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Results matching “chabad”

( Henry Ford's statement about the Protocols of the Elders of Zion 100 years ago is more relevant than ever.)Satanists (Organized Jewry and Freemasonry) intend to destroy the authentic American: White, Heterosexual, Christian. The fifth plank of the Communist Manifesto calls for a private (i.e. Rothschild) central bank. Society is under constant

Encore- Pandemic Disguises Illuminati Power Grab

 Communists always have a plausible excuse for their ruthless satanic agenda.A naked grab for more power would meet with resistance. That is why it is disguised asa pandemic. But what is the difference between martial law and medical martial law based on a phoney pandemic? None. (March 19, 2020) by Henry Makow PhDTime to
"If you ask the worst mass murderer in world history for help - what do you expect in return?"The author is a member of Falun Gong, residing in Sweden. While he is justifiably opposed to the CCP, he forgets that the US and China are complicit in the coronavirus hoax.

#Scamdemic - Are We Headed for Recovery or Dystopia?

(credit. David Dees)We are caught between two competing scenarios:  1) return to something resembling "normal" and 2) a descent into a dystopiaof mandatory vaccines and digital tattoos.By Henry Makow PhD  1) The stock market is betting on a V-shaped recovery. The #scamdemic will end with the flu season, lockdowns will end and normality

Putin was a Waif Adopted by Chabad

Chabad is a Jewish supremacist doomsday cult. Its hateful satanist dogma (Cabalism) might explain the coronavirus psyop. Freemasonry's Cabalist cousin, its tentacles are everywhere. This 2008 speech by Russia Chief Rabbi Berel Lazar,  indicates that Chabad is sponsored by the Rothschilds & likely counts  Putin and Trump as members.Revelation 12:9 "....that old

Is the Coronavirus a Chinese-Chabad Co-Production?

Could the real story be secret US-China collusion? ... After all, there is a 'Chabad hotline' between Beijing China Chabad, and the Washington DC Chabad attended by Trump's son-in-law Jared Brabantian( Covid-19 coronavirus plague underway - hinting at a repeat of the 1918-20 'Spanish flu' which killed between

Michael Hoffman -- Kabbalah Judaism is Satanism

The Illuminati are Kabbalists (i.e.Satanists)Reader asks Michael Hoffman:Is the word "Satan" actually used? Can't find any translation online. Send me the Hebrew word.Hoffman: Evangelical Christians "worship their would-be executioners. This is diabolic disorientation....the ancient Zohar insinuates a certain urgency to the sacrifice of goyim that Israel must make to Satan..."by Michael Hoffman( The

Gangster Trump Destroyed His Own Brother

(That's Fred Trump Jr. in the black jacket. Donald is at his right. My Jew-dar says his mother is Jewish.) What could he do to you? Donald Trump was raised to "win"even if it means running roughshod over any opposition. He has no human compassion. He is a monster.This Iraq story reminded me of how Trump

US Cast as "Great Satan" in Coming Apocalypse

"E Michael Jones tells the Iranians that the US electoral system is owned by the Jews. ( It is operated by their social Masonry - this must always be said ). Indeed a private Jewish bank owns the entire apparatus of government. It is a ZOG. This is not

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