Illuminati Use Rappers to Stoke Black Hatred of Whites
December 7, 2016

The working to stoke racial tensions in the US is largely contrived by the infamous Jewish Nazi George Soros. He also threw his support behind Hillary Clinton's presidential bid. Clinton was the 'Black Lives Matter candidate' and 'an even more fanatical supporter of the dangerous, violent BLM movement than Barack Obama.'
But perhaps the more menacing racial manipulation is in the entertainment industry. Often, the Illuminati will use celebrities to spread its pernicious propaganda, like witch Angelina Jolie whoring for the UN or Leo Dicaprio peddling the Climate Hustle.
Specifically for race chaos, rapper Jay-Z is a particularly effective conduit and he also rubs shoulders with the high-level apparatchiks. Obama invited him to visit the White House (their relationship described as a 'bromance') and more recently, he performed a support concert for fellow race-baiter Hillary Clinton during her 2016 election trail.
In fact, Jay-Z (he goes by the name J-Hova) has given more race-baiting support than just rapping. He and his wife, pop mega-puppet Beyonce, bailed out Soros-sponsored rioters during the professional provocations (read: race war) in Ferguson and Baltimore last year. Moreover, Beyonce delivered a racially-charged Super Bowl half-time show. Infowars reports: 'Beyonce led a troupe of dancers dressed as slutty Black Panthers on the field to perform her new single "Formation," which is being considered a sort of rallying cry for the Black Lives Matter movement. At one point during the song, the dancers formed an "X" on the field - an apparent reference to black power icon Malcolm X - and then raised their fists in a stylized black power salute.'

Jay-Z and Beyonce are well-known to frequently display occult hand signs and symbols. The entertainment and patronage from this celebrity couple evidently carries a message of instigation and agitation. But focusing on Jay-Z for a moment, what's behind his dramatis personae? From where is he deriving his driving ideology?
Christian Post reports: 'Jay-Z appears to have embraced the beliefs of the Five-Percent Nation, which is an American organization that holds... that 5 percent of the Earth has the ability to enlighten the rest.
"Arm leg leg arm head this is God Body," raps Jay in the opening lines of the track. This statement touches on the Five-Percent Nation's acronym for Allah who is not the traditional monotheistic God that is followed by orthodox Muslims. Instead, the Nation believes that the Asiatic Blackman is God.
Jay-Z goes on to illustrate how he is like a God to the entertainment world and his fans are his congregation. "I confess, God in the flesh, live among the serpents turn arenas into churches."
Five-Percent members frequently refer to themselves as God according to their doctrine.
Rappers professing to be members of this Nation of Islam offshoot are nothing new in the hip-hop world. In the 1990s, popular rappers such as the Wu Tang Clan, Nas, and Mobb Deep all used the group's terminology and taught the beliefs in some of their music.'
To get a deeper understanding about where this thinking arose, the research on this delusional racial supremacy dogma reveals details Wikipedia left out, namely the Masonic influence in the cult. From Metafilter: 'In 1913, a man named Noble Drew Ali, (born Timothy Drew)
Formed a religious organization called The Moorish Science Temple, based on a supposed lost section of the Koran. Drew's teachings were heavily influenced by Freemasonry, Rosicrucianism, and The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ, which was written by Levi Dowling in 1908, and flourished again in the late 60's and was an influential precursor to the New Age Movement.
Though presented as a sect of Islam, the Moorish Science Temple also drew inspiration from Buddhism, Christianity, Gnosticism and Taoism. Converts often added the suffix "Bey" to their surnames (Note: Jay-Z wife often goes by the name 'Bey' or 'Queen Bey')
After the death of Ali, one of his ministers Wallace Dodd Ford moved to Detroit, rechristened Himself Wallace Fard Muhammad and founded The Nation Of Islam. After the disappearance of Fard Muhammad, leadership of the Nation fell to one of his early followers Elijah Muhammad, a former freemason. He combined the teachings of masonry, philosophies of Moorish Science with Black Nationalist ideology similar to that of Marcus Garvey.
The 7 and star & crescent logo is the official symbol of the NGE, and is derived from the circle 7 symbol on the cover of the Moorish Science Koran and the Star and Crescent used by the Nation of Islam. The Masonic symbol prominently features the letter "G" which some say stands for god, and is the 7th letter of the alphabet."
Clearly, the movement sprang from Masonic occultism reminiscent of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. Jay-Z and their ilk get maximum airtime to infect the body politic.
The subtle inversion of the once monolithic (yet locally variegated) expressions of European-heritage cultures into deplorable 'untouchables' caste-status cannot be underestimated. Through cultural Marxist techniques, the white folk are taught racial harikiri and the Illuminati are using 'black supremacy' as one of its tools. For the NWO, the white man needs to be fully cucked.
VICE posted a vile, first-person account dealing with this chimera credo that highlights the racial subterfuge:
'Five Percenters say that the black man is Allah and the white man is the devil. I am a white man, and also a Muslim, and Five Percenters exist for the pleasure of neither white people nor Muslims, but I have been a friend of this community for roughly a decade now. This relationship has transformed the ways in which I see the world and also myself.

