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Results matching “"new world order"”


The Zionist Protection Racket

The Jewish elite regards the Jewish rank-and-file as pawns to be manipulated. "Anti Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren," says the author of Protocols of the Elders of Zion (9-2) a "forgery" that reads like the blueprint of the New World Order.from Dec 16, 2005by Henry Makow Ph.D.A "protection

The Hypocrisy of David Horowitz

By Henry Makow Ph.D Usually I don't praise a man I am calling a dupe and hypocrite but David Horowitz is doing invaluable work. He is waging a crusade against the "politically correct" lib-left-feminist crowd that has killed free inquiry and debate at most universities. He is championing an

Satan's Face in Current Events

by Henry Makow Ph.D. Current events resemble one of those "Magic Eye" pictures. Gaze at it for a few minutes and gradually the face of Satan appears. You don't believe in Satan? Look around. God and Satan represent spirit: good and evil. People choose to manifest one or (usually)

Women Look to Men for Leadership

by Henry Makow A 32-year-old man I know was surprised recently when his new girlfriend asked him: "What is your ten-year plan?" He wants to get married and have a family but he wasn't prepared for the question and fumbled the ball. Because of fe-manist brainwashing, young men are

Confessions of a "Crackpot"

Because of my article "Sexual Liberation is Illuminati Subversion," last week, I was called a "whack job" on several webblogs. "This man is a lunatic. He seems to be highly anti-feminist, anti-women, anti-Jewish and anti-sex...a pitiable case of self-hatred. When intellectual people go off the rails, it's truly a majestic

Is the New World Order "Jewish"?

Let's begin by defining the "New World Order." The mainspring of the New World Order is the desire on the part of the world's central bankers to translate their vast economic power into permanent global institutions of political and social control. Their power is based on their monopoly over credit.

How UFOs Relate to the New World Order

Like most people my opinion of flying saucers and aliens was programmed by the mass media. I thought they were possible but highly unlikely and speculative. Now I know better, thanks to Dr. Stephen Greer's book "Disclosure: Military and Government Witnesses Reveal the Greatest Secrets in Modern History." (2001) His

Protocols Hold Key to Our Exasperation

This week we watched in horror as a sanctimonious sociopath President George W. Bush stealthily signalled allegiance to Satan while making obscene promises to bring "freedom" to the world. This is after complicity in the most heinous attack on American soil in history; the establishment of a police-terror state; the

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