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The Sordid Truth of the B'nai Brith-ADL

January 8, 2019

Left, ADL propaganda. A reader: "Just an idea. You should get some articles on the [B'nai Brith] Anti Defamation League and their involvement with the conspiracy."

The B'nai B'rith masquerades as a 
"human rights" organization. In fact,
they do not allow non-Jewish Freemasons to join. 
Why? They are a satanic secret society 
dedicated to white enslavement and genocide
who regard resistance as "hate."

By Henry Makow, Ph.D.
Updated from Oct 28 2005

While claiming to represent "the interests of the worldwide Jewish Community" the B'nai Brith  "Anti Defamation League" (ADL) is, in fact, a Masonic Order that shifts blame for its Luciferian "world government" agenda onto Jews in general. Thus, while pretending to fight anti-Semitism, it puts all Jews in jeopardy even though they are not aware of the diabolical plot. 

The B'nai B'rith has no mandate to represent the Jewish people. But by equating opposition to the globalist agenda with anti-Semitism, it ensures that Jews are blamed for the emerging New World Order.

For example, recently a forum posted an item about B'nai Brith advocacy of "Hate Laws" and Internet censorship. A member of the forum responded, "Those Jews are setting themselves up for extermination again."

Thus "Jews" become the scapegoat for the Illuminati agenda despite the fact that most Jews are vague or ambivalent about their Jewish identity. Only 15% are observant.  A majority think Jewishness is purely cultural. They don't think it necessary to believe in God.

isc.jpegYes, most Jews who are ignorant of the Masonic plot naively subscribe to liberalism, socialism and Zionism. They might be surprised to learn that the Star of David featured on the Israeli flag is an occult symbol for sexual intercourse and was never a Jewish symbol in the Old Testament; that most Israeli leaders, like American Presidents, are Freemasons; and that the Israeli Supreme Court is loaded with Masonic symbolism, and is located along Satanic "ley" lines. Financed and designed by the Rothschilds, it will be the world court of the New World Order. 

 "In 2004, B'nai Brith reported a membership of more than 215,000, with members in 51 countries and a U.S. budget of $20,000,000. Approximately 85 percent of the membership is in the United States." There are at least ten million Jews in the US if you include cryptos. Yet, like Zionists, these imposters claim to represent all Jews. 


The B'nai Brith-ADL is probably active in your city. It approaches local schools, private companies, and professional associations offering indoctrination in "diversity" and "hate crimes." It trains the local police in political crimes. "Hate" is anything or anyone that interferes with the world government agenda, partly listed on the ADL website .
The B'nai Brith is part of the Masonic Scottish Rite Order established in 1843. Its militant arm, the "Anti Defamation League" (ADL) was formed in 1913, the same year as the US Federal Reserve.

According to The Ugly Truth About the ADL (1992) by the Executive Intelligence Review, the B'nai Brith has always played a leading role in returning the US to the Masonic control of the British Crown. (a.k.a The New World Order.)

"Not only is the ADL emphatically not a Jewish civil rights lobby; the ADL and its parent agency B'nai Brith have been from their inception, arms of the British secret intelligence services and secret societies that are sworn enemies of the United States. The B'nai B'rith and the ADL have used their nominal Jewishness to conceal their actual allegiance and agenda." (Ugly Truth, p.3)

The B'nai Brith/ Scottish Rite was instrumental in starting the Ku Klux Klan and causing the US Civil War, which destroyed the flower of American manhood. A B'nai Brith leader, Simon Wolf, was a Confederate spy and was implicated in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, the first of many such coup d'etats  (i.e. the assassinations of Presidents Garfield, McKinley, Kennedy.)

The book goes on to detail ADL links to organized crime, drugs and prostitution, domestic spying, the purchase of the US Congress and the removal of Christianity from public institutions. It says the ADL fought Texas legislation to prosecute satanic ritual crimes and lost numerous libel suits for defaming critics as "anti-Semites." 

