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Are we not in similar

September 28, 2004

antisemitism.jpgAre we not in similar circumstances to that of Germany prior to the rise of Hitler? Is it not apparent that the time may come when a new dictator (or set of dictators) will arise who will, this time, rally the entire world (instead of just parts of Europe) against the Jews? With the advent of the internet, the world is somewhat waking up to this "Jewish leadership problem." Yet even those who are waking up fail to recognize who's really to blame because they have not devoted themselves to a thorough study of secret combinations. Jews, in and of themselves, are not the problem. It is Luciferians posing as Jews who are creating these conditions and causing even well-meaning Jews to be led astray. Even the Bible spoke of these people (see Rev 2:9; 3:9, etc.).

In other words, a certain "secular" group of Jews (some knowingly, many probably unknowingly) appear to be setting up a certain "religious" group of Jews for disaster. Rally the world against "the Jews," and a biblically prophetic scenario will have been created.

Realizing that their Luciferian goal is to rule from Jerusalem, it would seem this is exactly the scenario these modern day Pharisees desire. However, their target is not Torah-believing Jews only. They hate Abraham's other children as well -- Muslims and Christians. We're already catching a glimpse of their master plan for the Muslims, but like Albert Pike wrote, they are only the beginning....

For the sake of clarity, let's not make the error the world makes today (and our enemy is counting on us to make) by confusing "Jews" with "Israel." There is ample historical and biblical evidence that proves God's people were ultimately divided into two different nations (one called Israel and one called Judah, for which "Jews" are named). Those two nations were not only divided, they were eventually scattered to the four winds, losing much if not most of their identity in the process.

But long before they were scattered, when they were still one people, God removed them from their Pharaoh and his minions who had enslaved them. Now here is a prophecy few understand. The time will come, and I dare say it may be in this generation, God is again going to deliver his people "out of Egypt" (meaning "world government") and out of the hands of our modern day "Pharaohs." Surprise. Surprise. The captives will be set free from those who are antichrist -- those who say they are Jews but are by definition "Gentiles." God foresaw the bondage of our day, just as He foresaw the bondage of Egypt, and the promise to our forefathers will be fulfilled. Like Pharaoh, our modern day king or leaders will not want to let us go. Furthermore, many of us may not want to leave "Egypt." Let's hope that's not the case, but slavery can be comfortable thing, and history does repeat itself:

"And the mixt multitude that was among them fell a lusting: and the children of Israel also wept again, and said, Who shall give us flesh to eat? We remember the fish, which we did eat in Egypt freely; the cucumbers, and the melons, and the leeks, and the onions, and the garlick" (Num 11:4-5).

Unfortunately, most people have neither the time nor the opportunity to study so many facets of the temporal and spiritual picture. There are some who have several "New World Order" pieces, such as the Bilderbergers, the Jesuits, the Protocols, the Freemasons, the Gnostics, and so on. There are some who read scripture and try to piece together certain prophecies. There are some who study the "isms" of curriculum, such as Fascism, Socialism, Communism, etc. etc. But as you know, there are many facets to knowledge, and the study of history is endless. Yet the more facets we explore, the better equipped we are to see the big picture.

The subject of slavery, and God's delivery of mankind out of it is a subject that the human mind can barely fathom (just as the early Israelites could barely fathom what was happening to them at the time). I don't have all the answers; far from it. I'm just piecing the jigsaw together. God's ways are higher than ours, and He is incredibly fair. When He says that the rod of iron is going to break the heathen and that He will have no mercy on them, and when He finally delivers us into our Promised Land (the earth is our promised land), it will be an incredibly "just" mission that He has accomplished. I don't feel the least bit guilty about saying that those enslaving us today deserve the title "heathen" and "Gentile," and that their time is coming. They deserve everything they will get, just as Pharaoh also deserved what he got. Roman 12:19 says that "vengeance is the Lord's, not ours."

In summary, I suppose my observation from your post is simply this. It may well be that we can expect an increasingly beating drum against "the Jews" and even against the state of "Israel" in the days ahead. All these cries of Anti Semitism are helping to fuel such a mantra. Movies like The Passion also helped ignite the fury against Jews. I suspect the actions political Israel takes in the days ahead will also further stir up the chant. Even the truth presented against neo-cons may help further the agenda. If Nazi Germany and other history is truly to repeat itself, we will have to eventually move from being persecuted (for Anti Semitism) to being rewarded for it.

Unfortunately, like in the days of the Holocaust, the "real Jews" may be forced to suffer some amount of persecution once again so that the "fake Jews" (heathen) can attempt to finalize their utopia. The Torah Jews will not be alone. Muslims and Christians, too, will suffer persecution in this process because by definition, the children of Israel include more than just race. They include aliens, sojourners, adopted, and those grafted in. Many do not understand why a God of love would allow such a thing to happen. It's because the word "love" is not all cake and ice cream. It's also about training and justice. Love is what parents do when they discipline their children, to teach them, so that they grow into responsible adults.

Take heart, Henry. Terrible things are coming, but so are great things. The children of Israel had to experience a certain amount of bondage and persecution in order to prepare themselves for that Exodus, and to be ready to receive a set of laws that would truly and finally make them free.

Thanks again for your great post. Keep doing the hard homework. It all counts toward putting the jigsaw together.


"Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that it shall no more be said, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel out of the land of Egypt; But, The Lord liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers."

Scruples - the game of moral dillemas

Henry Makow received his Ph.D. in English Literature from the University of Toronto in 1982. He welcomes your comments at