"Art" Films Pack Ideological Sucker Punch
January 17, 2008

By Henry Makow Ph.D.
In the old Soviet Union, art was considered a branch of propaganda. If
a novel or movie wasn't "politically correct," it wouldn't be seen. The
idea that art should reveal transcendent truths was out-of-the-question.
I am noticing the same trend in the West where the Communist Party term
"politically correct" is now in common usage. Last week, I saw "The Kite Runner" a story set mainly in Afghanistan about a friendship between two boys and how, in the course of a lifetime, one learns moral courage.
The film upheld human values and moved me to tears in a couple of places. I found myself wondering, "How did this movie get wide-release?"
The answer wasn't long in coming. The hero returns to Taliban-controlled Afghanistan to rescue his friend's son from an orphanage. The Taliban are portrayed in the worst possible light, as religious fanatics who
stone women and sodomize children. Without realizing it, the theater audience will assume that Muslim fundamentalism is a scourge, and the "war of civilizations" is justified.
No mention here of how, with US aid, the Taliban actually liberated Afghanistan from Soviet oppression and stamped out the opium trade. No, yesterday's "freedom fighters" are today's "terrorists."
See a more truthful view of the Taliban by Eric Margolis: "The Taliban are Terrorists"
Another movie that met the PC smell-test was "Juno," about a 16-year-old girl who is pregnant. With the dearth of intelligent movies, I am willing to overlook a lot, like why didn't this sharp young woman know how babies are made?
To Hollywood's credit, women in movies are eschewing abortion these days. Juno finds an adoptive couple. But when their marriage falls apart (because of the man's immaturity of course) I hoped that Juno and
the biological father would actually keep the baby. After all, they love each other and she has a supportive family.
But No. Their maternal and paternal instincts are portrayed as non-existent. The two teens treat their child like someone's chipmunk. Juno ends up giving the baby to the woman who is now single.
In the New World Order, it's OK to have children, but it's not OK to have biological families. Without realizing it, the audience will assume that raising children without fathers is just dandy.
The illuminati grabbed control of the mass media because they understood its overwhelming power to set social norms. Human apes are cowardly conformists and mimes by nature. The mass media has enormous power to
deceive, control and pervert.
Some really great movies are being made. "The Illusionist" and "The Painted Veil" are two examples from 2006, both starring Edward Norton.
And I still enjoyed the two "Art" movies mentioned here. I just resent the Illuminati's insidious, relentless, social engineering and propaganda. I resent that more movies do not provide the insight and inspiration that they could, if art weren't controlled by a malevolent power.
Grant said (January 21, 2008):
I just read that article ("Art" Films Pack Ideological Sucker Punch) and I felt so sad, because you are right.
I have a TV, but it's always off.
TV shows are not a reflection of modern society, they are defining society. It is so strange; I can see it, this sort of foundation that all TV shows and movies are based around now. It's a strong opinion about what is wrong and what is right, what is moral and what isn't and these ideas are posed like they are obvious truths that everyone knows.
These "truths" are somehow unnatural and kind of strange and they are definitely not what any normal person would agree with, but people who watch TV shows regularly are changed. Their ideas of what is right and wrong become aligned with what they are watching.
When a person sits watching TV it's like their soul is open, the outside world is excluded and it's like there is a direct conduit from the TV to the person's core. You can stare at a person watching TV and they wont notice. I know, I've seen it happen to my sister, friends, my own wife! It's horrible. You see someone you care about in a trance like state actually getting reprogrammed. It's poison.
I like to be entertained, I really enjoy a good sci-fi or action movie… but I just don't trust that TV anymore. I have a daughter, her mind is precious and her belief about what is right and wrong is sacred and needs to be encouraged to grow and to be her own. I will not tolerate such a weapon to be used against her. The damage it does is so sinister.