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Results matching “"new world order"”


Netanyahu's Son's Anti-Semitism

In latest Facebook post, Yair Netanyahu seems to suggest space lizards and secret leaders of the Earth might be real, some might even be Jewish.Last week the Jewish world was upset because Netanyahu's 26-year-old son, Yair, posted an anti-Semitic meme on Facebook While he later removed it, his father didn't reprimand him. David Duke

Masonic Central Bankers Engineer all Wars

@page { margin: 2cm } p { margin-bottom: 0.21cm } War is a racket.In his 1912 book, Philip Dru, Administrator, Colonel Edward Mandell House has a character say of the US Civil War: "Cynical Europe said that the North would have it appear that a war had been fought for

Did Nazis Single Out Jews for Persecution?

(left. A total of 350 Czech residents of the village of Lidice were massacred in reprisal for the the assassination of Reinhard Heydrich in June 1942 by British agents.)"Today, inconvenient facts subvert the official narrative of the Holocaust - that the Jews of Europe were somehow singled out by the Reich

America's Race War? Jews versus Goyim

This Huffington Post, Goy Bye, caption made a lot of Jews nervous because it acknowledged there indeed is a race war in Americanot between Blacks and Whites, butbetween Jews (and their minions) vs. Goyim. Jews and Gentiles are both in denial. The Masonic (Communist) Jewish Conspiracy is real. Are the bankers stoking race tensions to scare Jews and discredit

Nazis and Soviets Acted as One

Video is now available on BitchuteA 2008 documentary, The Soviet Story confirms that the Second World Warwas contrived by the Illuminati to wreak havoc on Europe, including Jews who were not Freemasons (Cabalists.) The USSR and Nazis Germany emerged from the same Illuminati workshop and were mirror-images of each other. The

Canadian Football Brainwashes Fans in Globalist Agenda

CFL quota system is affirmative action for white males. In an insidious campaign of social engineering,the Canadian Football Leagueis actively promoting "diversity." Yet, the league has a racist and nationalist quota system that shuts out Americans, impacting gifted Black athletes most severely of all.  "The founding peoples of the West are under vicious attack. The

Does Isaiah Explain the New World Order?

"How can Christians not notice the hatred of non-Jews implicit in  Isaiah 60: 3-12?" I asked in a tweet. "I fell into that trap," Jerry replied. "Christians no longer view themselves as Gentiles, they want to/do believe that they are now the "chosen": Zionism."  What do you think?  Isaiah's supremacist Jewish vision has
Left, Benjamin H. Freedman, 82, center, receiving an award in 1972.They own the currency; they own the media; they own the politicians. This is an example of how they start and end wars. In WW1, Germany offered England a generous peace deal. But the Zionists sabotaged it by offering to bring the

Goyim are Animals- The Talmudic NWO

A constant feature of the New World Order is that human beings are animalsand we are defined by our animal desires.There is a consistent denial of God, or that human beings have a connection to God through our souls. Why is this?Animals have no rights. Our connection to God is what

Protocols "Forgery" Argument is Flawed

Jewish apologists claim that the Protocols of Zionwere a direct plagiarism of this book published in 1864.However, this universally-accepted claim does not withstand scrutiny. by Henry Makow Ph.D.Next to the Bible The Protocols of the Elders of Zion is perhaps the mostly widely read book in the world. Published in Russia in

Is the Pope a Catholic?

(left, John Paul II)My self appointed task is to keep alive the knowledge ofthe Judeo Masonic conspiracy that has engulfed and subverted humanity.  Many classics like Piers Compton's The Broken Cross have been forgotten.According to Piers Compton, the Papacy was actually subverted by the Illuminati in 1958 when John XXIII, became Pope. This was the

Why Do I Remain Jewish?

The short answer is I have no choice.  As I explained in the Epilogue to Illuminati 3, you can't jump out of your skin. As you know, I have no use for the Jewish "religion."  The essence of Cabalist Judaism is satanic: to enthrone the Jew (i.e. Cabalist Jewish banker) as God and turn

War Between New & Old World Order?

New World Order v. Old World Order"One cannot understand the current geopolitical events without asserting the view I try to succinctly present in the following text," Israeli blogger Avi Gleitzer writes. He sees arebirth of the "old world order" as the occasion for world war. Syria could be the

Was the Polish Holocaust Also a Hoax?

Putting the Jewish holocaust in contextSix million Poles, or 22% the total population, were systematically murdered in WW2. Half were Jews; half were Christians. The Nazis waged a genocidal war against Poles and Russians,as well as Jews. Why do we never hear of this?  Adolf Hitler: " The destruction of Poland is our primary task....Be merciless!

Old and New Testaments are Incompatible

Douglas Reed says there is no relationship between the universal,loving God of the New Testament and the cursing psychopathic tribaldeity of Deuteronomy. The Old and New Testaments never should have been bound together. Part 1- Deuteronomy is Blueprint of New World Order Chapter 3 THE LEVITES AND THE LAWThe Controversy of Zion 1955by Douglas

Vancouver: Beautiful Setting, Sinister Society

This article first posted four years ago effectivelyevokes the disturbing satanic undercurrent people are detecting in society.I welcome any updates from readers. A Vancouver native remarks that the social environment in his cityis starting to resemble an episode of "True Blood" or "Walking Dead." "I am seeing the weirdest behavior , people

Masonic Bankers Started WWI to Exterminate Germany

In August 1914, Kaiser Wilhelm realized he had been fooled: "England, Russia and France have agreed among themselves ... to take the Austro-Serbian conflict as an excuse for waging a war of extermination against us..."War is used to eliminate any nationalist resistance toMasonic Jewish banker world hegemony. It expressestheir Talmudic hatred of humanity.

The Satanists Among Us

God stole the world from Satan. Satan wants it back.They are our neighbours, our co-workers, our pastors, cops and political leaders. They want to confound us and induct us into their cult.This is what Margaret Davis learned when they tried to recruit Henry Makow Ph. D.Satanists believe that heaven belongs

The Evangelical Church is Extension of the Luciferian NWO

(Rick Warren's Saddleback church in Lake Forest CA)The small community church in your neighborhood has now been supplanted by the tri-county Mega Church. Essentially, your local church has been, "put out of business". How ? By not offending seekers and discussing topics like homosexuality, abortion, feminism or national sovereignty. by Brian

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