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Results matching “holocaust”


Why Do the Illuminati Hate Jews?

By Henry Makow, Ph.D. "Where the rubber meets the road, the Illuminati have an absolutely satanic hatred for Jews," a contact that did business with a prominent Illuminati family notified me. "Jew-hatred spiritually energizes them," he continued. "I read too much out there that falls for the lie that the

Canadian Museum for Human Rights: Monument to Hypocrisy

By Henry Makow, Ph.D. Little yellow stars reminiscent of Nazi-era Jewish symbols will be given to schoolchildren visiting holocaust exhibits at the $300 million "Museum for Human Rights" planned for Winnipeg. The stars will not read "Jude" but they could. They attempt to make gentiles embrace the pro Zionist

The Hypocrisy of Canada's "Tolerance"

The current rhubarb about the caricatures of the prophet Mohammed exposes the hypocrisy of Canada's claim to espouse "tolerance." When Ernst Zundel questions the character and dimension of the Jewish holocaust, he is thrown into jail, tried and deported. That's "hate speech." It offends Canada's 300,000 Jews. But when a

Winston Churchill, Illuminati

By Henry Makow, Ph.D. If the 1940-41 London Blitz is any indication, the recent terror bombings are contrived. The first air raid on London by the Nazis took place Sept. 7, 1940 and killed 306 people. After touring the ruins, Winston Churchill remarked, "They cheered me as if I'd

London is World Terrorist Headquarters

By Henry Makow Ph.D. (This updates "Bush, Bin Laden Serve Same Master" originally posted Nov. 25, 2002.) Getting pulverized is the price populations of the West will periodically pay for their insouciant acceptance of the central bankers' phoney war on terror. This price could escalate from isolated bombings to biological

The Zionist Protection Racket

The Jewish elite regards the Jewish rank-and-file as pawns to be manipulated. "Anti Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren," says the author of Protocols of the Elders of Zion (9-2) a "forgery" that reads like the blueprint of the New World Order.from Dec 16, 2005by Henry Makow Ph.D.A "protection

Protocols Hold Key to Our Exasperation

This week we watched in horror as a sanctimonious sociopath President George W. Bush stealthily signalled allegiance to Satan while making obscene promises to bring "freedom" to the world. This is after complicity in the most heinous attack on American soil in history; the establishment of a police-terror state; the

Are we not in similar

Are we not in similar circumstances to that of Germany prior to the rise of Hitler? Is it not apparent that the time may come when a new dictator (or set of dictators) will arise who will, this time, rally the entire world (instead of just parts of Europe) against

Hi Henry. Well your question

Hi Henry. Well your question of three parts is interesting. In reference to the first part of your question where you ask are Jews a "means to an end for the Illuminati?", the answer is yes. In terms of planning total global economic and financial control it is consistently useful

From Israel: Henry: Allow me

From Israel: Henry: Allow me to comment on your last essay. You really think Israel exists because of a bunch of powerful Jews? It exists because these disgusting powerful Jews are the tool of HaShem [God] to carry out his wishes. If it was just up to some "powerful entities"

The following is an excerpt

The following is an excerpt from a recent letter to me Henry Makow from Ernst Zundel. I am a Jew who lost my grandparents in the Jewish holocaust. I don't agree with some of Zundel's views (i.e. that genocide was not a deliberate Nazi policy) but he is entitled to

Dr. Makow, Yes, you are

Dr. Makow, Yes, you are correct. I have learned that [the revisionist view] most certainly will hurt my chances for the future. I wrote one paper in 2000, a 27 page thesis on the French Revolution and the Jacobin/Illuminati influence. As you could imagine, it went down like a lead

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