Leo Frank, the President of the Bnai Brith in Atlanta raped and murdered a 13-year-old girl in 1912. The Bnai Brith tried to get him off but an aroused mob stormed the jail and lynched him. As this article outlines, the Bnai Brith is connected with the Mafia and is an adjunct of the Rothschild's MI-6, the CIA and Zionism.
For more details, see E. Michael Jones  "When Americans Lynched a Jewish Rapist-Murderer"


As I have said, the mainspring of the New World Order is the private central bankers' need to translate their unlimited financial power, derived from their control of government credit, into permanent world institutions of political and social control.

PUTZ10x (1).jpg(Our "leaders" like ex-Canadian PM Stephen Harper, Justine Castro and Andrew Scheer owe their position to the B'nai Brith)

Millions of non-Jews and a disproportionate number of Jews have sold their souls to these Lucifer-loving bankers. Led by the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, the banking cartel is behind the Sept. 11 attacks, the Afghanistan, Iraq and Syria wars and false flag terror. 

They are behind the B'nai Brith-ADL.  Take their "Diversity" program for example. You cannot work for a large corporation or government today without receiving this insulting Stalinist indoctrination which forces us to embrace human "differences" regardless of their merit. A measure of the Masonic control of Western society is that "Diversity" was never debated or put to a vote. It became the official ideology as if by magic.

Particularly distasteful is the ADL's early childhood education which targets 3-5 year-olds for indoctrination. They hide behind a smokescreen of platitudes but the net effect is that youngsters of European origin do not learn pride in their national or cultural heritage. The ADL boasts that 375,000 teachers and 12 million students have participated in these programs.

Masons-police-02 (1).jpg
(Training of US police in Israel raises the spectre that our police are really a Zionist occupational force.)

In the workplace, "Diversity" discriminates against Europeans, and particularly white heterosexual males by favoring women, coloreds and homosexuals. People are chosen on the basis of this political profile instead of their competence, which would be truly non-discriminatory and fair, not-to-mention efficient.

merkel-award (4).jpg
(left, German Chancellor Angela Merkel receives B'nai Brith award in 2008)

The purpose is to fragment society and destabilize the family so there is no coherent basis for resistance to world government. At the same time, the ADL actively promotes Zionist education and consciousness, including free trips to Israel for Jewish youth. Thus Jews are indoctrinated to promote the Masonic agenda and to take the fall when the time comes.

The B'nai B'rith-ADL doesn't represent Jews. It represents Masonic Jewish Bankers, who plot the demise of Western Civilization.

After giving the filmmaker considerable access, ADL Director Abe Foxman suppressed this movie because it revealed there is precious little anti-Semitism, certainly not enough to justify the ADL's 29 US offices, annual $70,000,000 annual fund raising, not to mention Foxman's $527,000 salary. - See more at:
Related - Ron Unz- The ADL in American Society
Makow  Film Exposes ADL's Antisemitism Racket -  This article is being blocked on the Internet. Doesn't that speak volumes?
I will post it again soon. Meanwhile, here is the film. Watch it.
After giving the filmmaker considerable access, ADL Director Abe Foxman suppressed this movie because it revealed there is precious little anti-Semitism, certainly not enough to justify the ADL's 29 US offices, annual $70,000,000 annual fund raising, not to mention Foxman's $527,000 salary. - See more at:
After giving the filmmaker considerable access, ADL Director Abe Foxman suppressed this movie because it revealed there is precious little anti-Semitism, certainly not enough to justify the ADL's 29 US offices, annual $70,000,000 annual fund raising, not to mention Foxman's $527,000 salary. - See more at:
After giving the filmmaker considerable access, ADL Director Abe Foxman suppressed this movie because it revealed there is precious little anti-Semitism, certainly not enough to justify the ADL's 29 US offices, annual $70,000,000 annual fund raising, not to mention Foxman's $527,000 salary. - See more at:

See also my "Freemasonry: Mankind's Death Wish"

See also ADL Watch

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "The Sordid Truth of the B'nai Brith-ADL "

David said (January 8, 2019):

John Slaton, the Georgia governor whose pardon of Frank triggered the storming of the Marietta jail and Frank's lynching, was also Jewish and a member of the law firm that defended him. Another example of tribal loyalty triumphing over conflict of interest, ethics and the law.

