Satanist Insider Responds to "Disbelievers"
June 20, 2010

From Aloysius Fozdyke
Let my servants be few & secret: they shall rule the many & the known.
[In response to readers:]
"How many of the Sheeple have become spiritual warriors, through prayer and sacrifice."
A lot. I love Xtian [Christian] spiritual warriors cowering on their knees in prayer!
"It is a also war on the spiritual level..."
Yes. We appreciate that far more than you ever will. Perhaps you should re-read my posts.
"The true arrogance is the Satanists who ram everything down our throat and get angry when we won't just eat it up."
Denied. We give the sheeple what they want. No need to ram (pun intended).
"[Satanists] get insulted when we don't readily believe their lies."
You bought 9/11, didn't you? If not, you did nothing about it, did you? You engage in pointless politics, attend our churches, work harder and longer for less and less, die in our wars, use our banks, follow the curriculum and enjoy modern media. We can't ask for much more.
As for the "King of Liars", I refer to Genesis 2:17, Matthew 16:28, Mark 13:30 and Luke 21:32. Like father, like son. The fruit never falls far from the tree. Jesus is coming! Will you spit or swallow? It must be remembered that this "King of Liars" title was given by God's sale manager on Earth; the Altar Boys' wet-dream. His miracles were events described by those to whom these were told by people who did not see them. Moreover, to prove the gospels and their 'hero' by miracles is to prove absurdities by things contrary to nature, experience and reason. Sure Jesus lives - vampires never die!
"As Christ told the Jew who wanted to put away his wife: "If you put away this weeping woman, her pain will end at death. Yours will then begin, to last forever!"
Any scriptural reference for that quote John, or did you just make it up yourself in the heat of the moment?
Finally, the god you worship wants to hand out eternal punishment for temporal crimes. Hardly just, is it? The scriptures you never really study are propaganda pieces full of murder, weeping and gnashing of teeth. The inspiration of your bible depends upon the ignorance of the person who reads it. Hardly edifying stuff, unless you're a slave. It was Saul who first gave the filth their tongue! The world grows more humane as it discards Xtianity. If god had wanted to send us a message and ancient writings were the only way he could think of doing it, he could have done a much better job.
Satanism as a spirituality recognizes and revels in the here and now physicality of existence - the 'evocation of the open cheque-book' so to speak. The only thing that money can't buy is poverty! We also know that there is a non-physical reality and we work with that as well. Ours is not a faith based pipe-dream. Ours is knowledge and action!
The economic collapse will be this year - 2010! I'm still awaiting word as to whether it will be sooner or later. When it happens we're talking days, not weeks. Kazuhiko-san (our little Queen Himiko: "the double-wanded one" Liber Al III:34) has contacts who have advised that the Japanese economy is doomed - bet you didn't hear that on your free, independent media. When I last spoke to Nicholson he told me that the Bank of England has huge investments in the banking systems of Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain. You work it out.
We have our global currency ready. We're about to move. It'll be micro-chipped just like New Zealand drivers' licenses. (And if you doubt me, just give your NZ drivers' license a few seconds in the microwave, sit tight and you'll have a replacement license sent to you in under two weeks.) Sheeple aren't ready for electronic cash cards just yet. I'm pushing for it to be named the Novo, but we'll see.
And after the culling, you will lick the hand which feeds you.
Give Us this day Our ecstasy...for We are Your kingdom, for aeons and aeons...
Editor's Note: Fozdyke gave us his friend's testament: " Australian Adept Unveiled World Satanic Control")
Reports of "Nightmare Scenario" in Gulf
Friends said (June 24, 2010):
"Mr. Fosdycke, your name in itself reveals your penchants and your weakness as is to be expected of your kind. Humanity can thank you for playing the cosmic game - you have fulfilled your role in an uninspired and unsurprising way as have most of your brethren. Your "strong allies" have united all the weakest human souls and fed them the illusion - reinforced by your poor, reduced and reductive "Magick" and other petty tricks - and have succeeded only in defining their lack of ability and losing themselves in their lessor endeavors and obsessions. You have no idea of the transparency you have for those "that can see". There is nothing extraordinary in this. Greater souls than your own have seen every action you would perform in times and spaces you are totally unaware of. We thank you for playing your roles, but we pity you because the only humans to fall into your trap have been yourselves. Nothing else you have done will leave a mark - you are far too late... We will remember you for exploring and showing the dark path as it is. Beyond that, no-one can help you beyond yourselves. You may continue with your last, desperate attempts to destroy and pervert the human spirit - all for nothing eventually except to feed what remains of your devoured beings. We can even thank you for not complaining about the price you will have to pay; one your checkbooks will be quite insufficient for, unfortunately.
The human spirit still not only survives in all it's glory, but has developed into areas you have been incapable of curtailing and that make the strongest of your concepts futile. But between us, you have made a great sacrifice, so there are people that will always thank you and - dare I say - respect you for that. We are entering a time where humanity creates a utopia, or ceases to be, and you and your kind have provided us for millennia with all the experience possible of every divisive, destructive, self-defeating system the human imagination could think of. Everything outside of your poor frame of reference is beautiful, and will be used to create a paradise on this earth and beyond it. Human ingenuity has always triumphed in the past, and will rapidly erase the scars of your passing.
May your souls be in peace one day, and, again, our thanks for your teachings. Once you are gone, none of your mistakes will be repeated.