Dec 15 - Christian Backlash Against Satanism Begins
December 15, 2023

Michael Cassidy, 35, a former military officer who once ran for office as a Republican, said he "saw this blasphemous statue and was outraged."
"My conscience is held captive to the word of God, not to bureaucratic decree. And so I acted," Mr. Cassidy told The Sentinel, adding that he was further motivated by 1 John 3:8 (English Standard Version), "The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil."
"The world may tell Christians to submissively accept the legitimization of Satan, but none of the founders would have considered government sanction of Satanic altars inside Capitol buildings as protected by the First Amendment," he said. "Anti-Christian values have steadily been mainstreamed more and more in recent decades, and Christians have largely acted like the proverbial frog in the boiling pot of water."
Police later arrested and charged Mr. Cassidy with fourth-degree criminal mischief, reported Fox News. A Give Send Go fundraiser secured $20,000 within three hours to help cover his legal costs.
Breaking! Iowa Capitol Satan Statue Beheaded By Rogue Christian. The false idol's head was tossed in a trash bin.
COVID Fear Mongers---Never forget, never forgive

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Liberal MPs have written to the presidents of Canada's largest universities, asking them to clarify if calling for the genocide of Jews or the elimination of Israel breaches their codes of conduct and to spell out the steps they are taking to ensure that Jewish students and staff feel safe.
Israel actually engaging in genocide but these Zionazis are concerned about verbal threats to Jews
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Also on Thursday, Gaza's Health Ministry said nearly 18,800 people, mostly women and children, had been killed in the war that the regime started following an operation staged by the territory's resistance movements.
Speaking to Press TV on Wednesday, a senior Hamas official reaffirmed the movement's determination to continue standing up to the Israeli regime's unbridled aggression.
Osama Hamdan, Hamas' senior representative in Lebanon, said the movement was ready for "a long war" against the Israeli regime, and would not give up resistance.-Five
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-"It is so hard to be anything other than woke these days. You basically lose everything if anyone finds out, and you have to keep the guise up which is just exhausting. You lose friends, relationships, your job, get targeted... even if you get through the filters and have a job a lot of times you have to do things to support the left. ...
Being social in the real world, you can't really even find out if you're among your own people who don't want to send you to a camp, without alerting them so you have to get real close first before asking things to learn that, and if you're white and not overly zealous against the right-wing to the point that you spout it out every other sentence and post it to social media then you're probably assumed to be conservative by default and treated differently in general.
Oh and for me its also a mental tear because I don't want to be the bad guy, I've always been good and friendly, did what i was supposed to do, straight and narrow, never thought I'd be called all the things I am now, but they've taken it too far, and if you don't take a hard stance against it all then they'll absorb you.
wheres the conspira--shuddup you know full well this is the only place I'm allowed to post this kind of rant. This is not just a place of conspiracies but the last bastion for those who believe them
James said (December 15, 2023):
Thank you once again for sharing the event of Michael Cassidy destroying the image of Satan.
He, like you, is a rare human being imbued with courage and fortitude to act out his beliefs.
I say rare in that most so-called Christian men have neither of these attributes. Their so-called
virtues are non like the Jesus of the Bible. Most are wimps waiting for someone else to stand in the gap to do the-right-thing. Jesus of the Bible stood un-afraid against the Satanists of his day and they killed him for his bravery. What will the Satanists in Iowa do to Michael?
I wonder how many of so-called Christian men in Iowa will come to Michael’s aid? Will they have
the guts to identify with him by opposing those who wish to silence his actions? Pay his bills. Go to court.
Support his family. Visit him in jail if needed. Only time will tell.
From my experience with so-called Christian men over the past many years, few will step-up to help him.
Sad it is. I hope I am wrong.