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Results matching “holocaust”


Israel Shahak - Judaism Hates Gentiles

In essence, the suffering of mankind today is a result of Judaism's hatred of non-Jews.This is not the view of ordinary Jews. It applies to Organized Jewry and can be seen in the policies of the World Central Banking Cartel, UN, IMF, WHO, WEF, CDC, and Freemasonry.  The Communist New World

Did Communist Jews Engage in Satanic Rituals?

(Satanic blood sacrifice) "The Nazis were literally fighting against the devil and the devil won. We're living in hell."On Gab, I saw this testimony of a pro-Nazi Latvian commando who assisted in the extermination of communist Jews during WW2.Most Jews are not satanists but those who areput all in jeopardy.

Clifford Shack - Was Hitler a Rothschild?

(Anselm Solomon Rothschild 1803-1874.) The identity of Hitler's paternal grandfather is the best kept secret of modern history.Updated from July 18, 2019by Clifford Shack ( Adolf Hitler required Nazi party candidates to trace family pedigree back to the year 1800 (1750 for SS officers). Those free of non-Aryan (i.e. Jewish, Gypsy, Slavic) ancestors were considered

Bishop Vigano Denounces an "Infernal Elite"

(The real Pope. Francis is an imposter.)"Let us have no illusions: these servants of the New World Order who have managed to occupy the highest positions of national governments and international organizations are our enemies: enemies of the good and enemies of God. They do not care how many of

Voodoo Adept - Protocols of Zion Omit the Worst Parts

"Judaism is a system of magic made into a faith.  The Jews ... tend to believe not that they will be in full power over the rest one day, but that they alone have always been in full control of everything in the universe and that by original divine
Send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comWatch the West Commit SuicideTodd Callender, lawyer for vaccine-disabled people says "morbidity and mortality rates" within US military are up 1100% in 2021 and are expected to reach 5000% this year ------He says pharma companies deliberately added a "HIV protein" into shots to disable

Is Polish PM a Crypto Jew & Satanist? (Updated)

Mateusz Morawiecki with triad claw hand sign The Prime Minister of Poland Mateusz Morawiecki, left, is a Jew Influenced by Chabad satanism.  He seems to be wary to admit this to the people of his own largely Christian country. (last section, "Jews Rise from the Dead" is new)by a Polish

Israelis are Jew-Jab Guinea Pigs

It may seem odd that Israelis are victims of the Jew-Jab. Illuminati Jews (Sabbatean-Frankists)hate anyone who is not a Satanist.That includes other Jews.Sabbatean-Frankist Jews were responsible for Hitler and the holocaust.Ilana Rachel Daniel, is an Israeli health advisor, health and safety researcher, activist, and writer.Israel- The Canary is the Coal

Gulag Canada - Commies Imprison & Drug Vancouver MD

(Left, Mel Bruchet was one of three doctors who exposed still births among fully vaccinated women at Vancouver's Lion's Gate Hospital) Marc Trozzi MD-"Last month, Dr. Mel Bruchet was at his Vancouver home with Dr Daniel Nagase and Dr Charles Hoffe. Four squad cars and eight police arrived at Dr

HEADLINES for January 30, 2022 --

Is Canada experiencing a domestic uprising?Scamdemic may be the catalyst that awakens humanity from its stupor. Latest Convoy Info Info from is hereEvery city in Canada right now has roads that are jammed up with honking vehicles . We are fed up. No more mandates. This will only keep

Headlines for Jan 29, 2022

Send comments and links to hmakow@gmail.comThis is the address to the correct videoParliament Hill in Ottawa experiencing absolute gridlock as #FreedomConvoy begins to arrive Hitler RantMark Trozzi MD--Comedy vs Tyranny. Funny Parody Video about Trudeau and more convoy rally song convoys converge on Ottawa  PHOTOS rat's name is Justin Castro

Sabbatean-Frankists are Behind Communism & Covid

Rabbi Marvin Antelman  (193?-2014) deserves credit for exposing the modern Illuminati as a "heretical"  Cabalist Jewish movement named after its progenitors Sabbatai Zvi (1626-1676) and Jacob Frank (1726-1791.)Sabbatean-Frankists, a mostly Jewish movement that includes Gentile Freemasons assumes the identity of the target population and termite-like, subverts it from within.A Jewish authority, Gershom Scholem, describes them

Headlines for Jan. 22, 2022

Send links and comments to LEFT-- TOTAL MSM BLACKOUT OF CANADA-US BORDER CONGESTIONHuge Trucker Convoy Headed To Ottawa, Canada To Join Trucker Vaccine Mandate Protest premier warns Canada 'can't afford' to lose tens of thousands of truckers over COVID jab mandate to End Most Cabalist-Jewish Virus Restrictions, Including COVID

Movie "Joker" was about Jewish "Destructionism"

When the BBC asked Joker writer-director Todd Phillips, a Jew whose real name is Bunzie, if he believed in God, he replied:"Personally I don't. But I believe there's a higher power, a collective energy in people that you might say is God". This is the Jewish Egregore. The goyim simply

How Did They Know the "Vaccines" Were Toxic in 2017?

(Left, We are following this script. We are unwitting participants in a carefully planned drill.)Mind Boggling This 2017 Johns Hopkins "simulation, left," mirrors everything that is happening today, and implied covid vaccinations will kill & maim millions, igniting an angry public backlash. The public faces of the plandemic will be

Flashback: 1869 Plan for Jewish World Domination

Society is satanically possessed.The goyim have been brainwashed to think they're irrational bigots for noticing that organized Jewry has been engaged in a satanic, hate-filled plot against Christian civilization for centuries.  This plot explains the daily headlines: endless war, state sponsored terror, gun confiscation and mass surveillance; multiculturalism and migration; homosexuality & the war on gender,
David Bateman, about 35, was the founder of a billion dollar Utah property management software firm, Entrata. Although he was still on the Board of Directors, and is still a major shareholder, he was no longer active in the firm and lives in Puerto Rico. Tech Firm Founder Sends Mass

Samuel Roth - Jewish Writer Blamed Jews for Anti Semitism

(The takeover of the quaint resort town of Lakewood NJ by Jews is a metaphor for the take down of America and the world.)Reading Samuel  Roth's "Jews Must Live" (1934) I was struck by how strong antisemitism was in America. This appears to have been prescient in light of the

Covidscam - Organized Jewry Vs Humanity

(Left, Adolf Stoecker (1835 -1909) was the court chaplain to Kaiser Wilhelm II, a politician, and a German Lutheran theologian who founded the Christian Social Party and attempted to roll back Jewish control. He helped organize the 1882 Dresden "Anti Jewish Conference.") Fundamentally the covid scam is the age-old plot to impose cabalist

Covid is the Latest CIA-Planned Genocide

 This excellent video shows how the COVID GENOCIDE is based on a combination of the two widely-known, notorious CIA projects called MK-ULTRA and MKNAOIMI.Just as AIDS never really existed, neither does COVID really exist. The only thing the power-elite want you to BELIEVE is that you "need" to take the

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