The first lesson I learned from the Five Percent was simple: Fuck white people. Seriously. White people are devils. I don't mean this as a statement on biology, because the category of "race" is only political fiction and bad science. I'm using the term more in the sense of what it means to be marked as white in an unjust society. The fact is that I benefit from being white in several ways that I recognize, and many, many more that I usually fail to see. Because I am so often blind to the benefits of my whiteness, it is possible that I unintentionally reinforce those benefits, no matter how vehemently I say that I oppose racism or shower white affection on groups like the Five Percenters. When people want to sound like they're theoretically sophisticated, they describe this phenomenon with the term, "white privilege." I call it Satan.'
'NGE denotes "Islam" as "I Self Lord And Master". A Five Percenter elder told me that if I rejected white supremacy and strove for righteousness, I could not be called a devil; though he believed in the Five Percenter doctrine of white devils, he would not hold that against me as an individual. The answer was not for white people to instantly stop being white, as Malcolm had claimed that Islam would do for them, but to directly confront their whiteness and everything that whiteness does in the world. To be white in America means that I have been groomed to be a devil.'
The Illuminati grip on the world is increasingly becoming a chokehold. Any conflict can be used to summon particular consequences, be they political or cultural or what have you. In the US, the 'boiling frog' race war has been chosen as the appropriate subterfuge mechanism to further destabilize society. To the Illuminati, race is one of the collective forces deemed dangerous to their power stranglehold and in need of destruction to better subdue mankind to their will.
Not only do we need to be wary of Establishment undermining agents (Obama, Clinton et al) and philanthropic sabotage scum (Soros et al), we should resist sellout celebrities like Jay-Z and his cult mysticism. Any ideology espousing racial superiority (including Jewish supremacists, White supremacist, Black supremacists, or any other type) represents grist for Satan's mill.
The Five-Percenters are useful mind controlled patsies for the Masonic Jewish agenda to degrade and enslave mankind.
Related: The Tall Israeli that Runs the Rap Industry
------------------Truther Rap (from Glen)
First Comment by CR-
It's worth noting that rap music was actually developed from the very beginning by members of black supremacist cults.
"In his autobiography, Life and Def: Sex, Drugs, Money, and God, Russell Simmons, a founding father of the rap music industry, labels the Nation of Gods and Earths as an "important influence" in the history of Hip-Hop that has been overlooked.
In her study, Five Percenter Rap: God Hop's Music, Message and Black Muslim Message, documenting that Kool Herc reported a heavy Five Percenter presence at his parties, Professor Felicia M. Miyakawa observed:
"Even in the earliest days of Hip-Hop, the Five Percenters were regarded as an integral part of the Hip Hop scene." The fact that an entire book has been published on the topic of Five Percenter influence on rap is a testimony to the strength of the impact.
It has also been reported that two of Hip Hop's founders Kool Herc and Afrika Bambaataa personally studied Five Percent teachings as well. The foundational lessons of the Zulu Nation, the spiritual core of early Hip-Hop, were directly derived from the Supreme Mathematics and Alphabets. The Gods and Earths being a factor in the switch from street wars to street jams gels with what Russell Simmons further records in his autobiography." Source
Africa Bambaataa is a rather controversial figure these days as he has been accused of molesting several young men:
That shouldn't come as a surprise since he is also affiliated with the Nuwaubian Nation, another black supremacist cult with a pseudo-Egyptian UFO twist. Their founder, a "Dr." Malachi Z. York, is currently serving a life sentence for numerous child molestation charges. From
"Adherence declined steeply after York was convicted of numerous counts of child molestation and financing violations, and sentenced to 135 years in federal prison in April 2004."

Here's the doctor himself. Does his outfit look familiar?
Jay-Z was also a member of this cult, but strangely there seems to be no available reference available online to prove this fact. However, you can see his video with his mentor Jaz-O where Jaz-O is wearing clothes with their logo, and at the beginning of the video there is a man wearing a jacket with their logo and the words "Nubian Nation". Here's the video:
Peter said (December 10, 2016):
This story has been doing the rounds for quite a while and, like the Protocols of Zion, if not true , like Henry Ford said about the latter, it explains exactly how the world has got this way.
" He told us that since our employers had become silent investors in this prison business, it was now in their interest to make sure that these prisons remained filled. Our job would be to help make this happen by marketing music which promotes criminal behavior, rap being the music of choice. He assured us that this would be a great situation for us because rap music was becoming an increasingly profitable market for our companies, and as employee, we’d also be able to buy personal stocks in these prisons. Immediately, silence came over the room. You could have heard a pin drop. I remember looking around to make sure I wasn’t dreaming and saw half of the people with dropped jaws. My daze was interrupted when someone shouted, “Is this a f****** joke?â€"
Of course, what they were told even would not be all the truth. Setting the formerly united states of America up for race wars and balkanization would be the larger part of that agenda. What has been done to black identity politics is what the Satanic Talmudic Elites did to the Jewish religion millennia ago. Rinse, rap, repeat.