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Results matching “Aloysius Fozdyke”


Canada, Australia & NZ Are Still Colonies

Truthers hounded by thugs. by Henry Makow, Ph.D On November 30, Satanist insider Aloysius Fozdyke wrote "I have been busy hosing down an event which could have turned into a disaster for our plans and mission that relates to an alleged solicitor and an interview on American and Internet radio.

Hillary's Promise: A Fascist Economy

Satanist Insider writes that during her visit to Australia in mid November, Hillary Clinton told insiders that new IRS rules related to Obamacare will bury US business in red tape: Henry, "She [Hillary Clinton]  said something about IRS laws that come into operation in 2012 and a lot of new

Satanist Insider: Hillary Promised Inflation

(left, Satanist confab in mid November - Hillary & Oz PM, toilet vampiress, Julia Gillard)"Hillary said that the process of the American dollar's destruction had started some time ago and was 'proceeding nicely'. Because the American economy was deflating they debased the American dollar, thereby keeping the price of food

Satanist Says Financial Collapse Still On

   [Disclaimer: Although  Foszdyke's views are repugnant, they provide confirmation that the world is indeed run by a satanic cult, the Illuminati. However we must take his predictions with a grain of salt. He boasts that he predicted Julia, the "toilet vampiress," would remain Australian Prime Minister but he has

Fraud? -- Oz, NZ & Canada are not Independent

[ The following article by "Ken" of the website argues that former British colonies, Australia, New Zealand and Canada never actually achieved independence. World government is an extension of the "British Empire" and independence would have been a step in the wrong direction. So they faked it.   Their

"Satanist Insider" Told to Sign Off

By Aloysius Fozdyke The other images group around me to support me: let all be worshiped, for they shall cluster to exalt me. I am the visible object of worship; the othersare secret...Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he

Satanist Hints Oz PM is "Toilet Vampiress"

[Ed. Note: In his last testimony, Satanist Frater 616 writes that "Some of the deadliest, most effective and disarming assassins are women... the Outer Head of the Alpha Lodge  Australasia is a very highly placed and successful Federal politician--whose Satanic name is Bestia." Many believe he is referring to Julia

Is New Oz PM Head of Satanist Lodge?

by Henry Makow Ph. D In a dramatic coup June 24 2010, Julia Gillard took over as Prime Minister from Kevin Rudd and became Australia's first female PM. Gillard is the first PM to be unmarried and a lesbian. (She is in a relationship with Tim Mathieson - who is

Satanist Insider: "There is No Escape!"

"The Tazer is a Cattle-Prod! ...There are no constraints left [on] the road to totalitarianism." [Editor's Note: Aloysius first gave the world this information. Recently, I asked him for some insight on Zionism and Freemasonry. I expressed disappointment with his response. He sent me a new reply today. Some may

Satanist Insider Responds to "Disbelievers"

"After the culling, you will lick the hand which feeds you."From Aloysius Fozdyke Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the known.[In response to readers:]"How many of the Sheeple have become spiritual warriors, through prayer and sacrifice."A lot. I love Xtian [Christian] spiritual warriors cowering

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