At age 70, I'll be getting off this bus soon.
Don't like its direction anyway.
(Disclaimer- Please forgive me for this overly pessimistic view.
I've never so much wanted to be wrong.)
by Henry Makow PhD
I experienced the planet earth as a human being from the second half of the 20th Century to the first half of the 21st.
These are my random impressions.
The human race reigns supreme among the many animals, birds, and reptiles on the planet. However, the race suffers from a fatal spiritual and moral cancer.
Humanity has been colonized by a satanic cult, the Sabbatean-Frankists, later called "the Illuminati." They were mostly Jews but they recruited opportunistic second-rate gentiles (Freemasons) who knew they couldn't get ahead without selling their soul. This gentile leadership class was chosen from the ranks of criminals, Satanists and pedophiles in order to control them using blackmail.
The Illuminati wish to enslave humanity, mentally if not physically and force it to serve the Illuminati leaders.
They achieved this incredible power by devising a banking system where they produced the medium of exchange (currency, credit ) in the form of interest-bearing debt to themselves. They used this golden goose to take control of everything of value, including corporations, resources, and all social institutions, government, media, religion, justice, education. Their stultifying "political correctness" prevents free political and cultural expression. Art has been trivialized and debased, universities gutted and the masses distracted by endless mindnumbing "entertainment."
Humanity is sinking beath the waves, like an ocean liner with all the lights on. This is truly a shame because it has taken hundreds of thousands of years for humanity to raise itself out of the muck, only to descend back into it.

A Third World War (2021-2022?) will enable the Illuminati to purge millions of "useless eaters" and reduce the human population down to the 500 million prescribed on Georgia Guidestones. They are already setting the stage for this war that Grand Master Albert Pike prophesized in 1871.
Most of these survivors will be conscripted to serve the Illuminati. Notions of freedom, democracy, love, marriage, and family will be erased from memory. All property will belong to the "state" i.e. the Illuminati bankers and their allies. People will be conceived in laboratories and raised in state nurseries and schools, never having families, never knowing love.
Truly sad to see all social institutions subverted to the point where government, schools, and businesses encourage promiscuity, pedophilia, and gender dysphoria. Society is being inducted into their satanic cult as servantc. A satanic cult controls and exploits its members by making them sick, morally and physically.
Sad as this is, life on planet earth still has many compensations. A large number of people enjoy technological marvels and a high material standard. And although the truth is suppressed, you can still ferret it out and communicate to many over the Internet. By sponsoring two "world views" -- Communist and Zionist (Left and Right) -- the Illuminati allow some light to seep through.
I enjoy a pretty good life in material terms and, in Canada, am even allowed to use cannabis to expand my consciousness. But I can't overcome a feeling of betrayal and disappointment. Society lied to me about nearly everything.
At the same time, feminism turned women against men. I was dysfunctional and suffered from arrested development because I couldn't relate to women as human beings. Figured it out too late to have a normal family. It's amazing that people take this vicious satanic psychological attack lying down.
I am "disappointed" because so many people are willing to sell out for personal gain. Everyone has a price and it's not very high. There are so few people with integrity and courage. Still, I am grateful for the few -- E Michael Jones, Michael Hoffman, Christopher Bjerknes, Adam Green, and Nathaniel Kepner, to name a few.
Realizing the truth late is better than never. I am truly grateful that I am able to share my truth with people the world over instantaneously.
I am wistful because the human race is missing its rendezvous with God.
But I am grateful to experience the miracle of human life and to have had moments of awe.
First Comment from Brabantian -
Your article brought to mind the oft-quoted moment in the 'Star Trek: Next Generation' tv show, where the Captain Jean-Luc Picard character tells Counselor Deanna Troi:
"You know, counselor, recently I'd become very much aware that there are fewer days ahead than there are behind" - clip at 3min32sec:
The audience on your site seems very frequently Christian, and certainly, the Bible has a few wonderful words for this kind of time in life, such as 2 Timothy 4:7-8:
"I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith: Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing."
But for myself and many, the more fulfilling and comforting spiritual perspective is that of south and east Asia (with no 'eternal hell' notion), and I would just mention two things -
One is how in developing a practice like meditation, you can come to truly feel and know, that this life is not the only one, that in fact no one dies, as God tells the warrior Arjuna in the Bhagavad-Gita:
"All beings fall into the night
And all beings are brought back to daylight
He who thinks he can kill
And he who thinks he can be killed
Are both mistaken
No weapon can pierce the life that informs you
No fire can burn it, no water can drench it, no wind can make it dry
Have no fear, and rise up ..." - clip at 8min25sec:
Also, to recall the Sanskrit-source notion of the cycle of ages, the worst age being the Kali Yuga, where all sorts of horror, degeneracy and evil seems to menace crushing nearly everything good ... in other words, our own time
Yet, ultimately, the evil cannot win, tho in such dark times as now, the good forces appear to be no more than about a tenth of the power at work in the world
The divine message indeed is: Be not afraid, this too shall pass ... It can be the darkest before the dawn, a dawn which will be brought about by power far greater than anything we can recognize in conventional terms
See you in a future life if not this one.
