However serious the Coronavirus really is, there's no question the damage caused by the lockdown is 1000x greater than the virus itself.
They're saying, "we're going to take away your freedom for your own good."
We'll decide what's in our best interest, thank you very much.
Although not "locked down," Sweden and Belarus are doing just fine.
The Illuminati will press forward with their totalitarian agenda unless we resist.
Let's defy their diktats, and see if their "pandemic" is a hoax or not.
Let's Talk About Civil Disobedience (updated)
By Henry Makow PhD
We suffer from cognitive dissonance. The media says we face a deadly epidemic.
But we don't see a deadly epidemic. We see a flimsy pretext for a radical transformation of society.
Is the Western tradition of individualism, democracy and freedom going to fold like a cheap tent?
At the heart of this audacious psyop is the Rothschild world central banking cartel. They are the only power capable of closing down the economies of practically every country in the world. Even Iran.
This spectacle has exposed our political reality like a bolt of lightning.
The world dances to the tune of an abstraction called "money."
Satanists manufacture and control this electrical "currency."
Now that they have all the money, they want all the power. They want to dispossess and enslave you. Wake up folks, before it's too late.
Politicians carry out their orders.
The mass media puts lipstick on this pig.
Their New World Order is a fait accompli.
The Democrat Party is Communist. The GOP is false opposition.
Both are Freemasons, controlled by the Rothschilds. The satanists are using the #scamdemic to make their hegemony official. They want us to know.
We may get a reprieve. Lockdowns are easing. The stock market anticipates a quick recovery. But, in many places, plans for mass vaccinations are proceeding. This scam is too good for a one off-er. They're going to bring it back year after year to enforce their Commie crackdown.
Satanists (Cabalist Jews and Freemasons) see humanity as "useless eaters", squatters, weeds that need to be trimmed back. The ideal is 100 million of "them" with "a billion of us to serve them." This is what they call "sustainable."

The #scamdemic is designed to advance the goals of Agenda 2030, nothing less than Communist world government control of every nation.
"Social distancing is a global weapon- used to break culture and businesses. Very few could survive it. It requires marching, waiting, following orders. At all times. It will be in place for YEARS until all goals are rolled out." (Comments section)
Bill Gates recently warned the United States isn't even halfway through the coronavirus pandemic: 'I wish I could say that we're halfway through, but I don't think so. It takes time to make a vaccine... " He hopes "any potential peak later this year won't be as bad as the current one."
Western civilization is in jeopardy. We are witnessing a Communist takeover modelled on Communist China. Clearly the World Health Organization is a Chinese Communist asset and its influence has spread like a cancer throughout the West. China is a proxy for the Rothschilds.

What should we do? Illuminati tyranny will increase unless people resist.
The first thing is to realize that the odds are stacked against us. By virtue of their control over the banking system, they control all the levers of power. Their traitorous agents are in all key positions, be it police, military, media, church, law.
More worrisome, they have gulled the majority into accepting their servitude.
The upshot is that we're facing a formidable challenge.
1. Wherever possible, we should defy the lockdown by ignoring "social distancing" and their other shibboleths. Refusing to wear a mask is a courageous act of resistance. They can't jail thousands of people. If they fine us, we refuse to pay. We're not going to pretend that this isn't Communist tyranny.
But if we must play along to buy food, or take an airplane, we have no choice, other than to boycott these traitors. Let's try to boycott every business that demands masks and social distancing. And make sure they know it.
2. We must eschew violence. It only gives them an excuse to ratchet up repression. However, if they try to enforce mandatory vaccinations, all bets are off.
We need to be proactive: lawyer up and prepare go to court to head off mandatory vaccination.
3. Instead of demonizing people who have swallowed the blue pill, we must work patiently to help them see the totalitarian agenda at play. It doesn't benefit them. We must eschew their "divide and conquer " tactic. Everyone has Divinity within. Instead of dehumanizing liberals, we need to reconcile on the basis of common values.

4. In the past, all resistance movements were Illuminati-Jewish sponsored. We need to form resistance cells made up only of close friends whom we know and trust. (Otherwise, they're bound to be infiltrated.) These small cells should appear on social media as supper clubs or bicycle meetups. They should determine what action to take: demonstrations, letter writing, posters & graffiti etc. If you can't find one, start your own.

