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Results matching “Talmud”


December 5 - Zionists Kill More Jews

Zionists doing what they do best, sacrificing Jews. Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comCommanders, soldiers, police officers: The names of the dupes who died defending Israel Israelis died to advance the occult Zionist plan for world domination.Not satisfied with funding the Nazis and planning the Holocaust, Zionists are sacrificing more

Andrew Anglin - Zionists Legitimize Anti Semitism

"People hate us for no reason because we murder children" is simply not a viable PR strategy."Makow - Israeli barbarism is dividing the world into two camps. Nazi Jews (Zionists) and their paid Freemason flunkies in the Westincluding Christian Zionist morons, Vs. Communist Jewsand all other Freemasons, incl. Russia, Hamas, Hezbollah,

Freemasons Control the World Unmentioned

In western society, personal success depends on your complicity in a diabolical Judeo-Masonic conspiracy and your willingness to betray your fellow citizens. We hear a lot about Jews but rarely hear Freemasons mentioned. Why is that? They are the covert instrument of Rothschild power.Here I review, James Wardner's Unholy Alliances (1996) the only book to expose

Nov 27 - Sam Bankman Fried is New Argentine President is a familiar Jewish type, the Nebbish  Is it possible for non-Jews to have a say in their nation's future? Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comMike Adams- Javier Milei just DOOMED Argentina to financial collapse by rejecting BRICS and embracing the DOLLAR PlayAdams says the CIA rigged the election to

Why the Jewish Cabala is Satanic

  (The Jew Woody Allen was accused of molesting  Mia Farrow's adopted daughter, Dylan. Sexual depravity is the hallmark of satanic possession.)   "Never in the Jewish tradition was sexual asceticism a religious value."    How did society become sex crazed? How did sex get separated from love and

Patrick O'Carroll - Natanyahu Groomed to be a Satanist

Satanic Jews (Cabalists) believe Armageddon is a prerequisite for the coming of the Messiah. Netanyahu may be following this script.Related- "Creative Destruction" & 6uild 6ack 6etter: The Jewish Plot to Destroy Christian CivilizationBy Patrick O'Carroll( he became a ZioNazi, Benjamin Netanyahu was a furniture marketing executive. His first job as a public-serpent was

"British Israelism" - The British Empire was the Jewish Conspiracy

Far from subverting Britain, the Zionistsenlisted the British to the cause of Jewish world supremacy by convincingthem they were Jews themselvesdescendants of the ten tribes. Henceforth the "Jewish conspiracy"was clothed as the British Empire.The US has now assumed this mantle. "British Israel" is a term used by Helen Peters in her 1970

David Rogers Webb - How the Cabalists Will Steal Our Property (2)

SOME FACTS BEHIND THE WEF BOAST "2030 OWN NOTHING AND BE HAPPY" Webb asks "How might it come to pass that you will OWN NOTHING,as so boldly predicted by the WEF?" but he has already answered that question. Webb showed exactly how the Talmudists intend to achieve this. by Patrick O'Connell ( lists the

Nov 17 - Satanists Plot Our Annihilation

(From Stew Peter's Twitter - "It's happening.")Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comMore people understand that Organized Jewry's agenda is to destroy human life on planet earth. This viral short video by anti NWO activist Laura Aboli summarizes our predicament."Aboli says the transhumanist goal is to get us to question

Nov 15 - The WEF is the Fourth Reich, Put starkly, this is our future, and that of our children)Please send links and comments to"So we penetrate the cabinets".Here is Klaus Schwab in 2017 discussing how the WEF have penetrated governments with its young global leaders  - like Justin Trudeau. Says more than half of Trudeau's cabinet

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