Mind Boggling
This 2017 Johns Hopkins "simulation, left," mirrors everything that is happening today, and implied covid vaccinations will kill & maim millions, igniting an angry public backlash. The public faces of the plandemic will be resign in disgrace and will escape punishment.
See below- Aftermath: Long-Term Side Effects, Lawsuits and a Loss of Trust. The 2025-2028 projection is actually 2020-2023. Alex Jones and team deserve credit for exposing this document. His 1.30 hr. expose is the most shocking thing I have ever heard. The phony pandemic is the pretext for a marketing campaign for a GMO "vaccine" that will be used for surveillance & control and cause widespread sickness and death. (For those who think Jones has no credibility, that's not how false opposition works. Jones' facts are good but, as far as I know, he largely leaves out Organized Jewry, Communism, Satanism and Freemasonry.)
Why not just call it "Culling 2022"?
How did they know this in 2017?
"The report notes that "early
case fatality estimates were inflated" ... The CDC and WHO both
initially claimed the fatality rate was much higher before later
admitting that the rate was below 1%.
"By the end of 2027, new
neurological symptoms began to appear in people who had taken Corovax.
"After showing no adverse side effects for nearly a year, several
vaccine recipients slowly began to experience symptoms such as blurry
vision, headaches, and numbness in their extremities," the Center for
Health Security wrote. The report says that by 2030 it was still unclear
if the vaccinations were to blame for the side-effects.
As the public finally goes
back to "normal life" they begin to focus their frustrations on
politicians and agency representatives who they blame for exaggerating
the severity of the event. Eventually, several high-ranking officials
within the CDC and FDA are forced to retire. However, there appears to
be a lack of accountability as there is "little desire" to "rehash the
events of the past several years."
Updated from April 7, 2021
by Derrick Broze
(excerpts by henrymakow.com)
In October 2017, the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security released their report, SPARS Pandemic, 2025-2028: A Futuristic Scenario for Public Health Risk Communicators.
The report is written from the perspective of someone in 2030 who is looking back on a pandemic which swept around the world between 2025 and 2028...
In mid-October 2025, three deaths were reported at a church in St. Paul, Minnesota....
Interestingly, the report notes that "early case fatality estimates were inflated" ... The CDC and WHO both initially claimed the fatality rate was much higher before later admitting that the rate was below 1%.
Eventually, an animal vaccine is seen as a potential solutions. Ranchers had used the vaccine to treat a SPARS-like respiratory coronavirus disease in cows and pigs in the Philippines. The vaccine manufacturer, GMI, claimed the vaccine would help, but clinical trials reveal side effects, including swollen legs, severe joint pain, and encephalitis leading to seizures or death. There was no data available on the long term effects of the GMI vaccine. Despite this controversy, CynBio, a US-based pharmaceutical corporation developed a SPARS vaccine based on the GMI technology...
The simulation makes it clear that health officials have planned for potential vaccine injuries and the objection to vaccine mandates. In one section the report asks, "How might federal health authorities respond to critics who propose that liability protection for SPARS vaccine manufacturers jeopardizes individual freedom and well being?"
The report goes on to discuss the creation of a therapeutic called Kalocivir and how a growing number of individuals begin to challenge the use of pharmaceuticals and vaccines. These individuals who promoted "natural cures such as garlic and vitamins" were less likely to take Kalocivir or seek medical attention for SPARS-like symptoms.
Concerns about Kalocivir increased in February 2026 when a viral video shows a three-year-old boy projectile vomiting after taking a dose of the therapeutic. The clip is shared across the U.S. with the hashtags #NoKalocivir and #NaturalIsBetter. Social media activists began to use ZapQ groups to share the video and also place IAT screens on the backs of their jackets and backpacks while looping the video. By the summer the video is the most shared "Zap clip" among junior high and high school students.
Another telling line ... notes that even though SPARS cases had begun to drop off, the "persistent social media buzz around the pandemic ensured that public anxiety remained high." Again, this mirrors what we are seeing with COVID-19.
By May 2026, the CDC admitted that SPARS was only fatal in 0.6% of cases in the United States. This reality was reflected on social media, where much of the public began to recognize that SPARS was not as dangerous as they had been told.
"Combined with persisting doubts about Kalocivir and the lack of a commercially available SPARS vaccine, the new, lower case fatality rate estimate led the public to grow increasingly hostile toward continued SPARS messaging," the report states.
The report details how the CDC, the FDA, and other government agencies worked with "social media experts" to develop public health messaging campaigns about SPARS, Kalocivir, and the forthcoming vaccine, Corovax. Much like in the Event 201 exercise, the SPARS simulation involved enlisting the help of "well-known scientists, celebrities, and government officials" to make videos and give interviews promoting the government messaging campaigns.
The public did not respond well to the campaigns and instead took to social media to express their disapproval. The mainstream media even began to question the government narrative and the safety of the Corovax. The opposition to the Corovax merged with the growing anti-vaccination movement which emerged on social media. These groups were made up of Muslims who opposed the vaccine; African Americans, who did not trust the government due to fears of experimentation on the black community; the alternative medicine community; and the "anti-vaccination" community.
These vaccine opponents spread information claiming that Corovax was not properly tested and had unknown side effects. National polls conducted in mid-August 2026 showed that 68% of US citizens had seen a post or read a comment from someone expressing anti-Corovax sentiments. Even the Japanese government rejected the Corovax, leading to viral video clips of Japanese news conferences.
