Jimmy Savile Was a Limited Hang Out
February 21, 2017

To protect all the dominoes from falling in the age of the Internet, MI-6 long ago intended for the flamboyantly eccentric Jimmy Savile to take the fall via their own controlled media such as the BBC.
Jimmy Savile was absolutely aware of the 'fate' that was going to befall him after his death. I was there when some of these discussions were ongoing. Savile informed us that he'd "told everybody who needed to know" in his family what to expect, and that he "obviously didn't care too much for them."

(left, Savile with young Tony Blair)
"I'll be dead" he would say when members of the ring questioned whether he should be so unconcerned about being typecast as the central bogeyman.
Due to this tacit agreement for the future, Savile was given such privileged access. After all, the man 'looks like a paedophile' turns out to be a paedophile, and then "how did anyone not know"?
It's an MI-6
controlled ring. They are part of
"The Royal Arch" Freemasonry with their colleagues in the KGB like Anatoly
Sobchak and Mikhail Repa. For example, MI-6 Chief John Scarlett on the MI-6 side
would speak with exactly the same type of people in Russia. So
Foreign Intelligence services aren't going to help you either!
Internationally I've been at meetings where Nicholas Sarkozy of France would attend, Merkel, Berlusconi with Carla Bruni and some "KGB observers".
Sarkozy was looking longingly and frequently at the guest whom Silvio brought, although Silvio saw her first. You can see the British media were commenting on the lack of stability of his marriage with Cecelia long before it broke up.
Ariel "the Butcher" Sharon would attend with official Mossad limo, scoffing caviar and vodka as he could not control his carnal desire.
of the people also involved in this ring:

Takashi Miike: perverted Japanese film-maker. Wants inspiration for his films by conducting real-life experiments with MI-6. In 1992 - sorry everything is 1992 but this is when I was staying with someone from MI-6 for a fortnight - he was practising for a film that later became "Audition". Tom Hurd asked whether I wanted to be Miike's pet or the torture victim (in the film this torture victim was the lead character who casts women inappropriately then one of them wreaks her revenge) but the KGB felt I was too intelligent to be Miike's pet. Takashi Miike actually kept a human, with his face butchered by MI-6 to be only able to eat like a dog or cat, and he was barely recognizable. I called him "it" and asked out loud whether "it was a human" to which the unfortunate creature whined/roared his disapproval, but he couldn't speak as they'd knocked out his vocal chords. He would have had that creature with him for years, possibly still has him, certainly still doing things like that while protected by the international Royal Arch Freemasons.
Nathaniel Rothschild: was young, powerful and not sensible, hence dangerous. While sodomizing, he liked to cut the throat (or have the throat cut for him) of the boy as killing the boy causes the sphincter muscles to tighten hence increasing the pleasure of orgasm for Nathaniel. From conversations with [Tom] Hurd, who works for these people, as do you all in Britain, this is a weekly if not daily occurrence. Now we know where some of the missing millions of children in Britain go!

Blunkett: blind Labour politician with guide dog. He used to show
enthusiasm, because he was blind, which he was told about, then he
told his Satanic comrades off for not telling him what he looked
like. William Hague, Thatcher, Major, and the Kinnocks are also part
of the group, it is not party politics it goes much deeper than that.
Gordon Brown: (PM from 2007-2010) said "prudent" every time. "would you like a boy, Gordon" Hurd would say. "That would be very PRUDENT of you, Thomas".
Tony Blair: PM from 1997-2007, called "Miranda" by everyone else just short off to his face. He would overhear it and say "I do wish they'd stop calling me that; that was something that happened 20 years ago". Jacob Rothschild's illegitimate son, looks Jewish, felt the leadership of the Labour Party "might fall to me" shortly before John Smith's unfortunate heart attack. Got involved in a 7-man gang bang of a boy. Pretty mind-controlled himself, almost "in a state of grace".
George Galloway: Mossad agent, discredits anti-Israel movement. Faux Hater of 'conspiracy', aggressive, troubled background himself.
Piers Morgan: described by Hurd as "someone who thinks they are a character", Hurd said he couldn't stand Morgan but had to put up with him as his wife's important.

