a homosexual Jew and written and directed by Paul Brickman, a Jew whose "sexual preference" is unknown.
This film about corrupting innocence is bookmarked by the American Pie series (1999-2012) more Illuminati Jewish "teen comedy" which begins with four teenagers who vow to lose their virginity before graduation.
Again, the film contains enough sex and nudity to hook every young male viewer on pornography.

In the sequel, American Wedding, (2003), the future bride performs fellatio on the groom under a table in a crowded restaurant.
At the wedding reception, the groom's unruly friend has sex with the groom's grandmother in a darkened closet thinking she is the bride's sluttish sister.
Granny is so pleased she blesses her grandson's marriage to a "shiksa." In the final scene, another friend performs cunnilingus on the unruly friend's mother in a bubble bath.
This crude psychological assault on our morals and decency is part of the Illuminati's hate-filled (Talmudic) strategy to destroy the institution of the family.
In this context, Fast Times at Ridgemont High (1982) and Pretty Women (1990) are significant for their nudity and for legitimizing abortion and prostitution.
All these movies played a major role in removing moral constraints and allowing obscenity, porn and Satanism to flourish in the mass media today.
According to one 2005 estimate, 12% of all websites and 25% of all downloads are porn. Almost 30% of consumers are women.

People respond to porn as if they were actually engaged in sex. This cannot but affect behavior. Increasingly, pornography is dictating societal norms.
Here, the TSA sought to grope the genitals of a 79-year-old woman. Can you see what's happening? This is not about security. This is about making us all porn stars. Where are the defenders of "human rights" now? This old woman is Jewish!
Recently Illuminati widget Myley Cyrus was photographed panty-less in public. Coincidence? Flashing vagina could become as acceptable as cleavage. With so many young women displaying their pruned privates in porn, it is inevitable.
In this context, the "Vagina Monologues" which sought to "culturally rehabilitate" the female genitals can be seen as pioneering.
(See my "Porn Play Degrades Women" )
There is a "Breastaurant" trend where waitresses provide generous portions of breast along with ribs and mash potatoes.
Look on the street. Young girls are responding to media cues by wearing form-fitting leggings which highlight bum and camel toe.
Celebrities like Beyonce are setting the example for public nudity.
Young women used to be respected for becoming wives and mothers. Now they seek validation as porn stars and unpaid prostitutes. Ultimately, the Illuminati plan is for women to become a public utility like running water. One satisfies thirst, the other lust.
The other effect of porn is arrested development. Sex is important in the courtship and procreation stages of life. However, people in healthy marriages pursue new interests after they have children and get older.

Along with Kevin MacDonald, E. Michael Jones, the editor of Culture Wars, is our leading cultural thinker. In his book Libido Dominandi, Jones details how the Illuminati used "sexual liberation" for political control since the French Revolution. I invite you to listen to his interview.
Jones characterizes the rise of porn as a battle between Catholics and "Jewish pornographers" which the Illuminati Jews have won.
In his most recent book, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit, he characterizes modern history as the hate-filled subversion of civilization by Cabalist Jewish bankers and their Freemason proxies who have usurped Gentile leadership. This interview can be found here.
This process of subversion is now almost finished. Everybody, especially many Jews, are duped into advancing collective suicide, i.e. the "New World Order." Career success depends on it.
The Cabalist bankers who intermarry with non-Jewish Satanists ensure that other Jews will take the blame. They fund anti-Semites and create anti-Semitism in order to conflate this secret Cabalist agenda with all Jews.
Jones quotes Leon Trotsky: "Pogroms in which the rank-and-file of the Jewish nation suffer serve the useful purpose of keeping them in absolute dependence on their leaders."
Jones: "This is another way of saying the Trotskys promote revolution and the Braunsteins suffer for it."
Humanity has been colonized by this satanic cult and is satanically possessed.
Possession partly takes the form of sex addiction and promiscuity. Anonymous sex, separated from love, courtship and marriage is extremely degrading for human beings, especially women. Pedophilia, incest, and even bestiality are next.
"Liberation" is really enslavement. That's how Satanism works. Everything is the opposite of what is claimed. Evil is portrayed as good and vice-versa.
Jones quotes Saint Augustine: "A man has as many masters as he has vices."
How much easier to create a police state if people enslave themselves.
Related Makow- Sexual Depravity is Hallmark of Satanic Possession
Makow - How Kulture is Contrived
-------- Hollywood Peddles Sex as Panacea
David Richards -- Porn: Watched Bruised Drugged Prostitutes
Info on Combating Porn & Sex Addiction
Another site about overcoming sex addiction
Porn-addled 13-yr old Abuses 5 Year Old Sister
First Comment from Dan:
I assume all your readers have read George Orwell's novel 'Nineteen Eighty Four'. The main character Winston is seduced by a girl named Julia. In their mind-controlled society of INGSOC, sex is outlawed and love is unknown. Julia herself is a member of a celibate women's anti-sex society, something like the 60's radical feminazi "Redstockings". Yet she works in the "Porno Section" producing pornography for distribution under the auspices of Big Brother - presumably to divert people from actual relations with other people. Before he met Julia, Winston paid for sex with "prole" prostitutes in dark alleys.
So Big Brother was the source of all 'authorized' sexuality: porno, prostitution, and feminism. But when Winston secretly rented a room for more intimate relations with Julia than an anonymous poke in the alley, the State went "Waco" on them - helicopters, loud speakers, swat teams. They were caught in a sting operation.
Pride Parades replace the old patriotic holidays like America's 4th of July, and selected "theoretical pedophiles' like James Kincaid are promoted by the Ontario board of education and are treated like Mahatma Gandhi by the media. Groups of youth formation like Boy Scouts of America now accept "openly gay" boys - never mind the age of consent.
Television, movies, music, pornography and NEWS are all sectors of the same entity. It's designed to set up cognitive dissonance between "permission" and "punishment".
All these sectors of the media juggernaut play off each other in an elaborate psychological operation. The "entertainment" * section has programs like "Family Guy" whose writers compete with each other to see how many taboos they can break in ten minutes. The "local news" section flashes the mug shots of morons who've been caught actually doing those things.
For instance, while the author of "Child-Loving" receives publicity for his lecture to Ontario teachers, another headline features a Nashville band member sentenced to 17 years in Texas prison for believing a woman he met in a chat room was actually going to let him have sex with her children. It was an FBI sting.
I live in a big city where local news routinely reports low-class men caught raping children, or female teachers caught having sexual relations with students. The driving force behind this madness is Big Brother's pornography.
Serial Killer Ted Bundy explains pornography in last interview before his execution. Said porn was a key facotr in his murder of 35 woman and girls.
* enter-TRAIN-ment
Robert K said (August 24, 2018):
Did you receive my comment on yesterday's article? I thought it was apposite.
"People should reflect on the fact that police forces, often with Israeli-trained chiefs being the instigators, practically beg to have their representative component march in so-called Pride Parades, where nudity and obscenity are on display. Whereas not long ago indecency in public was a crime that would get you arrested immediately, now the police wink at it (at least in the context of homosexuality) and even ask to be allowed to join in.
"People might also wonder why "sex education" curricula in schools are de facto pornography, directed even at toddlers."