Decadence Lurks Amid Toronto Affluence
July 12, 2008
A 90-foot-tall banner of this thug from "Grand Theft Auto IV" hangs from a building on trendy Bloor Street. Although nearly everyone who passes beneath seems attractive, contented and successful, as big city people do, I wonder if the banner portends bad times ahead.
The stock market is in an ugly downturn. On the other hand, the Toronto housing market is still buoyant. Fancy new condos are going up everywhere and the city oozes affluence.
I visit Toronto each summer to see friends, soak up the atmosphere and enjoy the great food. You can't get a decent falafel in Winnipeg where I live. I had a great corned beef sandwich at a neat little diner on the Danforth, and with a newspaper and coffee, it was my concept of heaven. I roam the various ethnic neighborhoods on a bike and poke into stores. I stay at a university residence which is cheap and central.
Given that I wrote about co-ed toilets just a month ago, I was amused that the only bathroom was part of this ongoing elite attack on gender. I can now report on this phenomenon first-hand
"That unisex bathroom, now that's crazy," I said to the girl at the front desk.
"Oh you get used to it," she replied probably thinking I was an old coot who didn't understand "progress."
I don't know about the school term, but during the summer they keep the door open. Have you ever heard of a bathroom where the door is kept open? The purpose of this is to avoid the opposite sex. You scurry into a stall when the coast is clear.
Thankfully, the stalls are totally walled up and tiled, so there is no possibility of any Sen. Larry Craig action. Two stalls were toilets and two were showers. There is no sensible explanation for these bathrooms other than to embarrass and degrade women, which is ironic coming from feminists. For over 100 years, New World Orderlies have neutered the sexes and undermined marriage and family.

We are presented to the couple in the poster, seemly successful and happy in their 20s. The problem is that they don't enjoy sex together anymore, even though the girl is very beautiful. The situation is solved when the girl proposes to the husband that she uses a strap-on dildo
and performs anal sex ON HIM. The husband loves it and starts to like sex with her again.
Isn't this exactly what the NWO wants? A total reversal of roles, where the man is no longer a man and where the girl becomes one. It is presented as the key to happiness.
The latest "feel good" musical "Mama Mia" is about a girl whose mother was such a slut she doesn't know who her father is. No father? Apparently that's a laughing matter today.
With rare exceptions, film art is now dead, and Western culture in general is on life support. Everything is dedicated to human degradation (sex and violence), social engineering and maintaining elite shibboleths and lies.
My readers are familiar with my view that marriage and family are heterosexual activities while sexual promiscuity is homosexual. We are being re-engineered to behave like homosexuals, unable to bond with the opposite sex because of gender confusion. Unisex bathrooms (and feminism) are examples of how they engineer this confusion. Promoting promiscuity (and homosexuality) are other examples.

Bolshevik control was also evident in the University of Toronto fluff sheet where a story raved about a "former model" who had been granted admission under some mature student program (he was in his 20's;) how he had secured a five-year scholarship to do his Ph.D. in English Lit. and contemplated making the U of T a lifetime sinecure. I strongly suspect this prodigy is a homosexual for whom pains are taken to create a "safe environment" (to the point of displaying a sticker on our doors proclaiming our gay-friendly views.)
I may have underestimated the effect of climate on the (androgynous) jean-wearing habit of Canadian females. The weather was superb in Toronto and few jeans were in view. I saw enough beautiful young women wearing great summer dresses to last me a cold Winnipeg winter. I suspect tropical weather would banish all forms of female frigidity including feminism.
I had a great time in Toronto. I enjoy being surrounded by happy, successful, pampered people. But I wonder if a great material society can survive when its politics and culture have been rotted out by a subversive satanic force. I wonder if a brutal economic downturn will make people acknowledge the evil thug hovering over them.
Updates in bold, Thanks to Marcos in Brazil
Ivan said (July 17, 2008):
Just started getting caught up on your writings again.
Regarding your article about decadence in Toronto, in particular, reader E.A. Gull's response, essentially accusing you of being homosexual because of your arguments about it. What is the psychology behind that? When you don't agree with someone, they accuse you of it. Sounds like simple shaming language in order to get you to keep quiet. Notice he gives no counter argument whatsoever, he just hurls abuse at you. In doing so, isn't he essentially doing exactly the same thing as so called 'homophobes' are accused of doing? In my opinion he is essentially displaying his own disgust with homosexuality....if he didn't feel there was anything wrong with it, then he wouldn't use it as a weapon against you. Fascinating, isn't it? Notice his need to get into graphic detail about computer terminal masturbation.....