(Branson with "staff members" on his personal island.)
Richard Branson in Jordan: we were with the King and Queen of Jordan, Queen Noor with billionaire Brit Richard Branson. Branson got his island Necker on the cheap, and it is used for Royal Arch games. Of course he is an MI-6 stooge as a billionaire. Hurd said "nobody becomes a billionaire without us".
Important to state how it works at a lower level, which Is that if you do not go in for "privates" where you will sodomise boys/girls in front of MI-6 observer while filmed to become prominent politician or businessman like Blair or Ashley, you will still have to engage in more minor but grouped recorded behaviour. "We're all in this together".
Men like Sam Allardyce (England soccer manager) would line up to ejaculate over boys with dozens of others in less high profile meetings and say "they won't let me do my job otherwise" summarizing the moral dilemma in a world run by Satanists. Frequently people at these meetings would say the same thing to me, that they had to be there to "make sure they're not (making plans to be) doing anything bad to me".
The masterminds of the Freemasonic network believe in "Magick" or a 'mind over matter' approach. Perception of reality is as or more important than 'reality'. The structured mind-linked matrix insures that the same thoughts are told, perceived and felt by millions of their members. Even in such a meeting deliberately not thinking about what they have decided/wished for, e.g like Blair to become the Labour leader, would still be thinking about it.
If somebody is successful in politics, acting, singing, etc, it is because they either are abused or are an abuser or both. It is self-apparently not a coincidence people like Beyonce and IV (intra venous = mind controlled) tattoos parading and promoting the obvious MK Ultra.
The person who appears to be in charge is Evelyn Rothschild. People like John Major were toadying to him. One of Rothschild's favourite saying is to go "back to basics", which Major was parroting and somebody suggested (sarcastically) that Major adopt as his campaign slogan.

(Left, Tom Hurd recently appointed head of Home Office Office for Security and Counter Terrorism)
Charles Saatchi is, or was, "in charge" of the child sex cult. People are always "in charge" of something in The Royal Arch. Tom Hurd is one of the minions/organisers for Saatchi who will turn up from North to South from shit hole to Palace with the recording equipment, security detail. Paedophiles, especially overseas Sheiks/Oil rich leaders can pay MI-6/Saatchi via Hurd from offshore bank accounts and it won't make the media. They're relatively expensive, but nothing ever comes out.
Everything you see on the BBC has already been decided by MI-6 and is either "protect the first domino" or a brazen display. They discussed David Icke and said "he's a long road ahead of him" after one of his first university gigs. Obviously they know who he is, and they were permitting that part of the knowledge coming through.
Alex Jones' distinctive voice, on the other hand, was being played in 1992, and people are tortured to dislike it, hence it is a trigger. The Royal Arch played high quality recordings of Alex Jones' distinctive voice, while torturing in typical fashion (cattle prod shocks for children) at the sound. Listening to Alex Jones later, is therefore what is called a 'trigger' to torture and will make a lot of MK Ultra victims uncomfortable unconsciously, without them realizing why. I don't know if he's 'in on it', only that The Royal Arch Freemasons are acutely aware of people like David Icke and Alex Jones.
Hurd doesn't think of himself as a paedophile, but an "important government worker" although he must realize the lines are blurred after simultaneously describing sodomizing boys as his favourite thing in the world. It's perhaps also about DNA abuse, and lining up people who are descended from Royalty with each other as part of the Royal Zygote program.
This genetic hardwiring of torture hits the DNA generation after generation where long lines of tortured individuals pass down a torturing for their purposes.. of creating hardened non-disassociating sociopaths? For otherworldly possession. Whatever it is, Hurd said it was his "life's work" "and the life's work of hundreds or thousands of people like me".
He told me Princess Diana was "on her way" weeks before she was killed and that "that woman is not going to destroy my life's work".
I'm less important than Princess Diana, so maybe they let me get away with it, though Hurd also believes in a Russian psychic viewing in which it appears I am linked with his downfall. He spoke to me about his view in 1997 and said he "didn't doubt it" and not to do anything stupid. I replied laughing that I would not do such a thing to cause his downfall even were it in my power. Because he's one of Rothschild's minions just below the likes of Peter Mandelson, he then made my life very difficult leaving me with little to do apart from write articles about it. I guess the thing the Russians didn't tell him is that "it is self-fulfilling prophecy".
MI-6 describe people not in their group, not high level Freemasons as "the little people" and I've never met such people so disinterested in anything and everything anyone else might have to say as them. Unless you're in their club, or offering them a young boy they can barely contain their contempt and indeed I could clearly see it on their faces.
Related- Christopher Lee Describes Black Magic in 1975
-------Satanic Pedophiles Rule Great Britain & Official Drug Running & Sex Slavery
Sex Cult" Runs UK Government, says MI-6 Victim - henrymakow.com
Don said (February 23, 2017):
Henry provides "Disclaimer" that he can't confirm the facts in the article, but I can tell you 15 years of research have provided me the ability to say it is all absolutely true.