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Results matching “freemasonry”


Illuminati Jews Terrorize & Control Turkey

Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan, right, is a puppet of the Illuminati Jewish-controlled Gulen movement led by Fethulah Gulen, left,who financed Erdogan's pseudo Islamist "Justice & Development" Party with CIA drug money.  The whole "Arab Spring" Islamist movement is modelled on Turkey, a Mossad-CIA state, run by crypto Jews.

Gender Chaos Is Driving the Young Insane

(left, Youth role model Miley Cyrus, November 19, in Chicago)Western society is controlled by a satanic cult, the Illuminati. In a satanic cult, unnatural is natural and sick is healthy.The Masonic Jewish (Illuminati) war on gender has produced a generation of people who have no identity as men or women. When their sex appeal is gone, they

America Was Founded by the Illuminati

One of the most influential figures in the American Revolution was the writer, philosopher and scientist Benjamin Franklin. In February 1731, he became a Rosicrucian Mason and in 1734 Provincial Grand Master of Pennsylvania. While in France in the 1770's, as a diplomat for the American colonies, Franklin was

Eloquent New Voice Sounds Alarm

Irene Caesar, 52, is a brilliant Russian philosopher and artist who has no illusions about the Cabalist Jewish and Masonic agenda, and is not afraid to state it. "Wake up or Perish" is her message. She is interviewed by Bolivia-based truther Alex Gottwald , the editor of the German translation of Illuminati, who deserves thanks for

Communist Subversion More Advanced than We Think

We've been brainwashed to scoff atnotions like "Communist Subversion"but a 1930's Comintern textbook suggests that it has long agopenetrated every institution of Westernsociety. For example, the text suggeststhe sabotage of the mental health and education systems is political in Henry Makow Ph.D.(Revises 2004 article)Increasingly, sanity is based on our willingness to

Transhumanism: How the Illuminati Depose God

(Left, David Livingstone's new book)Transhumanism may seem like a crackpot fringe movement, but it is the new ideology of the Illuminati.The Cabalist Jewish embrace of materialism and attempt to supplant God has led to a grotesque effort to override nature andachieve immortality. by David Livingstone( is a bizarre aspiration to achieve immortality, along lunatic lines like cryogenics,

Brother Will: "My Journey So Far"

(A devout Christian, the author says Darwin and Einstein are the two people who ironically inspired him the most.)"Brother Will", 57, is a management consultant in Wales.Here is his "journey of discovery" and thoughts on where to go from here.Disclaimer: I am interested in other people's experience and perceptions,

Alex Jones' Links to John Birch & CIA

Dept. of False OppositionLike the John Birch Society, Alex Jones' role is to divert attention from the Cabalist (Satanic) Jewish cult that controls the FederalReserve and through Freemasonry nearly every aspect of American life. In his 1988 book Murder By Injection, Eustace Mullins wrote that the JBS was created by the Rockefeller family as controlled

Is Greece's Fate a Harbinger of Our Own?

The Masonic Jewish central bankers plan to deprive all nations of their sovereigntyusing "debt" as a pretext. Greece, the birthplace of democracy, is a test Henry Makow Ph.D. I was surprised to read that America's per capita debt is 50% higher than Greece's. Greeks owe about $35,000 per person while Americans owe $57,000.

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