In response to the Corovax opposition, the U.S. government began working with social media and search companies to target advertisements to individuals searching for "anti-vaccination websites." The CDC also began mining data from public social media sources for "positive stories" they could promote via social media. The U.S. government also asked healthcare providers to grant access to patients' electronic health records (EHRs) in an attempt to determine the number of individuals in high risk populations in particular areas.
(They lied. You died)
The report describes how adverse side effects began to emerge as more Americans received the vaccine. Parents claimed their children were experiencing neurological symptoms similar to those seen in the animals injected with the GMI vaccine. By May 2027, parents began filing lawsuits and demanding a removal of the liability protecting the pharmaceutical companies who developed Corovax. The report states that "concern was particularly high among some African American parents who continued to question the government's motives regarding the Corovax vaccination campaign."
By the end of 2027, new neurological symptoms began to appear in people who had taken Corovax. "After showing no adverse side effects for nearly a year, several vaccine recipients slowly began to experience symptoms such as blurry vision, headaches, and numbness in their extremities," the Center for Health Security wrote. The report says that by 2030 it was still unclear if the vaccinations were to blame for the side-effects.
The social media backlash caught the HHS off guard as they faced pressure to award compensation to those experiencing long-term effects from Corovax. The public increasingly held negative opinions regarding the vaccine and what they perceived as indifference to the victims.
As the report wraps up, it examines how the world looks from 2030, five years after the SPARS pandemic began. While the pandemic officially ended in 2028, cases exist in 14 countries across Europe, Africa, and Asia. WHO experts anticipate that future outbreaks will continue to emerge unless countries maintain widespread vaccination coverage.
As the public finally goes back to "normal life" they begin to focus their frustrations on politicians and agency representatives who they blame for exaggerating the severity of the event. Eventually, several high-ranking officials within the CDC and FDA are forced to retire. However, there appears to be a lack of accountability as there is "little desire" to "rehash the events of the past several years."
Of course, the simulation states that "conspiracy theories also proliferated across social media, suggesting that the virus had been purposely created and introduced to the population by drug companies or that it had escaped from a government lab secretly testing bioweapons." These sort of accusations have also been lobbed at researchers during the COVID-19 crisis and used to justify censorship.
Victims of vaccine side-effects are treated as martyrs, who have sacrificed their health (or lives) in a good cause, much like AIDS victims were considered heroes.
(Left, "Antisemitism" is just facing reality. There really is a Masonic Jewish conspiracy, and Cabalist Jews and their Freemason flunkies are the face of it.)
----First Comment from Essel-
In France, last year, Prof. Fourtillan (pharmacology) has discovered 5 patents which, when linked together, give the key to the mystery. This led to his being interned for a few days before being released to avoid an uproar.
Among these patents, ... the technique of insertion of the HIV genome. One can therefore think that the vaccinated, with time, will remain defenceless when an infectious disease presents itself.
Pr. Fourtillan's commentary is here (can be read first):
The patents are here :
Secondarily :
There is a real omerta about these patents, the so-called alternative sites being careful not to talk about them for fear of the same thing happening to them as to Pr. Fourtillan.
We can add a sixth patent discovered by the geneticist Alexandra Henrion-Claude, a patent which - if I understand correctly - gives the virus the key to infect the target.
Prof. Montagner, Nobel Prize discoverer of the HIV virus, independently of the previous sources, says more or less the same thing, but does not specify who did it... Naturally, because he is so well known and famous, the MSM is working to muddy the waters to make him say something other than what he said. Prof. Fourtillan, on the other hand, is purely and simply suppressed.
Thomas F said (April 8, 2021):
The basic reasoning for the vaccines is to incorporate humanity into a digital system - not to kill people.
they mean to create the "Singularity", as they openly state - a God-like AI that they can upload their minds unto, to live forever there. It is a completely delusional idea, and it is not going to work - AI's will never be intelligent, and minds cannot be uploaded to silicon chips - but that is their plan, and the digital vaccination database is a foundational stone for it.
The vaccine program will allow them to surveil everyone who trusts them enough to take it - by means of digital Covid-passports (already operational in Israel and to a lesser extent Denmark, where I live) - and to create a digital infrastructure where they have open access to peoples bodies (there is an element of ritualism in this, too) so they can install chips and other electronics later. They mean to create a class of cyborgs, who can rule over non-altered masses because of increased strength and intelligence (this part of their plan is also not going to work). They openly state these plans, and from a materialistic, technocratic point of view, it is logically consistent and sensible (it's just wrong, and it will not work. The world is based on spirit, not matter).
It also allows them to separate the gullible from those who think for themselves - which is a point high on their list. But they don't want their cyborg servants to be killed. We also see, by looking at the numbers, that those who experience serious side-effects from the vaccines are in a small minority - not that it makes it any less horrible for those unlucky few - and there is no biological mechanism to make other side-effects pop up later. The main problem with modern vaccines is that they contain quicksilver and aluminum, which are both neuro-degenerative, and can cause autism when they accumulate in the tissues of the body through numerous injections.
There are much more efficient ways of killing masses of people than these vaccines, good Henry. It would not make sense to do it like this - undermining the trust that people have in their systems - and depriving themselves of their most loyal acolytes and trusting, gullible slaves.