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Nazi "Euthanasia" Was Precedent for Holocaust

August 27, 2010


(This poster reads: "60,000 Reichsmarks is what this person suffering from a hereditary disease costs the People's community during his lifetime. Comrade, that is your money too. Read '[A] New People', the monthly magazine of the Bureau for Race Politics of the NSDAP." (about 1938)  From Wikipedia

Holocaust deniers who say there were no gas chambers must contend with the fact that the Nazis gassed about 275,000 mentally handicapped Aryans. Is it logical that the Nazis would gas Aryans but not Jews?

by Adrian Bellinger

On the same day that Germany invaded Poland, Hitler issued "Action T4" which ordered the Nazis to exterminate mentally handicapped Germans in gas chambers. This became a template for the extermination of entire races, like Slavs and Jews.

The "euthanasia decree", written on Adolf Hitler's personal stationery and dated 1 September 1939, reads as follows:

"Reich Leader Bouhler and Dr. Brandt are charged with the responsibility for expanding the authority of physicians, to be designated by name, to the end that patients considered incurable according to the best available human judgment [menschlichem Ermessen] of their state of health, can be granted a mercy death [Gnadentod]."

As early as July 1933, Hitler created a law for the "Prevention of Hereditarily Diseased Offspring" which prescribed sterilization for citizens with undesirable conditions.

Around 360,000 people were practically castrated between 1933 to 1939. Hitler wanted to extend this policy to extermination because, with war coming, room was needed for wounded soldiers. In the Führer's eyes, the mentally handicapped were a costly nuisance just taking up space.

Hitler and his cronies knew that killing wouldn't go over very well, especially with reference to children. So Goebbels promoted the ideals of euthanasia. They produced leaflets, posters, and even films pointing out how much it cost to maintain asylums for incurable and insane patients. The film "The Victim of the Past" (Opfer der Vergangenheit) was given a major premiere in Berlin and shown in all cinemas.

Under Action T4 the Nazis could easily murder Aryans that were considered genetically or otherwise unfit. This included people who suffered from alcoholism, schizophrenia, epilepsy, Huntington's chorea and even imbecility.

Some would even be killed or sterilized for "social deviance," for example, criminals. They would go door to door looking for the unfit, concentrating on nursing homes, asylums, prisons, aged care homes, and even "special schools."

Hitler knew that desensitizing an entire population would allow him to implement more severe policies. 


Clemens August von Galen,the Bishop of Munster pressured Hitler to halt  the euthanasia program in late August 1941, but that didn't  stop the killing.

Say one of "your" children has epilepsy or Down syndrome. Then one day a Nazi physician comes to your home and says he was from the "Gemeinnützige Stiftung für Heil- und Anstaltspflege", which literally translates to "The Charitable Foundation for Cure and Institutional care", and they were going to send your child to a "special sections" for children. They would receive special care geared towards their illness so they could improve their condition.

Then they would kill the children but later say that they died of pneumonia. Not by malnutrition, medical overdose or by "Action T4's" preferred method of racial hygiene... rounding up the undesirables into a cramped gas chamber. You may know they are lying, but there is nothing you can do about it.

According to calculations made in the 1990s, the number of people "murdered" at the six main gassing facilities at 300,000.  70,273 were killed in the first year "after" Hitler "called a halt" to the program.

"As well as killing patients from mental homes, nursing homes and sanatoria, these centres were also used to kill prisoners transferred from concentration camps in Germany and Austria." (Wikipedia)

Adrian Bellinger is a 27 year old writer living in Florida.

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Comments for "Nazi "Euthanasia" Was Precedent for Holocaust"

Charles said (August 29, 2010):

"I have never heard an American Jew say "Thanks for what you did for us". It's always pummeling the rest of us with undeserved "guilt" about what happened."

This is an insightful comment in light of the fact no American Jews were killed in the holocaust and the US Holocaust Memorial Museum was built and dedicated in Washington DC before any monument to the American servicemen who lost their lives fighting the Nazis was erected in the nation's capital. How the costs of maintaining this morbid infotainment cum shrine to European Jewry has shifted over the years from Jewish philanthropic groups to US taxpayers is a story you won't be reading about anytime soon.

My copy of the 2007 Directory of the Association of Holocaust Organizations listing research institutes, education centers, leagues, foundations, councils, committees, museums, and charitable organizations in America is 248 pages long. These are all tax deductible, often partially funded with public subsidies, monuments to the mass murder of people who never even lived in the United States let alone contributed to it's founding or two centuries of growth.

