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Results matching “freemasonry”


God Updated

(God is Perfection, not an old man in the sky.)Why do our minds shut down at the mere mention of God?Why do we hate God when He is the thing we are actually looking for?We have been brainwashed. We're mental prisoners of a death cult.We'll never liberate ourselves until we

Makow -- A Wake-Up Call

The thread running through the Left's promotion ofgender dysphoria, pedophilia, BLM, cancel culture, migration etc., is OBVIOUS but you can't seem to see it: They are destroying your health, livelihood, family and country.They want to kill or enslave you & sodomize your children.Why can't you see this? Why are you

Headlines for April 1, 2022

Send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comHit BACK to return to this site after reading link"The fact that they are suddenly distancing themselves from restrictions is just a game. The last week of January 2022 WHO  held an emergency meeting and deliberations in Geneva on expanding its powers to take

Headlines for March 21, 2022

Send links and comments to hmakow@gmail.comYouTube link1981 film "Early Warning" nailed world government conspiracy including digital id implants. Viewer---"It's all the more remarkable to think that 40 years ago, there wasn't even any personal computers around, let alone the internet.  Yet they're perfectly describing 2021 technology, and what is possible."This

Making Our Own Heaven

The world often seems like a stuffy public toilet without ventilation. This is because Protagorus' dictum "man is the measure of all things" is the official religion. Modern culture mostly consists of reflections of our degenerate selves, a "wilderness of mirrors" as T.S. Eliot said. We inhale our own fumes.

The Cancer Killing Humanity (260 Words)

All you need to know to understandmankind's malaise:Sabbatean Frankism, a satanist Jewish movement dating from the Seventeenth Centuryis the basis of the modern Illuminati.The Rothschilds are Sabbbatean Frankists. They control the banking system.Using Freemasonry, they empowered a class of Gentile traitors  to advance their agenda: Destroy civilization and steal

Tim Fitzpatrick: The Putin Deception

Putin inaugurated by Archbishop Kirill"At present, Russia appears to be feigning a return to conservatism and Orthodoxy as part of its two-tiered hyper-normalization deception. But make no mistake, it is all a ruse. The crypto-Soviet power is no friend to the Church, to the West, nor to the Russian

Ronald Bernard- Illuminati Want Us Dead

(Start at 24 min.)Dutch financier Ronald Bernard confirms the Illuminati is "an annihilating force that hates our guts. It hates creation. It hates life.  And it will do anything to destroy us completely."  Does that include killer "vaccines"? He also confirms that all secret services serve these Satanists, who use child sacrifices

Profumo Affair Exposed Masonic Conspiracy

(Christine Keeler at 19. She died Tuesday at age 75.) The public perception of the Profumo Affair does not correspond with reality. Stephen Ward was a KGB agent.The scandal was designed to replace the Macmillan government with one more receptive to the globalist agenda. The "Profumo Affair" was staged by the KGB,

Headlines for Feb 13, 2022 -- This is What Satanism Looks Like

Send comments and links to  - Click BACK to return to site after reading links.After receiving a Pfizer vaccination Katrina Hermez, 28 was diagnosed with Functional Neurological Disorder"This is a direct injury from the Pfizer vaccine."  Satanism is evil for evil's sake; disease, suffering and death for it's own

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