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Results matching “holocaust”


Fukushima -- Japan's Faustian Bargain With the West

Our Tokyo correspondent describes a general feeling of betrayal by the West. But the satanist-led (Illuminati) "West"  literally  may have sabotaged Fukushima in order to coerce the Japanese into world government.  by Grace-Eki( It is finally dawning on the Japanese that the 'West' was not/is not what it was purported

Anti-Semitism: Where Does Hate Originate?

Editor's Note: The Spring festival of Purim is a pagan holiday in Jerusalem characterized by "bacchanalian scenes of drunken cavorting, Halloween style clothing and masks, Talmudic men cross-dressed as women and a general topsy-turvy, 'Lord of Misrule' ambiance." (Michael Hoffman, Judaism Discovered, p.824) The festival commemorates Queen Esther's convincing the

The Genocide You Never Hear Of

The massacre of about two million people, the Russian Christian elite, by Bolshevik (i.e. Illuminati) Jews between 1917-1919 represented the genocide of Russian Christian civilization.(An estimated eight million died during the period 1917-1924.) The following description comes from Vicomte Leon de Poncins, "The Secret Powers Behind Revolution" pp. 147-152.  Parts

Memoir - Communism Taught in "Psycho Therapy"

by Rollin Stearns(for Your recent article on AIDS reminded me of a movement my wife and I took part in back in the 1980s -- called Reevaluation Counseling (or "RC"). RC was a psychotherapy movement based on co-counseling (i.e., people counsel each other in pairs or in small groups, without a

Is the Illuminati Waging War on Whites?

On Feb. 13-14, 1945, less than three mos before VE Day, May 7, Dresden was destroyed by British & American bombers killing 100,000 "Molecule" for[Editor's Note: Although I cannot vouch for many of "Molecule's" historical references, his overall argument is compelling. After all, over 50 million mostly White

New Age Communism: The "Zeitgeist" Agenda

Left, The creep behind the Zeitgeist series, Jacques Fresco"The Zeitgeist solution is Communism re-packaged to rope in the 21st- century-truth seeker."by Richard Evans(for "Never give people the right to their own opinion!" - JACQUES FRESCOAfter the negative reception Zeitgeist received for it's gratuitous anti-Christian content written by "Acharya S,"

FDR: Naive, Exploited or Fellow Traveller? (I)

Many of FDR's supportive connections were made after October 11, 1911, when he was initiated into Freemasonry at Holland Lodge #8 in New York. He would become a 32nd degree mason and Tomas Arbre(for Europeans who escaped to the West are asked 'what happened to your countries at the

Julian Assange's Ties to Nazi Cult

by Richard Evans (for Julian Assange was born in 1971. His birth parents ran a touring theatre company but his father abandoned them.  When Julian was 8-years-old, his mother, Christine, married a member of "The White Brotherhood" - aka "The Family" or San­ti­nike­tan Park Asso­ci­a­tion, a private psychiatric hospital

Nazis SS Funded Nascent Israeli Army

Photo of a medal struck by the Nazis (Goebbels) to commemorate Zionist "friendship". Nazism and Zionism were two sides of the same Illuminati coin.  By Henry Makow Ph.D.I knew the Zionists collaborated with the Nazis but I didn't know the Nazis actually funded the Zionists! In his 1988 book "Blowback,"

Sexually Abused Males, "Oprah Style"

You don't become one of the world's richest women without selling out. Her logo is a variation on the Illuminati dot in circle motif. Her show conditioned people to believe "men" in general, and not homosexuals in particular, are responsible for sodomizing Henry Makow Ph.D.Last week, Oprah presented

Wikipedia Shills for Zionist Hatemongers

Let's just call it Ziopedia or better, Wickedpedia. by Henry Makow Ph.D.Recently I saw how Wikipedia helps Zionist crazies distort the truth. One of these crazies inserted this slanderous paragraph into my Wikipedia entry."In 2008, the Canadian Jewish Congress filed a human rights complaint against, Henry Makow, for a column

How the Illuminati Manipulates Jews

"Jews constitute an important base for the Illuminati. They draw upon this population for recruits to manage their system. In their war against Christian culture, it is invaluable to have people who are both highly capable but also highly alienated."by Rollin Stearns (for  At the end of World War

Mark Glenn's Attack on Jeff Rense

by Henry Makow Ph.D.Jeff Rense's website and radio program represent an oasis of truth for countless people around the world who can still think for themselves.That's why it was both puzzling and painful to witness a vituperative attack on Jeff by his erstwhile friend and ally Mark Glenn.Both these men

"Friendship Lite" Replaces Family in NWO

by Stephen Volk(for   Sitcoms like "The Big Bang", "Seinfeld" and "Friends" suggest that social engineers are trying to establish a new norm. "Friends" are replacing families as our primary reference group. "Facebook" and "MySpace" reinforce this trend.   J.J. Sutherland writes, "On TV, the group of friends is

Soros Funds the Left for the Illuminati

Illuminati Jews, the Kochs, fund the Right. Meet the man who funds the Liberals and the Left. Both Koch and Soros are Rothschild shills. (See  "The Zionist Billionaires That Control Political Discourse.") Notice he is making a Masonic triangle sign with his hands.  by Stephen George Soros' Open

The French are "Narrow Minded and Naive"

"I tried to make some French friends but they just do not know such notions as: (true) friendship, loyalty, compassion, altruism, respect etc. "by "M"(for I am a young woman from the Caucasus currently living in France. I came here as a political refugee a few years ago with

Iran Also Controlled by Satanists

"I live in Iran and have heard Ahmadinejad discussing the need for world order and global governance. I've also heard that his handler ayatolah mesbah yazdi is well connected to British secret service. Quite frankly these people are leading the country to total financial meltdown setting the stage for acquisition

Spinoza and the Liberal Tyranny

[Editor's Note: Stephen Volk , the author of "The American Poetry Holocaust" chronicles the influence of Jewish cabalism (Illuminism) on American literature. Here he suggests that liberalism owes a debt to Spinoza's Cabalistic pantheism. Spinoza identified God with nature. Therefore people no longer had a moral absolute and basis for

The Kabbalah is a Hoax

by Richard Evans(for In October 1946, Soviet agent Alger Hiss invited  Canadian psychiatrist Brock Chisholm to Washington DC to lay the foundation for the corruption of America's public schools using sex education and sensitivity training.Chisholm, a Unitarian who soon became the first Director of the World Health Organization, advocated

Nazi "Euthanasia" Was Precedent for Holocaust

(This poster reads: "60,000 Reichsmarks is what this person suffering from a hereditary disease costs the People's community during his lifetime. Comrade, that is your money too. Read '[A] New People', the monthly magazine of the Bureau for Race Politics of the NSDAP." (about 1938)  From WikipediaHolocaust deniers who say

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