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Results matching “holocaust”


Is 'Secret of the Jews' Also a 'Forgery'?

by Henry Makow PhD. In 1885, the Tsarist agent who secured “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” Yuliana Glinka, sent another report to the Okhrana that linked Illuminati Jews and Freemasons to a satanic conspiracy against civilization. According to this document , Freemasonry is modeled on Judaism, i.e. a secret

Why Do the Illuminati Hate Jews?

  By Henry Makow Ph.D. (This article, written in April 2006, is a reminder that people pretending to be Jews may actually hate Jews.) "Where the rubber meets the road, the Illuminati have an absolutely satanic hatred for Jews," a contact that did business with a prominent Illuminati family notified me. "Jew-hatred

Do Jews Control the World?

 by Henry Makow Ph.D. This question is the proverbial elephant in the room, the dysfunction that members of the human family dare not mention. So when Richard Dawkins recently remarked that the Israel Lobby controls American foreign policy, Daniel Finkelstein, a Jewish editor of the London Times "Comments" section heard Nazi storm troopers banging on his

Bankers Planned World Wars to Destroy Germany

  By Henry Makow, Ph.D. We study history because the secret forces that determined the past are still in charge. The past illuminates the present and the future. In his book "Conjuring Hitler: How Britain and America Made the Third Reich", (2005) economic historian Guido Preparata demonstrates how the two

The Sheer Hypocrisy of CBS Firing Don Imus

  By Henry Makow Ph.D.  When Don Imus referred to a Black women's basketball team as "nappy headed hos" he was using the Black rapper term ("hos") that CBS-owner Viacom has helped make part of the vernacular. Viacom, also owns MTV and VHS which plays this rap music. Viacom also owns "Famous Music," which publishes and

Stalin Intended to Strike Hitler First

  By Henry Makow Ph.D. "He who controls the present, controls the past. He who controls the past, controls the future."  --George Orwell Most people think the Nazis betrayed a trusted ally June 22, 1941 when they launched "Operation Barbarossa."  In fact, Stalin began planning to attack Hitler almost as soon as the ink

Holocaust and Holodomor (Origins of Anti Semitism)

This article is not by Henry Makow. It is by Nicholas Lyssson 1. ROLE OF JEWS IN UKRAINIAN FAMINE One might think the worst holocaust deniers—at least the only ones who command serious attention—are those who insist the Nazi holocaust, as it involved the Jews only, was without parallel. Guenter Lewy argues

Bankers Bash Bush, Pump Global War

 By Henry Makow Ph.D. [Note:  I now believe I was mislead by Neo Con attacks on Bush, and believe he was/is on board with the attack-Iran plan. ]   Israel's demented assault on Lebanon might be explained in terms of the frustration of London-based Illuminati bankers with America's failure to attack Iran.

The Macabre Holocaust Numbers Game

  By Henry Makow, Ph.D.  Recently a reader asked my opinion of the Jewish holocaust: "Some of the 911 people think that there were no 'death camps' as such, but apart from cruel executions to terrorise inmates the vast bulk of deaths occurred because of Typhus and other diseases towards

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