James C said (January 8, 2019):

You wrote: "The B'nai Brith/ Scottish Rite was instrumental in starting the Ku Klux Klan and causing the US Civil War, which destroyed the flower of American manhood." That may be what LaRouche wants you to believe because he, like Lincoln, is a screaming socialist. Lincoln, more than anyone else, must bear the blame for the so-called "Civil War." After reading Thomas J. DiLorenzo's The Real Lincoln and Lincoln Unmasked, I have come to the conclusion that Lincoln was probably the worst president in all of U.S. history. Because of his totally unnecessary war, he bears the responsibility for the deaths of 620,000 soldiers and only God knows how many civilian deaths. He did not "save the Union." He destroyed the original voluntary Union of states and replaced it with one that could only be held together by dint of a military force. The death of the decentralized system of government established by the founding fathers was perhaps the biggest cost of Lincoln's war. We can thank Lincoln for the government we have today.

JG said (January 8, 2019):

This article shows just how much the conspiracy theories that are mentioned in this article have become outdated.

There's a new monster on the block called the NWO that has manifested itself against the nations including Israel that demand their political and religious autonomy.
This has nothing to do with Jewish Identity or goyim inferiority. This is all about the believers in God against the satanic non-believers of God.

Open border decrees forced racial mingling of the nation's, and gender without identity are mandated all designed to subjugate the nations into dependence and allegiance to a World Communist State. This can only happen once their national, religious, and sexual identity have been taken from them. They then will have become lost souls and ripe to accept any form of government that gives them an outlined agenda in return for "peace and security".

This has all been predicted in scripture and God's Word will always be fulfilled. And, neither Satan nor Man can stop it.

Thanks, John

The new monster on the block is the same as the old one.


Eliezar said (April 25, 2013):

William Cooper had this to say about "The Protocols," an accurate account of a blueprint for global domination & for cultural subversion. However, within The Protocols the perpetrators are obfuscated & their intended victims scapegoated. Cooper corrects this diabolical corruption of perception by explaining the following....

"...The Protocols of Zion were referred to in the late 1700s. The first copy available to public scrutiny surfaced in the early 1800s. Every aspect of this plan to subjugate the world has since become reality, validating the authenticity of the conspiracy." Simply stated, the globalist conspiracy is not imagined, but real.

Further & more importantly, writes Cooper in his "Author's Note" to The Protocols quoted in his classic Behold A Pale Horse, 1991:267, "This is an exact reprint of the original text. This has been written intentionally to deceive people. For clear understanding, the word "Zion" should be "Sion;" -- any reference to "Jews" should be replaced by the word "Illuminati;" and the word "goyim" should be replaced with the word "cattle."

Please note... The Illuminati, ironically also consider most Jews as "goyim." Further, these so-called "Sionists" -- actually vetted members of the Illuminati, are enemies of Zion & were largely responsible for the Holocaust itself.

Also, the word "goyim" correctly understood refers to "the nations," and is not in & of itself a derogatory term in its Biblical sense. The use of "goyim" to mean "cattle" within The Protocols, is a bastardization similar to the use of the word "gay" to describe an open validation of buggery rather than joyful & light-hearted.

There is a polar antagonism between Illumination & Enlightenment. Just as Corporate Feudalism or Monopoly Collectivism destroys human capitalism & individual human rights, Illumination DESTROYS Enlightenment in its occulted use as a subversive tool of mind & political control.

See... "The Luciferic Principle" -- The Art of concealing & packaging Darkness, Sickness, Death & Destruction in a mirage of Benevolence & Light. This is properly known as "The Craft," & why so-called sexual "liberation" is first & foremost designed to facilitate & enable human bondage.

As E. Michael Jones suggests in the title of his book Libido Dominundi, a liberation of the libido is useful to destroy higher faculties which enables a powerful pretext for political control & suppression.


Thanks Eliezar

While I agree with Cooper that the Protocols have been around a long time, I believe "goyim" refers to gentiles. They regard non-initiated Jews as their "lesser brethern" - to be manipulated and sacrificed like pawns, but essentially part of the elect.


Trevor said (April 24, 2013):

William Cooper exposed these chumps long ago.

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at