Revisiting Viagra
January 6, 2017

Many perfectly healthy men apparently are using "performance enhancing" drugs, supposedly intended just for erectile dysfunction.
Reports include, "It's like having a jackhammer between your legs" and "You can swing the bat all night long."
To continue the baseball metaphor, I ask: Is this cheating?
Is it like using steroids to hit a home run?
Should these men be treated like heroes or impostors? Do women feel they have been with a real man or a particularly lifelike dildo?
(Do they really care? No, they don't.)
These drugs completely automate an act that too often already is impersonal and mechanical. (Not necessarily.) Is this really necessary?
A young man of my acquaintance described how Viagra removed his performance anxieties.
I don't think men should feel obligated to perform. It's not the measure of a man. What a quaint vestige from our primate days! We become a man by serving a higher ideal, not because we can keep an erection. (Yes, but, if a man loves a woman, he wants to satisfy her.)
An erection is a measure of arousal, like the needle on a gauge. Ninety degrees suggests acute interest; 270 degrees suggests the chemistry is wrong. The woman or the relationship are equally to blame.
In my experience, a woman's response is the major factor. Love, mirrored as beauty on a woman's face, is the biggest turn-on.
If the gauge reads 270, we need to fix the problem and not mess with our body's natural feedback. (After decades of marriage, this may not be a bad thing. Marijuana or alcohol are as good an aphrodisiac as Viagra. What's wrong with eliminating inhibition? )
Let's use the analogy of a car. If the oil indicator says empty, do you glue it at Full? Do we want to risk damaging the vehicle?
We live in an age where we are lied to continually. Do we want to lie to ourselves? (Sexual attraction is not a good gauge of love.)
A reader "Bud" wrote that he took Viagra right after his second divorce. "I found much to my delight that women were easy. Real easy!
What wasn't easy was that my heart, soul and body were not as easy as most of the women I met. BUT being a "Man" I thought that I "Needed a woman" and further that I "Needed" to please them.
Well the Viagra worked to fix a part of me that was telling me by not
working that I didn't "Need" sex.
Here was the bizarre part, with the Viagra, Yes I had a glowing erection, yes I had her all "going" as well, but after even a minute or two of Sex, I WAS BORED.
I mean I was bored, and distracted and found the whole situation meaningless.
So, to counter my distraction I used of course, booze and "perversion".
I tried to keep my interest in seeing what "I could get her to do".
The answer was "everything" as modern American women are prone to do. But what didn't change was the boredom.
I'd rather wanted to listen to music. I'd rather think about how I missed my children. I'd rather take a walk.
And ALL while having this "great "Viagra sex! But it was not great.
It actually made me sad!
So actually Viagra was a great wake-up for me, as it helped me become more aware of my body and my needs. Sex just wasn't one of those needs." (Bud's problem is, he was having sex with strangers.)
We live in a culture that regards sex as a mystical experience, necessary for our fulfillment. In the movies, the sex act is treated like a holy sacrament.
Why is this? Modern Western culture is Masonic in character. Freemasonry originated as a pagan sex cult. The "G' in the emblem stands for Generation (as well as Gnosis.) It engages in phallus worship. That's what the Obelisk is all about. Think about this next time you see the Washington Monument.
We are brainwashed to think that sex has some inherent value, that it is necessary for our identity, health etc. Are we secretly being initiated into depraved occult sex practices?
Without love, sex is hardly better than masturbating. And masturbating is just another excretory function. [We have been trained to behave as homosexuals who treat sex as a surrogate for love.]
Sex in our oc-culture replaces love and family. The ultimate goal is to dissolve the family and create a society of anonymous mutual masturbators, who cannot form permanent bonds. [Sex is like velcro. Too many partners impairs ability to bond. Remember when women consecrated sex for their husband?]
It's a long time since I read Aldous Huxley's "Brave New World" but these drugs remind me of SOMA, a drug used to distract the masses from their slavery. (True, if there is no foundation in love.)
To divorce sex from love and relationship is unnatural and inhuman. For most of us, our natural development requires marriage and family. This applies to both sexes.
