HEADLINES for January 30, 2022 --
January 29, 2022

Is Canada experiencing a domestic uprising?
Scamdemic may be the catalyst that awakens humanity from its stupor.
Latest Convoy Info Info from Lifesite.com is here
Every city in Canada right now has roads that are jammed up with honking vehicles . We are fed up. No more mandates. This will only keep growing till the tyranny is over.
Best video so far of the magnitude of the protest in front of the legislature buildings in Ottawa, Canada
Truckers CB Talk Convoy Saturday Evening in Ottawa, Canada - Jan. 29. 2022
Truckers CB Talk Convoy Saturday Evening in Ottawa, Canada - Jan. 29. 2022
Video made by Chris Kato, an Ottawa videographer.
Thanks to the Freedom Convoy, I feel like I have hope for the first time in over a year..
Leaked Database Shows U.S. Military Disease Skyrocketing After Covid-19 Inoculations

BLM Canada Buys $8 Million Toronto Mansion, former headquarters of the Communist Party of Canada.
"Evil triumphs when good men do nothing."
Comedy vs Tyranny. Funny Hitler Rants Video about Trudeau and more
Holocaust of the Gullible
JG- "My brother passed last week. He got his second dose of the Pfizer vaccine in June. He was diagnosed with brain cancer and blood clot in his leg two months later in August.
He told me he wished he hadn't taken these shots."
The Secret of Jordan Peter's Success -- Zionist Tool
On May 18th 2017 Jordan B. Peterson gave a speech in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the Rothschild banking family securing Palestine from the British at the 'Canadians for Balfour 100' Zionist celebration event, with his Jewish Zionist colleague Ezra Levant

Trudeau Knows and has Known All Along
The Cabalist Jewish Jabs do more harm than good
This is how Communists work. Termite like, they undermine one person or family at a time.
California Mom Sues Teachers For Brainwashing Her Daughter Into Identifying As Transgender
Canadian Conservative Opposition leader Erin O'Toole signals his support for pedophiles and Satanism in general by wearing red shoes
Telegram Founder Pavel Durov is a member of the WEF
'Makes No Sense': Saskatchewan Premier Vows to End Proof of Vaccine Policy as Truckers Protest in Ottawa
Lee Burge: Sunderland Goalkeeper Develops Inflammation Of The Heart After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine

Send In The Clowns: CBC Tries Claiming Russia Is Behind Freedom Convoy
Being forced to pay for a propaganda network that has become a parody of itself is another reason CBC must be DEFUNDED!