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Results matching “antisemitism”


Every Scam Requires Willing Victims

I have been exposing the Masonic Jewish (Communist) conspiracy for more than twenty years, and even now when it is out in the open, and they are murdering and maiming millions, people still dare not make the connection.  Even when Klaus Schwab admits they control all politicians, and plan to

Movie "Joker" was about Jewish "Destructionism"

When the BBC asked Joker writer-director Todd Phillips, a Jew whose real name is Bunzie, if he believed in God, he replied:"Personally I don't. But I believe there's a higher power, a collective energy in people that you might say is God". This is the Jewish Egregore. The goyim simply

How Did They Know the "Vaccines" Were Toxic in 2017?

(Left, We are following this script. We are unwitting participants in a carefully planned drill.)Mind Boggling This 2017 Johns Hopkins "simulation, left," mirrors everything that is happening today, and implied covid vaccinations will kill & maim millions, igniting an angry public backlash. The public faces of the plandemic will be

Headlines for Jan 19, 2022

A concerned Canadian Truck Driver... you should listen. Do you want to force hard-working truckers to take the Lethal Injection Bioweapon, Canada and America?  Then I guess it's okay if your groceries are empty, Home Depot and Walmart will be ghost towns, and even hospitals will not get medical

Samuel Roth - Jewish Writer Blamed Jews for Anti Semitism

(The takeover of the quaint resort town of Lakewood NJ by Jews is a metaphor for the take down of America and the world.)Reading Samuel  Roth's "Jews Must Live" (1934) I was struck by how strong antisemitism was in America. This appears to have been prescient in light of the

Why It Was Jacob Rothschild

Letter from JR - "Equality" is the End Game If Rothschild were really concerned about equality, he would be giving away his money rather than taking ours. "Equality" is code for depopulation, dispossession and enslavement. As he explained, everyone must be the same. "Everyone must do the same. In all

Let's Not Demonize the Vaccinated

Many of us have spouses and family members who buy into the pandemic hoax. They have been vaccinated. How do we relate to them?by Henry Makow PhDMy wife is a libtard. She got vaccinated without telling me, jeopardizing her health and mine. She wears a mask when we walk outdoors.

Covid "Vaccines" -- Exterminating the Goyim is Basis of the Cabala

The Cabala (Satanism) is the Ideology of the IlluminatiThe "antisemitism" smear diverts attentionfrom the grim reality - the hate actually emanates fromCabalist Jews and their Freemason agents in the form of a simultaneous attack on our gender, racial, religious and national identity. This hate now finds expression in the pandemic psy op

The Zionist Protection Racket

The Jewish elite regards the Jewish rank-and-file as pawns to be manipulated. "Anti Semitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren," says the author of Protocols of the Elders of Zion (9-2) a "forgery" that reads like the blueprint of the New World Order. The Jewish leadership creates antisemitism in

Makow - Are all Jews to Blame?

It's obvious that Organized Jewry is waging a war against whatever is left of white Christian America. Here is a Jewish Washington Post Reporter Jennifer Rubin celebrating the fact that whites are becoming a minority in America. She doesn't represent all Jews but why do so many want to

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