The reproductive act determines a woman's destiny. If she offers herself to all and sundry, her husband will be another in a long line of casual lovers. She will not be able to create a marriage capable of supporting healthy children.
Similarly, men have been brainwashed to see women as sexual receptacles. "I'd hit that," young men are fond of saying. Or "Would you do Britney Spears?"
No wonder men and women are confused. So many people are "do" able, especially with Viagra.
Love humanizes sex. With love, sex assumes its real significance as the sacred ritual of human reproduction. By creating Life, we imitate God.
The man's semen represents his spirit, his genetic code, and his tie with eternity. Would he entrust this treasure with just anyone?
By receiving his seed, a woman is embracing and nurturing a man's spirit. She is surrendering a part of herself and becoming a part of him. This unity is symbolized by their children, which represent their organic growth.
Behind the scenes, illuminati social engineers are working to destroy our awareness of this necessary natural process.
In general, there is a tendency to confuse sexual attraction with love. Love involves "self"-sacrifice. We love the people who love and sacrifice themselves for us, and we naturally reciprocate.
Love is based on mutual dependence, common goals, respect and trust built over time. Two people become One in the realm of the spirit, God, i.e. Love.
Related, my Why Women Aren't Getting Loved
-----------"Managing the Male Sex Drive"
and "Reclaiming Male Power in the Viagra Age"
First Comment from G:
"In my experience, a woman's response is the major factor. Love, mirrored as beauty on a woman's face, is the biggest turn-on."
That is such a profound truth. It is the love in my husband's countenance that is the most spiritual erotic essence I know. And I feel it on my own face, as well, when I am with him: the eyes, cheek muscles, lips, and there is such deep respect and appreciation, feeling safe, nurtured, prioritized, married. It also seems to look forward to the time that follows the union, times of emotional closeness, sharp communication, and silly fun. The ladder of love, and all its rungs, even the trying ones, always offers a way up.
Bud was bored with all that superficial sex. I certainly can agree with that but took it much further, leaning over to my husband who was also reading your article and saying to him, "Sex without love is like a soul-rape." He asked me what I meant by that and I just explained that even with consenting adults it was like a rape because it was a dishonoring of the true purpose of the union and the act of procreation; sometimes it is the self soul-raping itself. He understood and added that for him it was more like a soul-imprisonment: "Sex without love is the imprisonment of the soul, the narcissistic devouring of one's soul." I might add, that it also can devour the other's soul. I hope we all, and I mean ALL, find forgiveness for whatever sexual indiscretions, aberrations, offences we've committed. And how sad, that many never experience the real thing, settling for myopic biological pleasure that cancels out the best of each other.

Last night my husband and I watched What Dreams May Come with Robin Williams. Powerful metaphor for love, and it took me to a very deep place a place where only love matters. If you have not seen it, I hope you will soon, even though much of it is not easy to watch, tries the soul, but more of it is beyond beautiful and filled with hope and reassurance that love finds a way, through any adversity. So I had a good cry and thought of all who have loved me throughout life and all whom I have loved. All those moments and memories, what gifts!!
The film is quite a testament of what a true, loving relationship is, and an encouragement to work on one's own relationship(s), to give it the time needed to grow and deepen. To not run away and so easily throw in the towel. Funny, my husband said that he sometimes threw in the towel. I said, "No you didn't; you just threw in the washcloth." We had a good laugh and then we held each other tight and affirmed the value of our love, our commitment. Life sent us each a wonderful partner to do this most important work with. As my eyes see it, every effort is rewarded.
GF said (January 7, 2017):
Oh my god has it really come down to and women are destroyed. There is a growing trend of men who have just had it with women and want nothing to do with them.we have mgtow men going there own way growing in leaps and bounds. This will destroy society and civilization. The modern day women have killed society,men won't marry or have children with them.birth rates in western countries have tanked. I'm good looking, successful and healthy, not enough for today's modern women. need the 666,6pack 6 feet making 6 figures regardless what they have to offer and there condition.
This is what's so sad about it....look what's happening in Europe most men and women won't lift a finger to help and protect one another.the zionists are happy