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Results matching “"new world order"”


The Real Virus is Communism (Satanism)

CCP = Chinese Communist Party"The virus is merely a device to drive the plot, but it has no real relevance;  in fact THE CCP IS THE REAL VIRUS. The CCP was created by a cabal who brought you Karl Marx and central banking; it's their tool to move the

How Jews are Deceived and Manipulated

Back in 2016, I was sitting in a Toronto coffee shop frequented by Jews and overheard a woman lecturing a toddler on the subject of Clinton- Good; Trump- bad."  I don't know of another people sobrainwashed as my own. Cabalist Judaism is a satanic cult like its spawn Freemasonry. Only the initiated

Makow--What Do We Do Now?

However serious the Coronavirus really is, there's no question the damage caused by the lockdown is 1000x greater than the virus itself. They're exaggerating the danger for a hidden political motive. They're saying, "we're going to take away your freedom for your own good."We'll decide what's in our best interest, thank

Satanist Insider- #Scamdemic Masks Chinese Expansion

 WHO chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has a very dodgy and secret past, and was only installed in the job through heavy lobbying from the Chinese.Aloysius Fozdyke has been writing for this site since 2010 when he revealed worldwide Satanic control. He is a member of the satanist Alpha lodge in

Chris Pirnak - The Revolt of the One Percent

(left, Wall Street Vs. Main Street)RECORD 16.8 MILLION HAVE FILED FOR UNEMPLOYMENT""S&P 500 books BEST WEEKLY GAIN in 45 years" The Fed is working overtime to prop up the stock market. As result, two classes of people have emerged: those with investments and those without. The future will see more

9-11 Again - Except WE'RE Trapped on the 94th Floor

The Coronahoax is a psyop just like 9-11.  9-11 was a "Pearl Harbor" designed to clear the way for wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.  The Coronahoax also is geared toward political Henry Makow PhD1.  We let George Bush, the CIA & Mossad get away with murdering 3000 Americans on Sept. 11, 2001

Anthony Migchels--Media Incite Panic

The mass media will feel our wrath."The Media, Internationally, centrally coordinated, has DESTROYED our States and Institutions and Truth and Economy and Liberty and Love with an ENTIRELY fabricated 'pandemic', putting the masses into a fear psychosis.""After failing to bring down Trump with Russia, Russia, Russia and impeachment, they're

Anthony Migchels - Bolshevik Takeover of the West

A total Bolshevist takeover is taking place. West wide. Under the guise of 'Corona'.It's the New World Order implementing Agenda 2030 and their 'Communitarianism', which is just Communism 2.0.Anthony elaborated in an interview Sunday.Sourceby Anthony Migchels( They have created a double whammy on the economy: Financial Collapse, which started in September

2014: "Ebola Pandemic Smells Like a Hoax"

Left, It's not Ebola that will get you. It's the vaccines.A reminder that staged pandemics have been regular events.  Six years ago:"The Ebola Epidemic is a hoax on the scale of 9-11 and Sandy Hook. The purpose is to frighten the masses into accepting martial law measures and to send troops

Is the Coronavirus a Chinese-Chabad Co-Production?

Could the real story be secret US-China collusion? ... After all, there is a 'Chabad hotline' between Beijing China Chabad, and the Washington DC Chabad attended by Trump's son-in-law Jared Brabantian( Covid-19 coronavirus plague underway - hinting at a repeat of the 1918-20 'Spanish flu' which killed between

Israel is Bolshevik Backdoor into US Tech Grid

(Left, Zohar Zisapel - founder RAD Group. Israeli military intelligence, conduit to Russia and China.) People rely on technology - from banking to electrical power grids, to national security and food production. Who ever rules that technology rules the world. What if psychopaths ruled technology and were sworn to cull the

Coronavirus Con: Vaccinate, Depopulate & Chip Mankind

Vaccine manufacturers, govt agencies and financial institutions are embedded in a revolving door of a vast industry that is constantly pushing the 'pandemic' button in the hope of a world wide vaccine programme.Compiled by JL (largely from Makia Freeman)( Here's how this con job goes and although it repeats itself under

The "White Supremacy" Canard

"Few people have problems with the burden of proof within the context of a murder case, but cannot apply the same burden outside the courthouse to issues of racism and white supremacy as a result of the saturation of racist False Flag & Predictive Programming Background Noise. The baseless

Farewell Texe Marrs (1944-2019) - We Will Always Love You

Author of some 15 books on the Masonic Jewish Conspiracy, Texe Marrs did more than anyone to alert Americans to their true state of servitude.Thousands of Supporters Mourn the Passing of Texe MarrsBy Mark Anderson( It's always a solemn event when someone from the patriot community passes on to what one might call

The Hitler Rothschild Connection

This video by "Welcome to Reality" is an eight minute truth bomb revealing that Hitler was entirely the creation of the central bankers.Money Masters: Like flies to the gods, we wander in their carnival hall of mirrors. Be Afraid!  The New World Order's Fascist Pedigree(FROM APRIL 3, 2008)By Henry Makow Ph.D.This 57-cent

Gloria Steinem: How the CIA Used Feminism to Destabilize Society

(left, Gloria Steinem today)CIA agent, feminist leader Gloria Steinem convincedthree generations of womento seek power instead of love. This key article is a reminderthat modern culture is the product ofIlluminati social engineering.The world is controlled by the satanist central banking cartel which is extending its control over credit into a political, economic

Recurring Numbers Signal Masonic Conspiracy

"Bill Gates says a deadly flu epidemic is one of the biggest threats to humanity. It could kill nearly 33 million people in 6 months."History has been continuously littered with their serial patterning. Their symbols, and the over-use of 7, 11,13, and the triples, 21, 33, 39 are repetitively

The Illuminati Want Your Children!

(Catholic exorcist says Celine's clothing line is satanic.)Celine Dion's Israeli-designed clothing line dresses children for political and sexual exploitation. How can Nununu claim to be promoting "gender neutral" clothing for children, while at the same time their clothing items are divided between "boy" and "girl" on their web site?by L.C. Vincent(

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