Consider that we, humanity, the real humans who have love in their hearts, who have compassion, who have creativity, who have courage, are moving through the last vestiges of a wicked world.
Your historical accounts of "the way the world is" are no doubt accurate and deftly woven together - I can personally verify much of what has been written.
As well, having come into contact with more than a few of the so-called 'elites', I can tell you unequivocally that they are miserable and spiritually destitute, beyond imagination. In fact, they have no imagination. And this is precisely the deficit from which they suffer, and suffer greatly. Their vampiric reliance on the "general population" shows you exactly who really holds the cards.
To wit, because they hate themselves, they hate each other. We're not talking about the wildly inflated narcissism and deep psychopathy which keeps them moving about like ghosts across a plain. Those are demons, entities, other beings, what have you. We're talking about beings whose belief about a world they themselves cannot create is transmuted by the vibrations of love and truth. Nevermind how our minds perceive this. That is mostly signal noise.
Self-hate is precisely where the New World Order, which is really the Old World Order, has already failed. There can be no new, sustained, coordinated front of "apathetic cooperation". Light-matter expands dark matter contracts. Dark energy collapses on itself. Simple physics, and for those who understand the world beyond its illusions, the laws of the Universe and its masterful architecture from the one true Creator.
More precisely, the only thing "we" are really complicit in is an idea. An idea that we are not expressions of the Divine who wield untold power. A silly idea, really.
The tipping point is here. Many people are awakening not just to the truth, but their own Truths. One and the same interpreted differently in the process of expanding into conscious awareness.
If you have left this world in this life, as I have several times, then you know that the Soul is forever. That the kingdom of Heaven is within us, and all around us. Christ Consciousness is within us, and all around us. We just have to open our eyes to see what is possible, not what isn't. That is what "they" want us to believe.
Now is the time to be courageous beyond the keyboard.
Now is the time to focus on the present and the future, not the past.
Now is the time.
James 1:2-4 "Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything."
I really enjoyed reading your most recent article.
A couple of questions:
a) If the Illuminati plan to destroy us by way of a Third World War - and reduce the human population by 90% - then why are they also ceaselessly trying to engineer us by way of promoting mass immigration, multiculturalism, homosexuality, gender dysphoria, infanticide, pornography, political correctness, etc; if most of us will presumably perish in a nuclear holocaust anyway?
This ironically is our main cause for hope! Unfortunately, Chabad appears to be a Doomsday Cult . Many believe they are the head of the Illuminati snake.
b) What form do you believe that the future Illuminati world government will take? For example, will it most likely be a single, unitary, totalitarian, planetary wide, world state run along feudal-fascist principals by an oligarchy - or do you believe that most of the current independent, sovereign countries of the world will continue to exist under various forms of governance - but perhaps be beholden to an EU-style supranational global entity which will control a single global central bank and currency along with other overall laws, rules, and regulation?
I'd go with Red China as a model for their planetary government.
Peter S said (November 16, 2019):
I have only one thing to state, and its a quote; “A Lie Can Travel Halfway Around the World While the Truth Is Putting On Its Shoes."
And I will also put your “cannabis to expand my consciousness†in the same category.
They can cheat the people all they want. The lie is still traveling around the world. Truth is never threatened. Truth does not know falsehood, and therefore Truth does not fear. Truth, just need to appear in person. And the mountain of lies, building over centuries shall disappear! It was prophesied that it will happen. And its demise was also prophesied!
“A message. The word of Yahweh to Israel through Malachi. 'I have loved you, says Yahweh. But you ask, "How have you shown your love?" Was not Esau Jacob's brother? declares Yahweh; even so, I loved Jacob but I hated Esau. I turned his mountains into a desert and his heritage into dwellings in the wastelands. If Edom says, "We have been struck down but we shall rebuild our ruins," Yahweh Sabaoth says this, "Let them build, but I shall pull down! They will be known as Land of Wickedness and Nation-with-which-Yahweh-is-angry-for-ever. You will see this yourself and you will say: Yahweh is mighty beyond the borders of Israel." Malachi 1:1-5