David said (August 28, 2010):

Henry, the "Holocaust" is too big a money maker to not remain a wedge driven through Western society. I grant that the Nazis did terrible things: my father (class of '41) did his part to stop whatever Hitler's grand scheme was (along with many more of his classmates who never came back), but I have to say, in my 50+ years, I have never heard an American Jew say "Thanks for what you did for us". It's always pummeling the rest of us with undeserved "guilt" about what happened. My child was subjected to 6 weeks of "holocaust education" in grammar school under the guise of "we must never forget", however if any lone researcher or historian comes forth with new evidence that collides with the establishment account of the Holocaust, his career is destroyed, if not his life. While our kids grow up trained to be hypersensitive to Jewish suffering, we languish in ignorance of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution, Magna Carta, while we slouch towards a totalitarian police state. And btw, wikipedia is definitely not the "final word" on any hotly debated current topic.

Stephen said (August 27, 2010):

Henry, there are those who believe that the number of German civilians,who died unjustly was around 35,000. No,they did not in fact die in any gas chambers,yet it was a crime if these people died just because they had a handicap,by the way,as you know,the Spartans in ancient Greece with all their philosophy killed only God knows how many for practically the same reason.That is were wisdom of the flesh can lead to in a highly civilized society. We may not want to know how many people have ever been killed by their own kind and it will never be known,since some officials are sloppy record keepers. The world knows,too,that the same thing goes on in China and other countries daily.

Holocaust doubters and deniers have won the day,in spite of what motivated them,there was no holocaust of Jews in WWll.There is just too too much out there,and still coming out,plus some of the exposure was well underway in the late 40's already. Rassinier,a Jew was there at Aushwitz,and wrote some of the early and best stuff. Eisenhower and Churchill biographies have not mentioned the word for years and years.

The holocaust so-called was and is used to terrorize the unsuspecting Jews. Some believe,who are not Jewish, that the single most important thing that holds world Jewry together as a frame of refernce is the holocaust so-called of WWll.


Yes and WW2 was a picnic and Auschwitz a country club.

My parents were in Germany and Poland during WW2. They knew about the genocide at the time. They didn't need to read Churchill after the war to find out about it. I don't need to depend on books.


Barney said (August 27, 2010):

Re; Nazi "Euthanasia" Was Precedent for Holocaust

I realize you actually believe this tired, outdated war propaganda, but isn't it about time we let the dead rest, whether some of them were gassed or not?

Everyone who ever lived has died, or will die, many horribly, but even if these stories from WW2 are true, how can one group pretend that IT'S suffering matters more than any other? What about the other 50 million victims? Don't they matter too? What about the estimated 100 million Russians murdered by Jewish communists? What about Armenia? What about the estimated 6 million victims of the Irish famine? What about the Palestinians today?

The Auschwitz "gas chamber" was built AFTER the war, and wouldn't have worked anyway. It is also said that to cremate 6,000,000 bodies in just two years would have taken 1,200 crematoria working 24 hours a day. Is that expenditure of vital fuel even feasible when a country is at war?

I wasn't born until after the war, so I'm not qualified to say what happened, or what didn't happen, but I'm sick of the ever-increasing barrage of pointless war propaganda from a war that ended 65 years ago. Will it ever end? There are said to be more "survivors" now than there were at the time. How can that be?

It wasn't my war. I never killed anyone, and I never will, so why should I be bombarded with non-stop war propaganda after all this time? Whatever may or may not have happened back then, IT'S NOT MY FAULT.

We all lost relatives in that banker-instigated war, but you don't hear me forever whining and demanding reparations. Perhaps it's time certain people learned to let go and grow up. It's over. It's been over for a very long time.

Please don't take this personally Henry. I have a great deal of respect for you and your good work, and I nearly always find your writings of value. It's just that I'm so sick of all the tired old stories about "Jewish suffering" when the Jews themselves are inflicting terrible atrocities on the Semitic Palestinians, and anybody else who dares question their imagined superiority to God and man, that I felt I had to respond.

Today's Jews are NOT Semites. The Arabs are.



No one is blaming you, nor is this article intended to gain sympathy or reparations.
It addresses the specific claim that the Nazis didn't use gas chambers.

I deplore the Zionist use of the holocaust for political advantage, especially since they had a part in bringing the Nazis to power and collaborating with them.

But people who whitewash the Nazis do the cause of human dignity a disservice.


Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at