Jan 11 - COVID was Another Satanist Scam
January 11, 2024

Please send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.com
The plandemic stripped the West of any moral legitimacy, or pretence of freedom or democracy. The Rothschild WEF freely admitted that they control all governments and plan to steal our money and freedom. Every social institution in the West was complicit in this hoax which killed or maimed millions: government, medicine, the mass media, church, the justice system and law enforcement. Why would they destroy their system? Did they simply overreach? Or was destroying our faith in society the real goal?
The WEF has pulled off scams like COVID for a long time. Included are both world wars, the Cold War,
JFK and other assassinations, 9-11, climate change ...no wonder they thought they could get away with it.
Fauci Admits That the Six-Foot Social Distancing Rule Was Completely Made Up and Had Zero Scientific Basis
'The public is right to be skeptical of any health mandates.'
Dr. Anthony Fauci confessed to lawmakers Tuesday that guidelines to keep six feet of separation -- ostensibly to limit the spread of COVID-19 -- "sort of just appeared" without scientific input. NY Post reporter Josh Christenson shares this story.
Teacher files lawsuit over 'retaliatory discipline' from his pushback against woke training
The Connecticut teacher argues he was subjected to a 'witch hunt' after challenging a 'presentation on white privilege and use of resources to advance critical race theory.'
Canadian Government Data Reveals That Most People Are Avoiding COVID-19 Boosters
When broken down by age, 28.1 percent of those aged 60 to 69 have received the booster, while just 13.5 percent of people in the 50 to 59 age range and 8.9 percent of those in the 40 to 49-year-old range have gotten the jab. The booster uptake rate for Canadians aged 30 to 39 is just 6.9 percent, while only 3.7 percent of those aged 18 to 29 have received the booster.
Statistics also show that uptake has been lower in males, at 13.3 percent, than in females, where the percentage is 15.8.

Sec of Defence Lloyd Austin Sidelined with Cancer
Austin diagnosed with cancer, didn't tell Biden for weeks
"Aug. 22 2022--Now, as in January, my doctor told me that my fully vaccinated status, including two booster shots, is why my symptoms are less severe than would otherwise be the case. I will continue to consult closely with my doctor in the coming days."
'Smoking Gun Evidence' Discovered The COVID Injections Are Nothing Less Than 'Pre-Meditated Murder' - Designed As 'Killing Machines,' They're A Clear Violation Of The Nuremberg Code
- 'This Shows A Conspiracy' To Murder Americans And People Worldwide
American Attorney Thomas Renz reviewed the US Food and Drug Administration ("FDA") 'Guidance for Industry' documents and discovered what he believes is "smoking gun evidence" of pre-meditated murder. "There's no other conclusion that I can draw ... This is the smoking gun evidence that proves they knew that the gene therapy products they masqueraded as 'vaccines' had the ability to shed, cause cancer and kill," he said.
Chuck Baldwin- Israel killed most of its citizens Oct 7 to justify Gaza genocide

Gonzalo Lira Sr., 'Free my son'
Viewer--"Incredibly moving, sad, truthful and so unjust. Mr. Lira is spot on with his comments. How can the US authorities so pervert the vision of the founding fathers and its greatest presidents? Gonzalo jr is a political prisoner in a US proxy state. I pray his compatriots will pressure the authorities in the US to obtain his freedom. God Bless all of you from South Africa."
Contact Anthony Blinken here and request that he release political prisoner Gonzalo Lira
Talmudic Judaism is Demonic
Foreigners have a greater claim on national resources than you do, according to globalist pawns
Massachusetts Governor and Lt. Governor Declare Emergency Over Migrant Crisis, Ask Residents to House Illegal Immigrants in Their Homes
The state's shelters are reaching capacity and now the governor is asking residents to help by opening their doors. That was part of Governor Maura Healey's announcement-as she also is looking for help from the federal government.
The governor said anywhere between 10 to 30 migrant families a day are coming into Massachusetts. There are 40 hotels across the state helping to house them, but the governor is now pleading for help from the federal government--as well as you.

It's a gay Jewish world
Macron names Gabriel Attal as France's youngest and first gay PM
Popular former education minister, 34, will work with president on government shakeup; his late father was Jewish
Congressional leaders are now targeting the tax-exempt status of four prestigious universities - Harvard, Cornell, MIT and UPEN - for their failure to handle anti-Semitism on campus
House Republicans launched investigation into the universities' alleged 'failure to adequately protect Jewish students from discrimination and harassment'
Representative Jason Smith sent a letter to the presidents of Harvard, UPenn, Cornell and MIT about their tax-exempt status on Wednesday
House Ways and Means Committee began the inquiry after the presidents failed to condemn the genocide of Jews during a congress hearing on anti-Semitism
Polish Police Arrest Pro-Duda MPs Inside Presidential Palace As Constitutional Crisis Unfolds
"There's a bizarre but potentially serious constitutional crisis unfolding in Poland currently, after former Polish interior minister Mariusz Kaminski and his deputy Maciej Wonsik were arrested over allegations of abuse of power. A court has also sought to bar them from office for at least five years, a ruling which they have ignored.
The whole thing is set against the backdrop of a high-drama showdown between Poland's new government of pro-EU Prime Minister Donald Tusk (only in office for a month now) and the now opposition Law and Justice party (PiS). Kaminski and Wonsik were actually arrested inside the presidential palace of President Andrzej Duda, ally of the previous right-wing government."

Jewish Actors Sign Letter to Film Academy Claiming Jews Are 'Underrepresented' in Hollywood
BC authorizes giving free fentanyl to kids without parental consent
Youth across the province will now be able to access taxpayer-funded recreational fentanyl without their parents even knowing. There is no minimum age cited for providing minors with the controversial drug, according to the National Post.
Russ Winter --Israel Getting Hit on North Front
"In my open source viewing of these videos for over two and a half months I see zero evidence that the militias use civilian shielding. Their preferred method is darting between and amongst bombed and ruined buildings where they plot vector fire. They also use cheap drones (at 2:40) that are very expensive for the IDF to bring down.
"Despite claims from the IDF that north Gaza is secured the militias published several videos of its operations in the northern Gaza Strip indicating overwise. Much of Gaza City is contested.

Jack Denmo- This young man is talking about the real world; Tells young men to shut off social media and get to work improving their situation.
"Everybody around you is faking it."
Viewers- "Finally, a Canadian on YouTube openly admitting that sh*t is wrong and people are suffering in this country because too many won't admit that their life is Fake as s***!
"Kudos for speaking the ugly truth.
How to survive in a sick totalitarian society
"As an Iranian who has been living under the Islamic republic's dictatorship and has lived and experienced the kind of tyranny described in this video, I can relate to every single word of it. I lived and studied abroad for more than 10 years but I could not bring myself to be an exiled dissident. I decided to come back home and do whatever I can, no matter how small, to make things better. Even now I need to use a VPN to be able to log into youtube as it is banned by the regime but I'm glad I'm challenging the system every single day. I try to enlighten my colleagues who have never lived outside the country and work hard in my position to change things for better.

When you set out to exterminate another people and find yourself being exterminated
The war within Israel's war cabinet
The Israeli body politic is beset with political and security differences exacerbated by the deadly costs of their Gaza war. Now they're fighting over whether to investigate their string of failures - before or after launching another war with Lebanon.
Parents in Scotland to face 7 years in jail for refusing to appease children's gender identity
A radical new law proposed by Scotland's left-wing government would criminalize parents who take steps to suppress their child's desire to identify as their chosen gender