(l. Does this look like they plan to return to normal?)
5. Tax revolt? Church services. Just hold a party! There are many ways to resist nonviolently.
6. Remember that no permanent change can take place until national governments take back their credit and currency.
7. Let's be POSITIVE. Let's talk and think about all the good things in life: God. Family. Love.
Sex. Food. Pets. Sports. Movies. Music. Nature. People are beautiful. The human spirit is indomitable!
The #scamdemic is a crime against humanity.
Is humanity so debased that it cannot even recognize it?
The satanist central banking cartel is waging war against you. They have already rotted out our sacred institutions: marriage, family, patriotism, racial homogeny and love of God, in order to weaken us for the kill.
Now they're attacking our freedom of movement and assembly.
If we don't stop them, we will be destroyed.
send me your thoughts --- hmakow@protonmail.com
(The Illuminati have bamboozled the sheeple. Why would they forfeit this advantage by allowing a return to normalcy? Answer: They won't unless required to.)
by James Corbett
There is a second wave of Covid-19 coming in the next few months. We don't have to speculate about this. Not only have we heard this from all manner of politicians and health "authorities" over the past few months, but it was an integral part of MIT Technology Review's now-infamous "We're not going back to normal" article, which revealed how the waves of lockdown and release were going to restructure our lives and condition us into the Corona World Order. And, lest there be any doubt that this is an important part of the plandemic narrative, Bill Gates just reaffirmed it in his latest "GatesNotes" on "The first modern pandemic."

(l. Rosa Parks. Civil disobedience is cool when Communists say it is.)
In fact, the pandemic planners have warned the public of a second (and third and fourth and fifth . . .) wave of this crisis so many times now that we can virtually guarantee that such a "second wave" will occur. Now, such a second wave of sickness could actually occur, if only because--as Dr. Dan Erickson notes in his recent Covid-19 briefing--people emerging from their lockdown isolation will have lowered immune systems and thus be more susceptible to pathogens of all kinds. But this dreaded "second wave" doesn't even have to take place in reality; the statistical chicanery of the fraudsters can always be relied on to conjure up the impression of a fresh round of infections in the minds of the public.
Heck, if the Japanese government can magically conjure a "surge" of SARS-CoV-2 infections into existence the very same day they announced the postponement of the 2020 Olympics (precisely as I predicted), you better believe governments around the world can deliver on the "second wave" narrative regardless of how many people may or may not be ill.
Here's the rub: Whatever happens, the plandemic agenda-pushers are going to blame this second wave on those evil, dastardly protesters who complained about being put under house arrest. You know, those horrible, heartless grandma-killers who dared to oppose the orders to shutter the business they've spent their entire lifetime building up and those detestable, disgusting disease-spreaders who refused to meekly accept their sudden enforced unemployment.
You can see the outlines of this narrative already being planted in the type of coverage surrounding the growing lockdown protest movement. It's those stupid, ignorant yokels who are out there protesting to "open Fuddruckers" who are putting the lives of those valiant medical heroes on the line by daring to exercise their right to peacefully assemble and demand a redress of their grievances!
So when things are opened up eventually (even just a little bit), you better believe that "second wave" is going to hit full force . . . at least in the media. And every single death in the daily death tally is going to be blamed on people who complained about their house imprisonment and forced unemployment.
I leave you with this bone-chilling observation: Remember that latest "GatesNotes" that I mentioned way back up in Prediction #1? You know, "The first modern pandemic"? Well, here's how Bill "Pandemic Planner" Gates talks about this current crisis in his conclusion:
Melinda and I grew up learning that World War II was the defining moment of our parents' generation. In a similar way, the COVID-19 pandemic--the first modern pandemic--will define this era. No one who lives through Pandemic I will ever forget it. And it is impossible to overstate the pain that people are feeling now and will continue to feel for years to come.
Yes, not only does he liken this "fight" against the "invisible enemy" to World War II--as every politician and pundit seems to be doing these days--but he even goes so far as to call this Pandemic I. Yes, "Pandemic I." As in part one. The obvious implication here is that, just like World War I was followed by World War II, so, too, will Pandemic I be followed by Pandemic II.
Kind of makes you wonder what else he has up his sleeve, doesn't it?
RJ said (May 1, 2020):
our article is spot on, as always.
I heard it said that there are 5 stages to this collapse of us and our freedom. After each stage we eventually adjust to the shock of the experience and as we get pushed into complacency, they then whack us with the next stage.
So while we are all looking at the scamdemic, they shut down the banks. I believe this is stage 2. Soon.
Stage 3: Implementing their digital currency and giving us the jab (vaccination) which are pretty much the same thing.
Stage 4: Removing any of us who have any human DNA left in us.
Stage 5: Power up 5G.
Sad news really. But the good news is that I am quite certain they will not be completing all 5 Stages.